What Happens to the Bunny?

What Happens to the Bunny? (one-shot)


*Ding-ding~* The bells on the entrance tinkled as a customer pushed the door open. I put down the cans I was putting on the shelf and wiped my hands on my apron before stepping in view of the customer.

“Oseo oseyo, how may I-“ I stopped midway, stunned.

No way. That person kind of looks like…no, what am I thinking, he wouldn’t come to a place like this. He looks so much like him though. So cute. Wait. Stop this, girl. You need to be professional.

I cleared my throat, embarassed, and pulled up the corners of my mouth.

“How may I help you?”

The customer pulled down the bill of his cap and tugged up the collar of his jacket, further hiding his face which was already covered by sunglasses and a mask. He cleared his throat as well.

“Ahem, yes, um, I’m looking for a rabbit. Do you have any here?” His voice was oddly familiar, but it sounded…wrong. Somehow, it just seemed way to deep.

“Um, why, yes, we do have them here. Just follow me.” I turned and started to walk towards the cages.

A loud crash resonated through the shop, startling me.

I whipped around to see the customer clinging on to a shelf of dog food. Or rather, it used to be filled with dog food. Most of the cans were now rolling around on the floor. Some were dented in places.

My eyebrows knit together as I mentally calculated the damages.

“I’m so sorry. I’ll pay you back.” The customer declared. His voice now, however, was markedly more high pitched than before. Like this, it actually sounded so, so familiar.

I glanced up from the cans and inspected the way the customer was hugging the shelf. One arm was wrapped around the frame, while another clutched a shelf. His sunglasses were knocked askew, revealing his eyes, which were wide with shock and surprise. His legs were spread wide for stability.

All in all, he looked pretty goofy. I couldn’t help but giggle at his plight.

 Heck, he owes me anyway, I might as well give this a go.

“Are you Onew-sshi?” I cocked my head to the side, waiting for his answer. Please say yes, please say yes.

His eyes widened even more, giving him the look of a startled bunny.

“Please, just be truthful.” I gave him my best puppy dog look.

Onew – I was almost sure it was him now – gave a pained expression and released his grip on my shelf to remove his sunglasses and mask. It was him! I bit down on my urge to squeal and jump up and down uncontrollably, putting on my professional smile instead.

“I knew it was you.”

“It probably became obvious when I tripped over nothing.”

I giggled and bent down to pick up the cans. Onew probably wouldn’t be able to navigate his way through this mess without severely injuring himself.

“Let me help you.”

“Just leave them by the side, I’ll tidy them up later.”

We worked in silence for a while.

“So…why did you want that rabbit?” I tried to break the ice.

Onew snorted. I looked up, surprised.

“You’re my fan right?”

I nodded enthusiastically. Onew grinned, making my face fill with warmth. I quickly looked down and resumed my work, hoping he didn’t notice.

“Well, you know how my fans keep saying that I’m like a rabbit? I wanted to see what a real rabbit was like.” A shrug was evident in his tone.

I frowned. Sure, I loved Onew, but it wasn’t fair for any animal to be treated as a passing whim. I pointed that out to him, and he raised his hands in front of him in a sort of surrender, horror and embarassment evident on his face. The cans which were in his hands fell to the floor in a loud tumble. We both looked at the re-fallen cans, and then at each other. A sheepish grin creeped up his lips.

“No, no, I wasn’t going to buy one. I just wanted to look at them. I don’t have the time or the ability to care for a pet.” He cast his eyes downward, looking sad.

 I want to pet his head so bad right now…

“Oh, there’s no problem then. I’ll show them to you once we tidy up this mess.” I smiled warmly at him. He reddened slightly, before returning my smile with one of his own. I turned my face down quickly before he could see the new flush which had risen.

A few minutes later, the cans were neatly stacked in rows along the base of the shelf. I patted my hands on my apron.

“All done.” Onew drew a hand over his forehead. I smiled at him.

“Let’s go look at the rabbits now.”

I led him over the rabbit cages, walking beside him this time to make sure that he didn’t trip or fall over anything. Once we were there, he squatted down to stare at the rabbits.

“Do you want to pet them?” I asked him. He turned around, unbridled childlike joy plain in his face, and nodded.

I opened the cages, and drew out a black and white rabbit.

“His name is Cow.” I introduced him as Cow snuggled in the crook of my arm, his nose twitching adorably.

“Cow? What a strange name.” Onew said as he held out a hand to the rabbit.

“Yes, because of his colour. Look, this is how you hold a rabbit…”

For two hours, I told Onew about rabbits, while he told me bits and pieces of his celebrity life. I wished that time would stop right there and then, but like they always say, time flies when you’re having fun.

At least he still comes to see the rabbits every odd day. 

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