


Minho fell on his bed, completely exhausted. He had had another long day, recording for his latest drama. He really liked acting, but he missed being with the others. Once again, they had gone to another event without him, leaving him to sulk all alone in the house. He rolled over, putting his head on his pillow. He suddenly felt something rough brush against his leg. He lifted his head and saw an envelope on the bed. He reached for it and as he was about to toss it on the floor, his eyes suddenly caught the words ‘For Minho’. He immediately cocked an eyebrow, staring at the writing. He knew who that was from. He ripped the envelope open and took out the paper that was in it. It was an ordinary white sheet filled with handwritten text. Minho was almost afraid to read what it said. He couldn’t understand why Key would have left a letter for him. He just sat there for a few minutes, not knowing what to do.

“I should read it,” he finally told himself.

I know you must ask yourself why I wrote you a letter. I just need to get some things off my chest…

First of all, I want to apologize.

Minho’s eyes grew big with shock. Key had never apologized to him before. He continued reading.

We’ve never been the best of friends; in fact, I think that we’ve never been able to really be friends. At first, I tried not to let it affect me, but now, it’s unbearable.

I’ve realized, after the fight we had last week, how badly I’ve been treating you. I’m really sorry… You may think that I hate you, but I really don’t. This is going to be really hard for me to say but…  Minho, you’re the person I’ve always wanted to be friends with the most.

Minho put the letter down. He just couldn’t believe what he was reading. Was Key joking? He rubbed his face with his hands and took the letter once again.

When we first met, I was really intimidated by you. You were tall, handsome and mysterious. You didn’t talk much, but I could see that you were a nice boy. I wanted to get to know you better, but I just froze. That’s why I avoided you so much in the beginning. After we debuted, I knew I couldn’t keep on being that awkward little boy from Daegu, so I had to find a way to stand out and being sassy was what I thought suited me best. I started acting that way whenever we would appear in shows but, at home, I would just keep to myself because I didn’t feel like I deserved to be surrounded by such talented people.

“It’s true. Key didn’t talk to us much before,” Minho thought.

Later on, I started to feel more confident as an idol. I found that it was because of my diva persona, so I decided that it’s who I should be all the time.  It was the only way I could stay strong in this harsh business. I started to act that way at home too and that’s when we started to grow further apart. Everyone was happy to see me get out of my shell, but I knew that the person I had become didn’t please you. To this day, I can see that you still don’t like me… I don’t know if you’ll believe me, but what I really want to tell you is that it’s not who I really am. I’ve lost myself trying to fit in this world and while my persona helped me get along better with everyone, it never helped me be friends with you. It just pushed you away and I want you to know that it breaks my heart. Every time we fight and you look at me in anger, I feel like a piece of . I never let it show and I just scream right back at you, because if I don’t, I’ll fall apart… What I’m trying to say is that… I… I love you and I don’t want you to hate me anymore. I want us to get along and be good friends. That’s all I ever wanted. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you this face to face. I’m a coward.


Minho’s hands were shaking. He sat there for some time, his mind completely blank. He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. When he turned around, he saw Taemin smiling at him.

“Hyung, what are you doing?” the maknae asked.

“You’re home already?” Minho asked, surprised.

“Well, it’s 9 pm…”

“Really???” He got up. “Where is Kibum?”

“He’s in the backyard, watering the flowers.”

Minho rushed to the back door and a few seconds later, he stopped in front of the older one. Key looked at him, nervous.

“Hey…” Key said awkwardly.

“I read your letter”, Minho replied.

“Oh… ”

Key could feel his heart beat really fast; he thought he was going to collapse.

“I don’t know what to say”, Minho admitted.

“You don’t have to say anything.”

Minho sighed.

“I’ve always wanted to be your friend.”

“But… I thought you hated me.”

“Actually, I thought you hated me”, the younger one said with a little smile.

Key couldn’t believe what he had just heard.

“I promise I won’t be such a from now on.”

“I now understand why you act that way, but you don’t have to with me. I want to know the real you. ”

Key suddenly burst into tears. Minho took him in his arms, caressing his back. They stayed like this, both feeling relieved. 

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Chapter 1: Damn ninjas dicing onions. Get thee away from me!

Don't worry. This did not .
bby_tigz #2
Chapter 1: omg crying!!! this was awesome nd omg the situation wit minho nd key's relationship.. just ughhh.. luv this fic!
puppy_love #3
Chapter 1: Omg!!! I cry reading key's letter to minho. I don't know why. So sweet ....
Chapter 1: this is fabulous..and Dear writer, please tell your imagination how impressed I feel because of it...Aww Thank youuu
thank you everyone for your comments! <3 ^^ I'm glad you liked it.
Minkeyshipper4ever #6
Chapter 1: AWWW....Sweetest fanfic ever<3 loved it <3
Minkeyshipper4ever #7
Chapter 1: AWWW....Sweetest fanfic ever<3 loved it <3
Chapter 1: I love it.. <3
Chapter 1: This is beautiful :)