
One Shot: Red Rubber Balls

One Shot: Red Rubber Balls:

Little 8 year old Thunder ran around in the house. Tomorrow finally was his birthday.

I want a red rubber ball, he had said to his umma.

He was sure he would get one from her.

“Cheondung,” Thunder’s umma said. “It’s time for bed.”

Thunder gave a short nod. “I’ll be right there,” he said and hopped to his room.

His umma smiled. “So, hop hop bunny, are you excited about tomorrow?”

Thunder nodded. “Absolutely,” he said and grinned.

“Alright then,” his umma said and throwed the blancet around him.

She gave little Thunder a kiss on his forehead and whispered: “Goodnight, little bunny.”

“Goodnight, umma,” Thunder said and hugged her. “I love you.”


The next day then finally came.

Thunder jumped up from his bed and ran to the kitchen.

“Goodmorning ummaaaaaa and appaaaaaa,” he said and grinned.

“Goodmorning, Cheo,” Thunder’s appa said. “I got something you want.”

Thunder’s appa was holding a big box and gave it to him.

“Here you go,” he said and smiled. “Happy Birthday.”

“Thank you, appa,” Thunder said and grinned.

He opened the box and looked in it. A playstation.

“And?” Thunder’s appa said. “You like it?”

Thunder nodded. “Nae, appa,” he said and gave him a hug. “I love you.”

“Haha, I love you to Cheo,” Thunder’s appa said and smiled at him.

“Where’s umma?” Thunder said and looked around.

“She’s picking up the pie,” Thunder’s appa answered. “She’ll be here soon.”

“Nae,” Thunder said and snuggled his appa.

Not much later, Thunder’s umma entered the house.

“Welcome home,” Thunder said excited.

“Haha, I’m home,” his umma said and ruffled his hair.

“I got a surprise for you,” Thunder’s umma said.

“What is it, what is it!!!!!” Thunder said and jumped up and down and up and down.

Thunder’s umma smiled. “Here,” she said and gave him a box.

Thunder looked weird. It was a big box, what could it be?

He opened the box and his eyes turned big. In the huge box, one red rubber ball.

Little Thunder clapped in his hands. “Hooray!!!!” he said and gave his umma a big hug.

Thunder’s umma laughed. “Happy Birthday, sweety,” she said and ruffled his hair again.


When Thunder was in high school, he still had the red rubber ball he got for his birthday, when he

was 8. When he got his first red rubber ball, he started to collect them, and now, he had 100 of them.

Thunder’s high school friend came to him and asked him: “Why do you have so much red rubber

balls? Why do you collect them?”

“I won’t tell,” Thunder said. “It’s a secret.

Thunder’s high school friend sighed. “Oh, c’mon, dude,” he said.

“No,” Thunder said. “I won’t tell you.”

Thunder’s high school friend sighed again and wrapped his arm around Thunder’s neck.

“Ok, then you don’t. But then I will have to give you…. TICKLE ATTAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Thunder yelled, and tried to get away.

Thunder’s high school friend started to tickle Thunder, and laughed evil (evil, you already found out who it was? Kekekekeke)

“No-hahahaha Stop-hahahaha it-hahahahaha!!!!”

“Your gonna tell me your secret?” Thunder’s highschool friend said.

“No-hahahahahaha. Never-hahahaha!!!!”

Thunder’s highschool friend stopted tickling him and removed his arm from his neck.

“Ok, if it’s that important to you, then I won’t force you to tell me.”

“Thanks,” Thunder said and smiled.

“But you do have a lot of red rubber balls,” Thunder’s highschool friend said.

“I know,” Thunder said and grinned.


When Thunder was 60, he still collected the red rubber balls. His whole house was a swimming pool

from red rubber balls.

Thunder was married and had a beautiful 20 year old daughter, and a handsome 19 year old son.

“Why are you collecting those red rubber balls?” they asked him.

“I’m sorry, I won’t tell,” Thunder kept saying to them. “It’s a secret.”

Thunder’s kids sighed. “Fine,” they said. “One day, your gonna tell us your secret.”

“Maybe,” Thunder said and grinned.

“Honey,” Thunder’s wife said. “You really need to get rid off those balls.

Thunder shook his head. “No, I can’t do that,” Thunder said. “Their really, really important for me.”

Thunders wife nodded. “Ok, if their really THAT important to you, then, I guess they can stay.”

Thunder smiled. “Thanks, honey,” he said and gave her a kiss.

“I love you,” Thunder’s wife said.

“I love you too, honey,” Thunder said and gave her a big hug.


When Thunder was 70, he bought a huge house, where he could put all his red rubber balls.

His children moved out of the house, so he could use their rooms for the balls too.

Thunder’s wife was used to it now, and only thought it was cute, that he still collected all those balls.

Sometimes, he gave one to the kids from the neighbourhood, but that didn’t happen much.


When Thunder was laying on his death bed, he smiled. His life was just SO perfect. He had the

perfect wife, the perfect children, and the perfect red rubber balls.

One of his kids walked to his death bed and said: “Dad, can you PLEASE tell us why you kept

collecting those red rubber balls.”

“Ok,” Thunder said. “I’ll tell you.”

And then he died.

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Chapter 1: EHHH?!?!? WHY DID HE COLLECT IT????
and who's the highschool friend? 'Cause everyone in mblaq is kinda evil XD
nice fic...