This is not the end

Together Forever

The strains of Bethoven tone flowing from the piano. That nimble hands  play perfectly on that black and white keys, creating tunes that could sink the heart of anyone. His expression seen really enjoying every tone. Good-looking face, incredible talent, what else he needs to look perfect?



That’s the comments from the audience on the sidelines of the applause when that namja ended his perform tonight.

“Great work Khun.” The staff congratulate him.

Ah gamsahamnida , Hyung. It’s all because our hard work.”

“Nichkhun-ssi. Do you have a minute?” A man blocking Nichkhun way.


Ah, Jang Wooyoung imnida.”

“Aaa, Jang Wooyoung that great dancer and singer from SM? An honour to meet you directly.”

“You praise me too high. You’re better than me.”

“Haha. That’s the reallity, you not need to shy. By the way, why do you want to meet me? Can I help something?”

Ah chogi, I want you to collaborate with me. May be it’s like a featuring. I want to try singing ballad with you as a pianist.”

“Waw, that’s a great honour for me can collaborated with a great singer like you.”

“So when we can perform together?”

“Hmm. It still undecided. I must ask my manager first to determine the time.”

“Okay. So I’ll make an appointment with your manager and decide what time we can stand together.” Wooyoung looking his watch in hurry. “Ah I’m sorry, I must leave now, I’ll call you latter.”

Wooyoung left Nichkhun alone at backstage. This is a little surprise that a big singer like Wooyoung coming directly ask him to collaborated. Smiled never leave Nichkhun face. Everything look better and better everyday.


Nichkhun POV

“Hello mom. How are you?”

“I’m fine Sweety. How about you there? I heard there a winter.”

“Yes. Korea covered by the snow. But I’m still okay.”

“You must more carefully to not to catch a cold. I’ll really worried if you sick.”

“Don’t worry mom. I’m not a child anymore. I’m 18 years old now.”

“Ye ye. I know. But I’m your mother. For me, you still my eternal baby.”

“Mom. Please......”

“Haha. Okay mom understands. By the way, it’s unusual you call me in this early morning. Is something wrong happened?” Nichkhun mom voice sound worried.

“Nothing. Even I have a good news. Tomorrow I’ll come to Manhattan to a fashion show.”

“Really? Ah finally I can meet my son.” Now Khun mom sounded really excited.

“But I just have a day there. Then I must come back to Korea to held my Solo concert again.”

“Hmm. Piano piano and piano. Can you have a time just to rest? You can’t pressure your body that hard. You need to take a rest, too.”

“Mom, I’m fine. I like it. However, I’m not compressed my self.”

“Yeah, I know. But I really miss you. Can you just stay a night with us when you coming to Manhattan?” Nichkhun mom asked hopefully.

“I’ll try. Maybe I just can come to seeing you just couple hours.”

“Huft. Okay. As your mom, what can I do is only supporting you.”

“Thank’s mom, you are so understanding me. I’m sorry mom, I must go now. I’ve to finish another job. I miss you mom and love you.”

“I love you too, son.”

 Huft. I am looking at my phone for a moment. As usual, I am almost crying when I calls my mom. Yeah long distance is a hard thing. Ah I’m forget to introduce myself. Hi, I’m Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul. I’m half China-Thailand, but born in US. I’m a pianist. I can playing piano since age of 3. Then, continuing playing until now. I have reach some medal for local and national competition. My first medal was when I’m 7 y.o, I won a youngest pianist in LA. Age 10 I’m be the best pianist in American pianist competition. In 14th, I’m be the runner up of young International pianist competition. Since last year, JYP company recruit me and that thing make me must stay in Korea. Firstly, it’s really hard for me, because I am really know nothing about Korea. I don’t know the language, culture and there’s so many thing that’s really different with America. This situation make me more and more missing my family. However, I’m still thanks to God who give me this big chance. Held a solo concert is my dream. Because of JYP I can held some mini concert. Tomorrow, I’ve a chance to playing in Manhattan, a place where my family life now. Ah I’m really excited about tomorrow.


Author pov

“Excuse me. Hi I’m Ok Taecyeon. I’m your fans.” A man come to Nichkhun’s waiting room, make him surprised. He looking Taecyeon curiously. “Ah  I’m sorry. You must surprise seeing me here. I’m one of model of this fashion show. And.. I’m a big fan of you. Since you appear in American competition, I really like your piano voice.”

“Ah, Thank you.”

“Ah, I’m almost forget. I came here to get your  sign, can I?” Taecyeon pass a shirt to Nichkhun. With smile Nichkhun signed that t-shirt.  “Waa Thank you so much. I’m really happy meet you directly. You’re not only  a great pianist, but also a kind people. This is a great honour.”

“Ah thank you Mr Ok. You praise me too high.”

“Don’t call me Mr Ok. Can you just call me Taec?”

“Ok, Taec. Nice chance to meet you.”

“Hmm, but I’m really sad because you move to Korea. That’s make me difficult to seeing your concert live. I just can watch via streaming or fancam.”

“Yeah, I must move to fulfill my contract. I’m under JYP company now.”

“Aaa, JYP Entertainment. That great company which born great singer, right?” Taecyeon looked interest.

“Yeah. Same company with Wonder Girls and Rain.”

“Since I’m young, I always dreaming to join that company. But I don’t have enough skill, so I always failed to join. I believe one day I’ll join that company certainly.” Taecyeon looked really confidence. Nichkhun like his spirit. They’re very look a like. An ambitious people, who never give up about their dream. That’s make them talking comfortly. Like two old friend who did not meet for a long time. Everything can be topic in their talk.

“Ah time goes really fast if we have a good time. But I’m sorry, I must leave now. I promise to my mom came to their house tonight.” Nichkhun package his thing.

“It’s okay. Hopefully we can meet again later.”

“If you have a trip in Korea, you can visit my place. This is my number.” Nichkhun give Taecyeon his number.

“Ah. This make me want to visit Korea soon.”

“I’ll wait you. See you.”

“See you. Have a save ride Khun.”

That two new friend separate. NIchkhun take a taxi and going to her mom house. He didn’t want his mom worried if he is not coming. Although for an hours, his mom would be glad. Mean while, Taecyeon ride his Volvo and back home.


2 month later, Spring

Nichkhun recently finished his first solo concert in LG art center. Almost 5000 people fill that place. From an ordinary people, artist, even a minister coming to watch. That’s really make Nichkhun very happy.

“Congratulation Khun. Your first solo concert was succesfull.” JYP, the director slap Nichkhun shoulder proudly.

Gamsahamnida, Hyung. It can happened because of your help.”

Aniya. This is because you’re a really great pianist. Let’s go home. You must have enough rest.” JYP left Nichkhun with his manajer, Minjae. That two people then left LG art center follow the director.

Ah Hyung, I want to buy some Thailand food. Can you just drop me in front of Taeguk sikjang?” Asked Nichkhun.

“Ok. Do you want me to wait?”

Aniyo. I can use taxi to get home.” Nichkun refused.

“Ok. I’m going now.”

Ne Hyung. Please be carefull.”

Minjae left Nichkhun at  Taeguk sikjang. This is his ritual, to buy some Thailand food after his concert. It’s part of him to thanks the God. He bought Tomyamkung and another Thailand traditional food. He walk around for a few time to get a taxi. But until he walk more than 500 meters, he can’t found it. So he decide to ride a bus and wait in the bus station. A message coming while he waiting the bus coming.

From: +6896403245

Hi Khun. I’m Taecyeon. Did you remember me? I’m in Korea now. Tomorrow I’m planning to come to your place. Do you have a time?”

Taecyeon? Who is he? Nichkhun wrinkled his forehead trying remember that people. Ah, a model from Manhattan, he remembered. Then he replayed the message with happines.

To: +6896403245

Hi Taec. I’ll really happy if you can drop to my place. I don’t have any plan tomorrow.

Not far away, a drunk boy ride his motorcycle unstable with full speed. From another way, a black car come with high speed. The driver shocked when the motorcycle suddenly appear and swerved to a bus station where Nichkhun stand. That car hit bus station until fall in to a pieces. Nichkhun who did not have time to dodge, strudge the debris until collapse.

“Nichkhun. Are you okay? C’mon wake up. Wake up please.” A walker trying to wake him up, but he still collapse. Then, he brought to the hospital.


Nichkhun POV

I open my eyes slowly. Everything is white. Am I die? I just remembered a car hit the bus station until fall in to a pieces, then I collapse.

“Ah, you wake up?”

“Where am I?”

“In a hospital. You got an accident last night.”

So, this is hospital? Not a heaven? Ah thanks God I’m save.

“Who took me here? I remembered that I’m collapse.”

“A tall man. He’s pay administration now. Please take a rest.”

That doctor out from my room. Ah, I’m thirsty. I trying move my hand to get a glass of water. But, sudenly the glass break down to floor. It’s so strange, my finger can’t move..  What happened with my hand? Why they can’t move?

“ No no no, it’s happened because I am just awake. My finger stiff. I just need warming it up“  I said it to reassure my self


I try to relaxed my hand. I inhales some air then I try to reach my handphone in my side bed. I grab it..but, it sudenly fell down in the floor. Broke into pieces.  

ANDWEEEEEEEEEEE!” I scream loudly when imagine that I can’t playing piano anymore.

“What happened?” a man suddenly appear in front of my door. He saw my worried.

“My finger. They can’t move.” I’m panic.

“Wait a minute. I’ll call a doctor.”

I seeing my finger frightened. I can’t imagine what would I do if I can’t playing piano again. My world will end.


“Please calm down sir. Everything would be fine.”

A nurse and doctor trying to make me calm down. They injected me with some anaesthesy.

“Doc, what happen with him? Why he say that his finger can’t move?”

“ Are you his guardian?”

“Ah, yes.”

“I’m sorry, Sir. But, I must say it. A nervous in his arm get injured. It make them can’t move for this time.  But it’s not permanenly, if he get surgery It have 50 % possibility to back to normal.”

What did he said? My nervous injured? Only 50% possibility to back normal? How can something like this happen? My head heavy and heavier, then everything black.

Author POV

One week has past. Nichkhun looked really depresed. Taecyeon who help him in that accident, really sorry about him. Because Nichkhun is his favorite Jazz pianist, he decide to help him to move on. Everyday he came to support Nichkhun. Cheer him up, make a joke, and everything that can make him smile.  But until one week, nothing improved. Nichkhun still give up. He just looking his finger day by day, look like a zombie.

“Hey Khun. How was your day?” Taecyeon greets Nichkhun with his cheerfullness. But, Nichkhun still quiet. Didn’t give a good response.

“Are you really giving up? You looked so pityfull. You have 50% possibility to back to normal and playing piano like before, but did u dare to do something? You still have a chance n will u waste it?” Taecyeon trying again to make Nichkhun move on although it seems meanie for him.

“50%? Haha, it’s just gambling. If that surgery failed, my finger can’t move anymore.” Nichkhun said sarcastically.

“Hey, if u didn’t try, how can we know the result?”

“I’ve knows the result. Everything end’s here.”

“Come on, life still long. Why you give up really fast?”

“Stop it. Didn’t you tired doing this for a week? Why you not coming back to America? You didn’t know what I feel. It’s easy if just saying.” Nichkhun explode.

“I’m tired. Really tired. I sacrifice my carrier, trying to make you get your spirit again. But, I’m just wasting my time. Yeah, I can’t feel what you have feel. But as a fans, I’m really disapointed with you. I think you are a great pianist. You always showing image that you are skillful, full of spirit, cheerfull, and kindness. But what I’ve seeing now? You just like an old piano which dumped by the pianist.” Taecyeon left Nichkhun with full of dissatisfied. He’s really sad seeing his Idol like this. On the other hand, Nichkhun heart pulled by Taec’s word. He’s really thinked about that. For two day later, he’s still same. But in third day, when Taecyeon still not came like before, his mind move by a little.

“Miss. Taecyeon-ssi, wasso?”

Ani. I’m not seeing him for several day.”

Ah, gurae.”

“I’m jealous with you Nichkhun-si. You have  a good friend like him. He look so worried when he bring you here at that night.”

“Ah, so he’s my hero?”

“Ne. He’s the one who brought you here with his hand. He’s also had paid all of your administration.” Nichkhun get a little shocked hear that fact. So, Taecyeon was really care about him. That’s make him feel guilty.

“I must say thank to him. But where’s he now ?” he said to himself.

The word that Taecyeon said three day ago coming to his mind. This is not the end of his life. He still can do a lot of thing. Why he ever think that his life is ended? That’s really a stupid.  If he still hiding like this, how about his fans feeling? He never think about that before. He felt really selfish.

For some day he think about it and slowly  can accepted his injured. Although he gives up about piano, but he not gives up about his life. He knows, he still can do another thing.



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