rules and how to join

`★ arch angel ┇ affroleplay ┇ under construction`


oo1; you MUST subscribe to the story on your roleplaying account ! to keep up on updates.

oo2; this is an AU roleplay, which means you don't know other idols.

oo3; please write in third person p.o.v, and add some details, i don't really care about the grammar.

do not write like this ;

"Myungsoo walked into the classroom and bowed to a guy. "Annyeong." he said" 

It gives no details, informations, and others. It should be more like this ;

"Myungsoo was in the middle of playing basketball, until the bell rung. He threw the ball behind his head, not caring about who or what is behind him. He sighed and grabbed his phone at the end of the court, stuffing it into his pants. Like always, his little rebel clothes underneath his uniform, obviously gain attention. All eyes went towards him as he entered the classroom, after the beel rung. He kicked his chair out and plopped on it. He blinked and looked up at the board, seeing a new student arrive." 

That's a better paragraph. Typos are always okay, everybody makes mistake, but please, make some sense into the paragraph? Oh, and no face like xD c; ouo only ooc gets that.

oo4; when you're talking in ooc, please use brackets.

oo5; do not post and personal information or any selcas, we will immediatly kick you out.

oo6; no bashing in ooc. bashing in roleplay is okay, but don't make it too hurtful. like, calling people a player is okay, but don't make fun of their family, etc.

oo7; fighting and almost dead is alright, but no killing , stabbing, etc.

oo8; drama is welcomed. is welcomed.

oo9; this is a roleplay, obviously, no girls allowed.

o10; be active, you must be on for atleast 3 times a week.

o11; no godmoding ! do not godmode! if you do, i'll give you a warning. give some other people a chance to rp their character.

o12; Mpreg are not allowed, and marriage is also not allowed.

o13; password is ; ouo




oo1; subscribe first

oo2; read the rules

oo3; check the masterlist and fill out this form;


group/band they're from;

age (15-17);


oo4; wait for admin's approval, then create your account

oo5; in about me , write a paragraph, include age, and past in the about me.

oo6; add the admins → myungsoo → chihoon

oo7; start roleplaying.

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Chapter 2: character;G-Dragon
group/band they're from; Bigbang
age (15-17);17
Chapter 2: character; kim joonmyun
group/band they're from; exo
age (15-17); 17
password; ouo
exo-tic #3
Chapter 1: character; zhang yixing
group/band they're from; exo
age (15-17); seventeen
password; ouo
Chapter 2: kyungsoo here!
in the process of editing c:
Chapter 2: character ; lee taemin
group/band they're from ; shinee
age (15-17) ; 15
password ; ouo
Chapter 2: character; Kim Jaejoong
group/band they're from; DBSK
age (15-17); 17
password; ouo
Chapter 1: Key here~

[I'll add the background story later, please? I'll just finish something in my thesis. Thanks :3]
archangel- #8
Chapter 2: checked