Uneasy Feeling ~Half Rated~

♥....Smile Again....♥

Few days passed:

“Yesung oppa! Get off me!” a shriek came from the dance studio. “Oppa, let go off me! Argh, may hair~”

“What’s going on here-” I started as I walked in and saw Yesung oppa hugging his little sister Yumi on the floor.

“Unnie, help me jebal! This idiot is smothering me!” she cried dramatically, “Urr Yesung let me go! Oh my god-”

“Yumi!” Siwon came glowering at her.

“Oh my Siwon!” Yumi grumbled as she tried to push her older brother by the face and wriggling free by crawling on the dance floor in a hurry.

“No, Yumi!” Yesung wailed, “I need someone to cuddle! Come back!” Yesung pouted.

“Go play with Ryeowook!” Yumi spat back.

“He is in a relationship with Skye, I don’t have much time with him. Come back!” Yesung wailed.

“Aish, brothers.” Yumi rolled her eyes and hugged her knees at one of the corners of the dance rooms when Sungmin came running in, followed by a laughing Kyuhyun.

“Kyuhyun go away!” Sungmin shouted as he approached Yumi and hugged his knees like she is doing on the corner, “Yesung bothering you?” Yumi nodded.

“Kyuhyun bothering you?” she asked. Sungmin nodded back. I laughed at their annoyed faces while Yesung and Kyuhyun now started to annoy each other.

“Skye, I didn’t know you was coming over.” I spun around and saw Ryeowook approaching me shyly as more of the Super Junior members came filing in to practice their dancing to Bonamana.

“Unnie, have you kissed yet?” Yumi asked cutely while resting her chin on her knees. Me and Ryeowook both blushed at the same time and shook our head slowly.

“Mwuh- you haven’t kissed yet?” Sungmin chided in, “Wookie, why so slow?” Ryeowook blushed like a tomato once more. “Come on it’s easy, look~” Sungmin suddenly grabbed Yumi’s face in between his hands and kissed Yumi lovingly on the lips. My jaw dropped. They are dating?!

“MY EYES!” Leeteuk started to run around the dance floor like a lunatic, covering his eyes with his hands. “TOO MUCH CUTENESS!” Me and Ryeowook just stood there awkwardly as Sungmin and Yumi pulled away from each other.

“You better run~” Yumi sang to Sungmin, “You shouldn’t have done that~”

“What-” Sungmin started.

“SUNGMIN! YOU KISSED MY LITTLE SISTER!!” Yesung screamed so loud, I feel like my ear drums are going to burst, “YOU’RE DEAD!”

“Run oppa!” Yumi pushed Sungmin up. Aigo, so cute! I felt Ryeowook slip his hand in mine, surprising me a bit. Sure we held hands a few days ago but it will take some time getting used to.

“Are you alright?” he asked me.

“Oppa, why don’t you come around my house tonight?” I took the chance to ask him, “I’ll cook dinner tonight.” Ryeowook gave it a long thought and nodded slowly, looking like he is a bit unsure of the offer.

“Sure, why not.” Ryeowook tried to smile. Donghae suddenly popped out of no where and pulled us both in the middle of the dance floor and spun us both around like a bunch of loonies. I laughed along with the hyper Lee Donghae while Ryeowook chuckled at his hyung.

“Hyper much?” I asked.

“Very!!!” Donghae sang, “Where’s Eunhyuk? I need Eunhyuk! I NEED MY MONKEY~”

“Oppa calm down!” I laughed and ran after him while Ryeowook just watched me have fun with his Super Junior members. I glanced at him and he looked quite shy when I’m around. Hopefully he won’t be like this tonight. I’m worried. Will Henry’s seduction explanation work?

Fast forward to dinner at Skye’s house:

I lounged on my bed, staring at the ceiling listening to some music on my Ipod. Will Ryeowook come around being shy and awkward again? I love him and all but to be honest, I think he is a frigid. I’m really in love with him but it’s been weeks since we started dating and we are only in the holding hand stage. Henry said that by now, we should be in the full stage. I partly think he is right but then I think he is wrong at the same time. How can I get rid of Ryeowook’s shyness? Gaish, he is too cute.

“Skye-shiie…” my bedroom door suddenly opened a little and Ryeowook popped his head through the crack, “Skye-”

“Bao bei, how did you get in here?” I squeaked.

“Spare key under the welcome mat outside.” Ryeowook grinned slyly as he walked over to the edge of my bed, “Are you alright?” he put the key on my bedside table and sat far away from me, meaning right near the edge of the bed. He started to fiddle with his fingers and kept glancing at me and back to the floor. Aigo, bao bei so cute. I sat up on my bed and sat down properly next to him but he started to scoot more on the other side. What is the matter with him?! doesn’t he like me close to him?!

“Bao bei, are you alright?” I asked worriedly.

“Huh?- of course I’m okay,” he laughed nervously, “Everything is fine~” I tried to move closer to him but it made him move away from me again, half his off the bed!  

“Bao bei, something is bothering you-” I put my hand on his which startled him a little but took it all in and started to hold my hand lightly. Gaish, he is like a 6 year old with his first girlfriend! Urgh~

“Nothing is bothering me, Skye.” Ryeowook looked at me in the eye to show he is saying the truth, “I’m alright.”

“But oppa, you are so fidgety.” I pouted and tried to move again but this time, he properly shuffled off the bed, pulling me to the floor with him. I landed on top of him so I was looking down at him, our noses bumped each other because of the floor.

“Hey are you okay?” I asked.

Ryeowook nodded, his eyes wide as he looked at my face closely, from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes, swallowing hard.

“Skye,” he breathed but I just leaned in and kissed him straight on the lips, forgetting what he was about to say. My thoughts about him being ‘frigid’ and all that soon dissolved as he started to kiss me back.


He suddenly started to get up but didn’t disconnect our lips from each others as he pushed me against my bed carefully and gently as he can. Where the hell did all this kissing back came from? I smiled into the kiss as I closed my eyes, feeling his hand move to my waist.

“Bao bei, wo ai ni.” I breathed, words I was daring myself to say to him for a long time but I always waited for him to say it to me first. But I just can’t keep it in no more as he kissed my cheeks, my nose and back to my lips. I was lost in my world, his kisses giving me butterflies in my stomach and I swear I can hear fireworks in my ears with each kisses he gives me. To my surprise, I felt his hand go under my top and to the edge of my bra. Is he willing to go this far now? Of who cares?! Surely I don’t give a damn!

I heard him let out a soft muffled groan as a response to what I said to him as he busied himself to kissing me once more, one hand caressing my face and my hair while the other was under my top, still snaking around. He seemed so perfect and graceful to what he was doing. I am completely out of reality for a moment. Has he been holding back on me for so long? Gaish, I’ve waited for him to kiss me so much! He is just so perfect to me, nothing can ruin this moment- My eyes popped open in frustration as he suddenly pulled away abruptly, his eyes not looking at me straight forward as he took his hands away from me and sat on my side. What just happened? One minute we was kissing then he just pulls away. Just like that.

“Bao bei, what’s wrong?” I asked him quickly and tried to kiss him again, longing for the butterflies to come back again but no. He just simply pushes me back and scoots away from me. Did I do something wrong? His breathing was becoming short and shallow as he glanced at his hands and to my face, his eyes seek mine, the outside seemed tense and dark which I have never seen on him before.

“Nothings wrong Skye…” he murmured as he pushed his hair off his face. Was I rushing him? Isn’t it supposed to be the boy who rushes girls and not girls who rushes boys? It’s a wrong way around in this relationship.

“Ryeowook, I’m not trying to-”

“Seduce me?” Ryeowook tried to chuckle a little, “I felt like you are seducing me. Skye-” he suddenly faced me, “Why Don’t you just say that you want to kiss me?”

“How did you-” I started.

“I’ve been sort of analysing you for the past few days.” Ryeowook sighed, “You have been waiting for me to make a move and I’m so sorry for taking so long. I really hope you understand but-”

“You’re gay aren’t you?” I stuttered. “YeWook is real isn’t it? YeWook is real! You’re gay!“ Ryeowook’s eyes widened in shock like his ears were deceiving him completely. I don’t know what passed my mind to ask him that.

“I am certainly not gay Skye!” he exclaimed. “And I am certain that YeWook is not real!”

“Sorry.” I blushed, feeling so stupid. Why did I just accuse him of being gay? Argh, Han Skye, must you be so dumb?! “Sorry for the little outburst.“ Ryeowook pinched my cheeks softly and smiled.

“Little? Little outburst?” he teased.

“Shut up.” I mumbled and didn’t dare myself to look at him in the face because of the embarrassment but Ryeowook pulled my face up so I had no chance but to look at him in the eyes as he spoke.

“Mianhaeyo Han Skye,” he started, “Hope you understand that-” his voice cracked a little, “That I don’t want to go there yet. I’m scared of maybe hurting you- We’re going too fast-”  

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lol nawwwwwwwwww the ending was so cuteeeeee~~~ ^^<br />
ryeowook is so lovable in this story... and so are siwon and henwy!!! HENWY IS ADORABLEEEEE XD
AsianAtHeart #2
Jia Unnie!!!! Don't make me cry like that!!!!!! Oh well ^^ i love the fact that they end up all right thought <3<3
I'm crying! Because it was so sad and at the end I was crying because of happiness. How did you do that to me? Nobody has ever been able to make me cry this much!<br />
And why did it have to end so early? It's such a nice story TT.TT
Awww..<br />
This story is touching and sadd..<br />
Love the following part of the last chapt:<br />
<br />
“Family of Han Skye?” A doctor asked as he entered the waiting room. All of us stood up and then gathered around the doctor. <br />
<br />
“You’re all family?” The doctor’s eyes widened.<br />
<br />
<br />
“I’m her older brother.” Hangeng hyung mentioned.<br />
<br />
“I’m her boyfriend.” I added.<br />
<br />
“I’m her best friend.” Henry spoke.<br />
<br />
“I’m her guardian angel.” Leeteuk hyung said.<br />
<br />
AND<br />
<br />
A few minutes later, the doctor and the two nurses walked out of the room.<br />
<br />
“Is she dead?” Henry asked innocently.<br />
<br />
“HENRY!” I gasped.<br />
<br />
“She’ll be okay. She’s just resting now.” The doctor smiled at us. <br />
<br />
Cant believe that my cute mochi is their nanny!!<br />
Just too funny~~
*crying*<br />
You bish, you got me crying! TT.TT<br />
nooooooooooooooo... wookie oppa.. henry... ______!!!! No it cant be dun let that happen not to my wookie oppa and to Henry oppa!! ______ better make sure to wake up again!!! ^^<br />
<br />
update SOON!! <333^^
double update <333...<br />
its so sad that ppl need these tragic situations in order to wake up and realize how stupid they were...<br />
Henry Lau.. you better prepare for your death now!!! I like you yea... but how could you do this?? Wookie oppa *cries* Oh my..... <br />
get back together soon or I will cry TT^TT actually I already do!!<br />
update soon okey? ^^ hwaiting~~♥^^
HENRY, YOU !<br />
my poor wookie...<br />