Getting a new assignment

100% Bad Guy & the Artificial Girl


Sungmi and Hyosung walked to the cafeteria together. They caught up with everyone else, and they greeted them cheerfully. “Hey Guys!” Sungmi said. “Hi Guys.” Hyosung said. Everyone smiled back. “I’m going to buy my lunch.” Sungmi said and left the group.

“How’s she holding up? She didn’t let yesterday get to her right?” Chunji asked. Hyosung sighed and turned around, watching Sungmi walk away. “I don’t know.. It’s a first for her.” She said. She turned to face him again.

“It’s the first time something like this happens.. She’s loved by everybody at her old school. Wait, why do you care?” Hyosung asked raising a brow. Chunji shrugged coolly. “She reminds me of someone I used to know.” He said. He then turned and glanced at Zinger and sighed. *You used to be nice and peppy like her.. What happened to my Hana..* He thought.

“Guys! Where’s Jonghwan?” Sunhwa asked. They began glancing around. “Don’t know..” Jieun said. She began panicking and she ran to find him. “What was her relationship with Jonghwan again?” Changjo asked.

“She likes him, stupid.” Niel said smacking him from behind. Changjo glared at him. “YEA! HYUNG!” Then a catfight started breaking out.


“One chicken sandwich and water please.” Sungmi said. The lunchlady handed her food to her and she paid. “Kamsamida!” She cheerfully said and walked away. The lunchlady sighed, *There hasn’t been someone like that for a while…*

Sungmi began walking back to her table when Mr. Park walking into the hallway caught her eye. *I should ask him how I did!* She thought.  She began following him, trying to catch up.

“Mr. Park!” She yelled. He heard her and chuckled. *Where’s Jonghwan?* He thought. He headed back for his classroom. Sungmi continued following him and yelling, “Mr. park!”

She took her backpack off her back and quickly stuffed her water bottle and sandwich into the bag. She then quickly put the backpack back on her back and tried to dash up to him. He began speed walking and reached his classroom. He spotted Jonghwan and quickly walked up to him.

“Jonghwan-ah!” He yelled. The teen looked up surprised to see his choir teacher again. He had a dazed expression and bowed. “Songsaenim.” He said.

“Mr. Park!” They heard. A girl was seen running up to where they were. Jonghwan’s eyes widened and his heart began pounding in his chest. Her eyes widened and her heart slightly accelerated. She gulped and looked at the teacher, who was chuckling at this cute moment.

He quickly coughed and caught both of their attentions. “I need to speak to both of you regarding your performance,” He said. He unlocked his classroom and walked in. The two students followed him into his classroom. He then placed his briefcase down at his desk ,in the corner of his room, and sat down. The two students stood in front of his desk. Between them, was a awkward space. Mr. Park chuckled again.

“You two both have exotic, and beautiful voices,” He began. The students started to smile. “But there is no feelings in your expressions or tone.” He stated. Their faces fell. “What?” Sungmi asked. The two guys turned to her and she locked eyes with the teacher.

“When you sang Sungmi, no doubt, you have the voice of an angel. You both sang a love song, but you looked as if you’ve never fallen in love before.” He said. *I haven’t, yet.* They both thought.

“When you’re happy, sad, angry, joyful you’re voice tends to have a different feel. Your voice seems to have no emotion. You guys can smile a happy or sad song, but you have no feelings for a love song. Do you know what the solution is?” He asked. Both of the students gave him a blank and confused look.

“You have to fall in love. Know the feeling of it. You can love someone. But being in love is completely different.” He said. Both of their heartbeat started increasing. *T-To fall in love..?* They thought.

“That’s why, I found out you both have all 1 classes. Impressive. But with all that time you must be bored, so I’m giving you two 3 weeks for this project because it takes time. Whatever grade you get on this project will be your grade in my class.” He said. The two students nodded.

“You have to sing a duet with each other. That you both have written together.” He said. Their eyes widened and they slowly looked at each other. They locked eyes and turned back to the teacher, trying to keep cool. “You guys don’t have to fall for each other or anything like that.” The students gave him confused looks.

“I know this is very strange. But somehow, fall in love with someone, or something. And write your heart out in this song. It has to be a song that you would sing to your lover.” He said. The students nodded at him. *Fall in love..* They thought.

“Okay, you can go now.” He said. With that, the students left his classroom. Sungmi closed the door to his classroom. *Fall in love? How am I suppose to..* She thought and she turned around. Her eyes widened when she was staring at someone’s chest. She looked up and saw Jonghwan.

Both their hearts began beating as fast as lightning. “Look, I don’t want to do this project anymore than you probably do, don’t think of this as a project where we spend any time together. I’ll do my half and you do yours.” He said. He then walked away, rudely bumping into my shoulder. I touched my shoulder and then turned around.

“Jonghwan!” She yelled. She didn’t know why she did that. He turned around. “Y-You have a nice voice..” She said and then she turned and scurried off. His heart began racing again. He didn’t know why he was so cold to her, was it anger, jealously? He was confused. But the compliment she gave him, somehow made him feel, happy.. It was as if anything she says will make me happier. He turned back in his direction and began walking to the cafeteria. *Why did she say that? It was cute… WTH, NO. EWW.* He thought and mentally began cursing himself.

Sungmi ran out of the hallway and into the schoolyard. Her heart was accelerating as fast as lightning and her legs felt like jelly. She had a red face. But the strange part to it was, the scene with her and Jonghwan, kept replaying in her head..

*What is wrong with me?! Why is my heartbeating faster around him..* She thought. She kicked some pebbles and sat down on the floor. *Sure he’s handsome.. And cute and has a breath taking voice but.. but… He’s a meanie!?* She screamed in her head. She sighed and took out her sandwich and began to eat. She then heard screaming and yelling which startled her.

“YA! How could you?!” Someone yelled. Sungmi saw L.Joe and his girlfriend talking. “I thought you liked me!!” The girl screamed. L.Joe smirked and looked up at her with no emotion in his eyes.

“I never did. I was just using you. You think it’d date a girl that kisses like you do? Ewww. I was just wasting my time with you. I’m not a toy you can come at when you’re bored. You’re kinda boring on the bed. So, we’re done.” L.Joe said. He coolly walked away. The girl began crying and my heart broke.

*I-I I’ve never seen L.Joe like this… Now I know what Hyosung went through, and I’m afraid of going through that… He hangs around me because he likes my nice and cute personaility right.. Maybe I need to fix that.* She thought.

Then the bell rang and Sungmi headed off to class.

During class, she sat as far away from Jonghwan as she could have. She didn't want him to distract her in anyway. But for some reason, him being in the room bothered her. He kept occasionally looking back and Sungmi pretended not to noticed. When she looked up, Jonghwan quickly glanced back to do his work. 

The nerd, Jongin, was watching us, amused. He decided it would have been funny if he left the classroom so that we'd be alone. Jonghwan and Sungmi didn't even notice when Jongin left the classroom. Jonghwan tried his best not to look back at her but utterly failed. 

*She's on my mind, and she won't leave me eyes.. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?* He thought. 

*Why do I keep looking at him...?* Sungmi thought. 


“Sungmi!” Hyosung yelled, catching up to Sungmi. “Can you come with me to StarShip?” She asked. Sungmi smiled and nodded. “Let’s go! Is it close?” She asked.

“Umm, we have to take a taxi to the school.” Hyosung said. They began walking out to the open road and looking for a taxi. Hyosung managed to class a taxi and they both hopped in.

“Oh, where were you at lunch?” Hyosung asked. Sungmi’s mind began trailing back to Jonghwan. For some reason he wouldn’t leave her mind.

“I-I asked Mr. Park how I did…” She said. Hyosung nodded. “Did you do well?” She said. Sungmi couldn’t lie to Hyosung, “Um, well, he said I had a good voice, but… There were no feelings behind my emotions.” She said. Hyosung nodded understanding.

“It’s hard singing a love song, without ever falling in love.” She said. “And.. He assigned us a project.” She said.

“Us? What kind of project?” Hyosung asked. “Jonghwan was there outside the room. He has the same problem I did. And Mr. Park gave us 3 weeks to write a love song. And sing it with feelings. By that, we both have to fall in love..” Sungmi explained. Hyosung gave her a baffled look and softened.

“You want to meet some of Himchan’s friends? They’re pretty hot. It’s not like you’re interested in anybody at our school right?” Hyosung asked.

“I guess..?” Sungmi said. “Ohhh! We’re here!” Hyosung said. She slapped the driver his money and quickly jumped out of the car. Sungmi apologized for her friends quickness and stepped out of the taxi calmly. She saw Hyosung begin to fix herself.

Sungmi put a hand on her shoulder. “No need, you’re prettier without makeup.” She said. Hyosung softened and closed her compact. “Do you wear any makeup?” She asked.

Sungmi shook her head. “I don’t believe in makeup.” She said. Hyosung nodded. “Where are we going?” Sungmi asked.

“Well, Himchan texted me to meet him in front of the school after school.” Sungmi nodded. “I think that’s him!” Hyosung pointed at a blonde boy’s back. She yelled out, “Himchan!?” But the boy didn’t turn around. “I guess not..” Someone then back hugged Hyosung. The boy was tall, skinny, and had blonde hair. He released her and she turned around, smiling. 

"Hi channie." She said and giggled. 




He smiled at her and turned to Sungmi.   She smiled and waved.  "Channie, this is my friend. Kim Sungmi."  Hyosung said. Himchan stuck his hand out and She shook it. 

"Sungmi, this is my friend Himchan." Hyosung said. Sungmi's eyes widened. "Really?" She said wiggling her eyebrow, earning blushes from both people. 

"Sungmi.. Sungmi.. I don't remember you mentioning a Sungmi..?" He asked. Sungmi chuckled, "I'm a friend she got reunited with." She said. "OHHHHH," Himchan said loudly and nodded. 

"Yea! Himchan!" A loud voice roared. It shocked Sungmi and she slightly flinched. Hyosung rubbed her arm, ressuring it was okay. The voice sounded frightening and very deep. 

"Yongguk-ah!" Himchan hollered back. A group of blonde boys started crowding around Himchan and Hyosung. Sungmi  was accidentally shoved out of the group and stood out. She began looking at the school.  
*This place sorta reminds me of NewShip. I miss it already..* Sungmi thought. "Sungmi!" Someone yelled. She looked up and saw Hyosung motioning for her to join. 

"Hey Guys, this is my friend Sungmi." Hyosung chirped. Sungmi chuckled at her cuteness. One of the guys looked at her and his lips. "Hey sweet thang." He cooed, stepping towards her a bit. Sungmi gave him a frightened look as she backed away from him.

"Youngjae! Stop freaking her out!" Himchan yelled and violently shoved Youngjae away. He rasied his hands in surrender and smirked at her. *I'm getting you.* He thought. 

"Let's go get some Ice Cream!" Himchan said. Everyone nodded in agreement. The group began walking and talking towards the nearest ice cream shop. Sungmi was silently following Hyosung and Himchan while the two were talking. 

She didn't noticed Youngjae keeping an eye on her.

As they ordered their ice cream, Jongup gotten a phone call. On the way there Sungmi had learned all of the members names. Jongup had a cute smile and could dance well. Yongguk had the voice similar to TOP. Daehyun reminded her of an actor while Zelo had the cutest face among them all. She knew Himchan and Youngjae by heart. Which slightly, crepped her out. 

"Guys, we gotta jet. Uncle Sam wants to see us. But he said Himchan could stay." Jongup said. "Is that okay man?" Yongguk asked, wrapping his arm around Himchan's shoulder. He nodded and winked. 

After getting their ice cream, Yongguk and the others left. Leaving, Hyosung, Himchan, and I. 

"What's that word when someones a third wheeler on a date?" Sungmi asked. "-blocker." Himchan answered scooping a spoon of ice cream into his mouth. Sungmi nodded then looked at Hyosung. She sheepishly smiled back and looked at her ice cream. 

There was an awkward silence in the air. 

Until someone tapped Sungmi's shoulder. She turned around and her eyes widened. It was one of her longest friends, Minhee. "Minhee!" Sungmi said excitingly. She hopped out of her chair and violently attack Minhee with a hug. The girl laughed at her best friends force. But, she was used to it. 

Hyosung chuckled. "Sungmi, you know Himchan?" She asked. Sungmi nodded. "He's my friend's friend." She said. Hyosung then turned around and waved. "Maybe, my cousin and you should go do some catching up to do!" Himchan exclaimed, clapping his hands together. 

"Is that okay?" Sungmi asked Hyosung. She nodded. *Alone time with my man.* She thought. Sungmi read her mind and chuckled. "Okay, bye!" She said. 

Hyosung waved back and Himchan then sighed. "Finally..." Hyosung gave him an angry look. "No! Not like that, I finally have alone time with you." He said. He took Hyosung's hand into his, "I have something to ask you," He began. 

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klienchoung #1
Seriously liked it lots ♥♡ even had a few mini heart breaks myself while reading. Keep up the nice woork
cynthia0818 #2
Chapter 36: AWESOME STORY AUTHOR-NIM!!!!! <3
Chapter 5: Why is it StarShips....
krinkle_shawol #5
Chapter 32: Waaaaah~ That was nice :D Good job, author-nim!
angel_000 #6
Chapter 16: Why not Baekhyun.....:'(
Chapter 36: jiro7pokpdl aww so sweet
Chapter 3: Kaye started reading this today even though I subscribed to it a long time ago...
Chapter 34: A sequel pls!! I really love this story!! Update soon ne ^^
-B2STfreakk #10
Chapter 34: Well, a sequel would be nice, but it's totally up to you. (: if you want to work on your other story, when you finish this one, you can finish up your other story then put up the sequel.