A Million-Watt Smile.


Kimberly:An exchange student, at Korea University, and a Political Science Major. A very chirpy, talented girl, who's very good at singing and playing the guitar. A goofball at times, and an can be a very good friend. 

Daesung: Known to be the happy-virus, chipper guy of the school. He's a very happy person, and loves making people smile. His voice is unique, and husky, and is admired by many. Although he hasn't taken up Singing as a major, he's happy with Political Science.


It's just a story of how they meet, for the first time.


This one's a request from Kimmy-chaaan! Or nomrawr.

Enjoy your Daesung fanfic. :D


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shawolistic #1
Chapter 1: THIS WAS SO FRIGGIN HILARIOUS. i liek fics which hv the friendship quality more than the romance quality between the protagonists!! ^_^ and i snorted at the part where kimmy snorted * embarrassed* <.<
you portrayed Daesung perfectly T^T
Kimmy you lucky woman XD
oh sorry Kimbap! XD
nomrawr #2
Chapter 1: OH HECK NO!
Whenever someone calls me now, I'll only think of Kimbap with in turn will lead to other thoughts >.>

This was the shortest oneshot ever, BUT the cutest most adorable goofy innocent one <3333

Omo i was seriously laughing at his dialogues -_- my dad must be thinking me to be crazy

I love my Ajhumma. And he loves his Kimbap. And our love has no end.
I should shut up.