The Trials of Separation

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

Yesung was resolute. He was going to be strong and steady. He was going to act casual and indifferent and not like the love sick idiot that he was. He promised himself! He really did. He was going to sit on his bed and read his book and then he was going to sleep and then he was going to welcome them back with a warm smile and happy heart and he was most definitely not going to smother Kyuhyun until he couldn’t breathe, or cling to him like a lost soul, because he did not miss him to death. Right? Alright he would admit it. He missed Kyuhyun more than he had anticipated. When the decision was made that they would spend their vacation apart, he was regretful, but only to Kyuhyun. The younger man had been taken with the idea that they could spend their very limited free time together somewhere in Europe, just lost to the world and enjoying each other’s company. Kyuhyun had said something about Greece, indicating that he thought it would be an adventure and something about the temple of Zeus and finally seeing those sculptures, but Yesung had gotten lost in it all. He didn’t know since when Kyuhyun was so interested in Greek mythology or he thought it was Greek mythology, but Kyuhyun had a happy glint in his eyes and his voice was laced with excitement and truthfully that was all Yesung would ever need really.

 He was so tempted to agree, to let it all go and just do what his heart was begging to do, to just follow his basic instinct to be lost in the world with Kyuhyun. He would have done anything to have that experience, to just be by Kyuhyun’s side but he had so many other considerations, so many other responsibilities that he just couldn’t. He and Kyuhyun had discussed and vaguely argued over it but in the end an understanding had been reached. Kyuhyun had appropriately tortured him when he had worked up the courage to call him and that was settled…well maybe not settled as Kyuhyun was the sort that would hold a grudge even after he had made Yesung swallow his tongue when he confessed that he missed him. The maknae was an insufferable brat, but for some reason Yesung adored him, and as such was made to suffer. He really had to be insane to love that demon child so much, and now he was paying for his insanity. Kyuhyun was torturing him, the sneaky bastard, using that affection to ensure that he lost all reasonable thought, going so far as to make Yesung confess his embarrassing longing for him. One would think that would be enough for the brat but Yesung knew better. Kyuhyun would be far from finished, but still, he was not deterred. He had some sort of sickness he was sure. He was like one of those people that didn’t know when to stay away from fire, instead he just wanted to be burned, scorched by Kyuhyun’s warmth.

He needed to be strong; he absolutely had to bury all the urges to smother Kyuhyun in kisses and never let him out of his arms. He had already been reduced to this state and Kyuhyun would mercilessly if he knew just exactly how much he missed him. He couldn’t let that sort of information reach the devious maknae, positive that Kyuhyun would make him blush burgundy. Instead he had to act as indifferent as possible, to not be his usual clingy self. Aside from the obvious embarrassment that he would inflict on himself, he had to always be mindful of annoying Kyuhyun. He never wanted the younger to feel burdened by him, to feel as if Yesung was suffocating him. He wanted Kyuhyun to have his freedom, to do the things that he liked, to visit the places that he wanted without him there to bother him. It was that very reason he had insisted that Kyuhyun go to Greece with Eunhyuk and Ryeowook. Since the last time he went on vacation alone, he was nearly killed, something that Yesung didn’t ever want to remember, Kyuhyun was forbidden to go anywhere by himself. Yesung did not want him to be disappointed, so had suggested that an indecisive Eunhyuk accompany Kyuhyun to Greece. The lead dancer was not especially enthusiastic but Ryeowook had done a good job of encouraging him, deciding that the three of them could have a good time in a beautiful place.

Kyuhyun was no longer especially excited but Yesung had worked hard to sway his mind, reminding him of all the great things that he could do once there. Kyuhyun glared and grumbled a bit, but Yesung knew he really wanted to go anyway and it was for his own good anyway. Kyuhyun had agreed, acting as if he was being forced, just to be a brat and from what Yesung was told, he did have a good time. Yesung was grateful that Kyuhyun could enjoy his break; he was just a little annoyed that he had missed him so much. It was very foreboding and he didn’t like it one bit. If a week separation had made him so edgy and troubled, then two months and then two years would be hell. Yesung liked to think that it would be easier with time. He hoped that one day it wouldn’t feel so stressful to be away from Kyuhyun. Sooner or later the attachment would settle and he could feel more at ease when away from him. In all fairness it was not a disaster. He would even state that he was able to relax and have a good time, just sometimes his mind would wander and his chest would tighten. It was a painful feeling, but in a way it gave him joy. It meant that he had thought of the younger man, that he missed him and he loved him. That was never a bad thing was it? It was good that he had someone like Kyuhyun to love, to miss. It was spectacular that he had someone to wonder about, to consider if he ate or if he slept, and to wonder if he was safe or happy. In the end it was a good feeling. Yesung however, was positive that he would much rather Kyuhyun be beside him than wonder if he was well. He would have his opportunity soon though. Kyuhyun would finally be home and despite his various efforts to seem calm he was excited.

So excited that no matter how much he begged his body to sit calmly at his bed it was refusing to do so. Instead he was pacing back and forth like a lunatic waiting for Kyuhyun to get home. It had been a long sleepless night as well, filled with excitement and dread, nervous as to how he was supposed to greet Kyuhyun. One would think it would be something rather simple to achieve, but it caused a storm in Yesung's mind. Was he supposed to act indifferent and wait for Kyuhyun to come to him? Was he supposed to hug him and tell him he missed him? Was he supposed to admit that he missed him quite a lot? He knew Kyuhyun was aware that he missed him, having confessed as much before during their short phone call, but that didn’t mean he wanted Kyuhyun to without mercy and then he didn’t even know if Kyuhyun was still mad at him.

The last time he spoke to him he was rather short and he had insisted on being a royal pain. He could be likely to believe that Kyuhyun would be prevailed upon to continue with his childishness. Sometime he wanted to kill the little brat for exactly that, but he couldn’t seem to stop the affection that poured out of him when Kyuhyun was upset, even if it was because he was a petty selfish brat. Kyuhyun was still mad that Yesung had to go on vacation with his brother, and had been acting like a spoilt brat for over a week. Yesung knew he should have reprimanded him, but he had his own share of guilt and just wanted Kyuhyun to have a good time. He was sure that Kyuhyun had a good time though, if what Ryeowook said was true and it was. Kyuhyun may be more amicable now? Yet somehow Yesung was sure Kyuhyun would terrorize him just for the hell of it. He was more than willing however to weather whatever storm Kyuhyun threw at him; his happiness at the younger’s returning at a fever pitch.

Yesung continued his endlessly pacing, four quick steps and then a turn. It was really inconvenient that his room was so small. His room at home was much larger, better for pacing he mused; only that it was further away from Kyuhyun, which meant that despite the size of the room, it was the only place he would want to be. He wondered what time Kyuhyun would be home, but dismissed the thought quickly. It was one thing to wait for him, another to be pining. He refused to pine. ‘You are already sort of doing it’ his mind pointed out with glee, which he was choosing to ignore. He was already insane enough without adding ‘having discussions with his mind’ to that list. He instead would have rather spend the time sitting at his desk or on his bed, reading through the music samples and scripts that were sent to him or looking through possible locations for the new café or picking the new designs to be carried by Y style or rather any of his many other tasks, yet somehow he still ended pacing a small floor waiting for the annoying brat to return to him. He was so ridiculous that he could laugh and in fact he did, releasing a short dry humourless chuckle. He could nearly pity his own self, except for the fact that Kyuhyun was coming home today and he would see him not from Twitter finally. Yeah….he had issues.

He decided that since he was wasting valuable time anyway, he should waste it thinking about how he would greet Kyuhyun. He wondered if he could just sit.... [Or pace, his mind snickered] in his room until Kyuhyun was ready to see him and decided to come to him. That method would save him some pride and he could be assured that Kyuhyun was feeling less troublesome, or it could just mean that Kyuhyun was ready to , which was very possible with Kyuhyun. He dismissed that plan of action immediately, positive he would die from anxiety in the time it took for Kyuhyun to come and see him if the younger decided he was going to be uncooperative. He didn’t want to be away from Kyuhyun longer than necessary. He supposed he could just go and greet Kyuhyun when he arrived and restrain himself from hugging the younger man senseless. It would be hard but he could do it. He had a backbone! He really did. Wouldn’t it be damning to his pride to make it known to Kyuhyun that he missed his so much, especially after he was forced to disclose that he did previously? He would seem rather pitiful if he willingly stated as much now, without the option of blaming Kyuhyun for his influence. Plus it would be even more embarrassing if he hugged him, which he was sure he would be extremely tempted to do. He could just greet him casually and then leave for his tasks, of which he was already getting late, but that would also entail being away from Kyuhyun, which he couldn’t realistically do. Since when did saying ‘Hello’ become so difficult?

He was so caught in his little mental warfare that he did not realize that he had diverted slightly from his well tested pacing pathway. That 90◦ left would haunt him for a long time unfortunately. With his mind thoroughly occupied and his body seemingly too stupid to avoid danger, he walked straight into his desk, his toe slamming into the wooden limb, a rough harsh sound at the impact only defeated by the painful yelp he released when the pain shoot up his body, throbbing with a vengeance, face turning red as he reached for the injured limb, releasing a string of curses that he wouldn’t be proud of when the fog in his mind caused by the pain cleared, rather annoyed at the world just tend, only to be disturbed by an amused voice.

“Then was definitely not the sort of welcome I was expecting” Kyuhyun informed, his voice tainted with amusement and playfulness, eyes bright and expressive as he took the last few steps into the room, chuckling a bit at the sight of Yesung and his stubbed foot. Kyuhyun had entered the dorms along with Eunhyuk and Ryeowook a few minutes prior, and had immediately wished to see the older man. He had only returned to his room to put his bags and his coat before he made the quiet trek to Yesung's room. Apparently the others were not around or on the higher floor, but Kyuhyun was positive that Yesung would be there somewhere. In fact he was slightly annoyed that he was not at the door waiting for him, especially considering how much he missed Kyuhyun. He chuckled at that; he intended to milk it for all it was worth. He couldn’t believe he had coerced Yesung into point blank admitting that he missed Kyuhyun and was regretful that he didn’t listen to Kyuhyun.

Contrary to what may be believed, Yesung was not the sort that enjoyed saying things like that to Kyuhyun, despite it being rather obvious that he felt that way. Kyuhyun knew it came from shyness and the fact that he lacked confidence sometimes, so he was never really offended. In fact he had come to take great joy when he was able to compel him to admit his feelings. Kyuhyun didn’t like to pressure him, but sometimes he thought it was necessary that Yesung voice his feelings, just as it was necessary for him to admit that he missed him, especially when he was the one that decided that they wouldn’t have a vacation together. Kyuhyun knew he was being petty, but he was still mad about that. Yesung had done his best to explain the situation to him and he understood even if he wasn’t happy. Life was hard and sometimes they had to do things that they didn’t like, but Kyuhyun still felt a little aggrieved despite himself.

Having been there and seeing the sights, it was hard not to see it as an opportunity missed. He had a great time, he could admit that, but he couldn’t help wonder what it would have been like to stroll along the beach with Yesung or visit the temple of Zeus, just to show the God that he had failed, that Kyuhyun was able to find the other half of his heart and nothing he could do would separate them. It was annoying every time he thought about it and he was ashamed to say he still had a bit of resentment towards the older man. Their conversation prior had however softened his heart considerably, giving him a better understanding of the feelings the older man harboured. He was grateful that Yesung made the effort and he was thankful that he meant that much to the older man, but that didn’t mean he was going to let him get away that easily. He had to be punished for causing Kyuhyun so much heartache. He had to be suffer for making Kyuhyun watch a sunset with Eunhyuk when it should have been him by Kyuhyun’s side. Kyuhyun could never hurt him obviously, but he could more than till he was burgundy, ensuring that he always remembered that it was always best to let Kyuhyun have his own way.

It was with that intention that he made haste in visiting the older man. He knew that Yesung would be hiding from him. It was to be expected to be honest, though he would admit that he had hoped that Yesung would forgo his embarrassment and shyness to greet Kyuhyun quickly. The idea that Yesung didn’t miss him was quite laughable, especially since he had verbal confirmation from the man himself. He chuckled to himself. He thinks he was a little mean to make him say it, but the enjoyment he received more than made him for whatever guilt he was feeling. He was also aware that he shouldn’t have been so harsh to begin with and for that he was slightly regretful. Even if his feelings were hurt he had no right to take it out on the older man.  It was not Yesung's fault that things ended that way…well it was and he could see it no other way. Still! He should have been more understanding and less childish about it all. He knew however, as a result of his behaviour Yesung would be a little weary of him, both from shyness and embarrassment as well as that little bit of fear that he may be harbouring. Kyuhyun supposed he should be ashamed for inducing such a reaction but he quite liked the idea that Yesung was hiding from him. It would be great fun to see his red cheeks and hear his shy replies. Well that confirmed it. Kyuhyun did not deserve someone as wonderful as Yesung. He was a demon and the man was an angel, yet he couldn’t stop the pride from filling his heart. He really did it. He had captured the heart of an angel and it was all his. He didn’t deserve the man in the slightest but he still had him, Yesung still loved him. How amazing was that?

He was surprised however, when he pushed open the door and the sound of profanities greeted his ear. Yesung was for the most part rather reserved with his speech so it was surprising to hear that much as a greeting, afraid for a split second that it was all directed at him when he had heard his name, which would be rather painful to be honest. He knew he was a brat before but he still didn’t think Yesung should have given up on him that quickly. He was particularly relieved when he realized that it was not connected to him in the slightest, even though Yesung was cursing his name for distracting him, grinning at the adorable sight of the person he loved, hoping around cursing him for distracting him when he wasn’t even there. Kyuhyun could only conclude that Yesung was thinking about him rather intently and as such had lost his focused. He was rather flattered to be honest and was ashamed to admit that little tidbit of information went right to his head, loving the fact that he still had that sort of influence over the older man. He was rather tempted to then.

“Kyu…..Kyuhyun ah?” Yesung stuttered, his mouth going wide, the words meant to insult the maknae for mentally distracting him getting lost somewhere in his throat as he realized that said maknae was standing in his room with an infuriating grin and had more than likely heard a fair bit of his little tirade. He was sure that even if he asked the earth to swallow him whole it would not comply. His luck was absolutely rotten he decided. Out of all the ways he wanted to see Kyuhyun again that was most definitely not the way he had envisioned the reunion in the slightest. Maybe he would try a last minute prayer? He thought he had suffered enough, so much so that the universe should have some sort of sympathy for his predicament. Not only had he been caught off guard, Kyuhyun had walked in on him being a clumsy klutz, uttering the same language he often reprimanded him from using, vocally admitting that Kyuhyun had his mind in a strangle hold even when he was not there. With things like that, he wondered how he survived till that point. Then to make things worse, when he opened his mouth to speak, the only thing that came out of his mouth was a rather senseless pronouncement of Kyuhyun’s name, leaving his mouth hanging open like some weird fish he saw once when he was watching the discovery channel with Donghae. There he was waiting for the earth to swallow him, face burning a burgundy red, disbelief and shock colouring his face.

“Why are you so clumsy?” Kyuhyun questioned with a relaxed chuckle, enjoying the sight of the man with rosy cheeks and embarrassed countenance, his stuttering beyond adorable, Kyuhyun rather pleased that he walked in at just that moment. He could thank the heavens later for blessing him with such a sight, even amused that Yesung seemed to forget that he was cursing Kyuhyun prior.

“I’m not!” Yesung childishly countered when he realized that Kyuhyun was just teasing him, evil handsome smirk right at home on his face, eyes tainted with that mischievousness that he had long come to just associate with Kyuhyun. He wanted to smack him honestly, but the younger man was so handsome and perfect and standing right there and he missed him so much and what was he going to do again? Right! He was embarrassed. He had apparently momentarily forgotten that he was not ready to see Kyuhyun just yet and the younger had walked in on him rather unexpectedly, plus his toe was still stinging painful. He needed a quick retreat, or atleast a moment to clear his mind and make a decision as to how he would be expected to proceed. His little plan to salvage some pride was down the drain and despite his apparent need to hold Kyuhyun, he was positive he would more likely smack the smirking demon senseless more than anything else. Just as he was about to turn away from the gleeful maknae, when he stepped awkwardly, his stubbed toe exploding in pain, yelping in surprise when the stinging pain ran through his body.

“Hyung” Kyuhyun expressed before he was beside him. Yesung couldn’t even remember seeing him walk towards them which could either be a clear indicator of his obliviousness or the fact that Kyuhyun responded quite quickly, at his side nearly instantly wrapping a hand around Yesung's shoulder to try and steady his weight, Yesung initially attempting to refuse the aid, but realized that Kyuhyun was unlikely to release him then anyway, wanting instead to hide his head in embarrassment. Really…this was nothing as what he was expecting, yet he couldn’t stop the warmth that spread through him, overjoyed at the soft tender touch to his shoulder.  Kyuhyun though more taken with the idea that it would be best that Yesung shifted positions, holding on to him carefully as he made the short steps to Yesung's bed, allowing bed both to sit and the fairly made bed.

“I am surprised that you didn’t die before I returned. How is the toe? Are you alright?” Kyuhyun questioned with slight humour, chuckling when he insulted Yesung's ability to survive on his own, eyes playful, expression snug, only softening when he inquired into Yesung's wellbeing, eyes darting down to look at the injured area to ensure that it had no visible injury, as he led Yesung to sit on his bed, pushing the older man down on to the mattress as he sat beside him, looking at Yesung for an answer, snickering a bit when Yesung glared at him.

“I am fine. I didn’t need your help anyway” Yesung grumbled, annoyed and embarrassed that Kyuhyun had caught him in such a predicament, even having to lean on Kyuhyun to get to the bed, only because the sting in his foot was quite strong and it was just easy to lean on Kyuhyun’s broad shoulder than push past the pain in his toes. Kyuhyun’s smirking face was annoying him. He was starting to think he was cursed. Nothing was going his way, well except for the fact that Kyuhyun was beside him now, his eyes softening as he looked at the man that he missed. He wanted to strangle him for always being such a cheeky brat but the warmth settling in his heart was so strong, happiness bubbling quietly in his stomach at the sight of Kyuhyun’s happy face beside him. Despite his annoyance, he was thrilled that Kyuhyun was beside him once more, happy that Kyuhyun was there for him to lean on, to want to strangle.

“You always need my help Hyung” Kyuhyun argued, voice tainted with subdued amusement, eyes teasing and playful, looking at the grumbling man beside him with a happy heart. He knew he was only away from him for a short time but he had come to realize that he missed Yesung's rather unique brand of cuteness quite a lot. The smaller man was then half heartedly glaring at him and all he wanted to do was pinch his cheeks and kiss him senseless, but he would probably only get away with the cheek pinching if he was lucky. It seemed as if Yesung was alternating between shy and annoyed, which he expected to be honest, an amazing adorable view but at the same time a dangerous position to be in, especially given Yesung's temperament. Maybe he did push him too far last time, but he had a selfish inclination that Yesung deserved it. Now however, he would have to deal with the ramifications. He was confident that he would be able to sway the older man in his favour. He didn’t like to boast…okay…he loved to boast, but he did have quite the ability to lure the older man into a forgiving nature, Yesung generally being unable to resist his cuteness or just him. Either was beneficial to him.

“Whatever,” Yesung childishly rejoined; rolling his eyes at the accusation that he was dependent on Kyuhyun. He wished to argue but could realize that it would be wasted especially since it was partially true. Even then Kyuhyun helped him get to the bed without having to put pressure on his aching foot. As a general rule he always tried to maintain as much independence as possible, but could realize that with Kyuhyun by his side, he had grown accustomed to the helping hand, the person that would be a shoulder for him to lean on. It annoyed him that Kyuhyun had so cheekily pointed out that he had allowed him to be such a part of his life, but that didn’t mean it was lacking in substance. He was grateful to have Kyuhyun’s hand in his, happy that the younger always choose to lift him up and hold him close. It was a choice Kyuhyun had made and he would be eternally thankful for that.

“Well aren’t you going to properly welcome me back?” Kyuhyun questioned, still with that infuriating smirk, leaning his body slightly into Yesung, the older man glaring at him, causing Kyuhyun to chuckle low in his throat, though that did not impede him, turning his head until he was directly in the man’s line of vision, cutely tilting it back and forth to induce some sort of response other than eye rolling from the older man, Kyuhyun continuing his chuckling, rather taken with the soft red cheeks and the clear effort Yesung was applying to act indifferent to him. It was apparently a rather difficult task, especially when Kyuhyun decided that he really didn’t like to be ignored, nudging the older man in the shoulder, Yesung scowling at him, yet couldn’t keep the leanings of a smile from forming. Kyuhyun then deliberately grinned at the older man, laughing out loud when Yesung fled backwards, pushing Kyuhyun away from him, a smile breaking forth and then forcibly replaced with an indifferent glare, causing Kyuhyun to laugh even more. Yesung was beyond adorable he decided.

“I am talking to you aren’t I?” Yesung barked, glaring at Kyuhyun, annoyed that Kyuhyun had made him all flustered , hearts pounding and mind running a mile a minute, all with that insufferable smirk adorning his much too handsome face. He could really just punch him in the face, especially when he started laughing even more, his eyes even more bright and playful, apparently taking great joy in the fact that he had such an effect on him. He was trying his best to ignore him, but Kyuhyun was so adorable, leaning towards him, his warmth infiltrating Yesung's body, smirk indicative of the mischievousness that he had missed so much. He wanted to stay as indifferent as possible to Kyuhyun but it was just so hard. The brat was teasing as usual, but he still invoked so much happiness in him that it was difficult to stay his course of action. What would he do with the little monster?

“You are ….but your tone leaves much to be desired Hyung,” Kyuhyun said with some seriousness that quickly dissolved into laughs when Yesung's face soften and eyes widened with indignation and that little bit of affection that Kyuhyun could always identify in those almond shaped eyes. He knew Yesung was just then torn between being annoyed that he has being reprimanded by Kyuhyun and being concerned that he had upset Kyuhyun. It was one of those things that Kyuhyun loved most about the older man. No matter his own emotional state, he always considered Kyuhyun’s feelings to the best of his ability. He didn’t always get it right or say the right thing but he always tried his best to take care when it came to Kyuhyun. He didn’t think he deserved that much affection from the man, but the knowledge that he was so highly weighed by the older man was always something that gave him endless joy. It was also rather amusing to see the emotions flash in those expressive eyes, seeing the struggle to decide if he was going to call Kyuhyun on his rudeness or he was going to apologize for the trouble his disposition had been causing Kyuhyun. It was heart warming and adorable and Kyuhyun found himself unable to do anything but smile at the thought of it all, eagerly waiting on the course of action that Yesung had selected.

“I think it is perfectly appropriate,” Yesung maintained, looking Kyuhyun up and down as he pulled himself back into a straight upright position, hands resting on his knees, head looking straight ahead, eyes avoiding the maknae, afraid that he would once more try his little antics to reduce his mind to a blabbering mess. Kyuhyun was the one that started it anyway. He had no right to so easily play with him. He knew he would have a hard time denying Kyuhyun but the fact that it was so easy was quite troublesome. He blamed Kyuhyun. Why did he have to be such a brat? And why on earth did he have to be so adorable and irresistible. Since he returned he had spent all his time teasing him. Shouldn’t he be a little nicer and at least return the sentiment? Yesung was starting to think that Kyuhyun only wanted to , and he was then positive that he was right. Kyuhyun had always taken great pleasure in torturing him. He didn’t think it would cease when their relationship changed, he was not that naïve, but he expected a little more reverence. On that point however he was sadly mistaken. Instead of the younger being kinder he was even more prone to teasing. It was not especially a bad thing though. He knew that Kyuhyun’s teasing came from a place of love, but that still didn’t make any less insufferable. The stupid little brat!

“It’s not,” Kyuhyun insisted, with a warm smile, determined not to pay much attention to the grumpy Yesung, rather amused by the older man’s assertions that anything else, having to force his face to remain fairly even, though he was aware that he had been failing in that regard. He missed teasing the older man quite a lot it would seem or he had just missed him, which was the more likely of the two to be honest. His underlying dissatisfaction was still present to be frank, but he wanted their moments of reunion to be filled with smiles and smirks rather than resentment and dissatisfaction. He wanted to see Yesung's red cheeks and hear his husky voice, wanted to drown in his warmth and get lost in the aroma of coffee and cinnamon and then he would do anything else. He supposed he should be kind and stop his teasing, but he wouldn’t. It was the easiest form of revenge honestly and he quite liked administering in to be truthful. He knew Yesung was flustered and weary but he didn’t mind. It was just as he wanted him then.

Before Yesung could respond however, Kyuhyun had decided that his slow teasing was not enough, deciding that he had to get some other fulfilment out of the whole thing as well, sneakily reaching for the hand resting on the older man’s knee. His hand inched towards them unnoticed by the older man , until his fingers were wrapped around the much smaller little stubs, Yesung jerking his hand away when he felt the intrusion, Kyuhyun tsking at him with a mild glare, tightening his hand fingers, moulding them together, a smile breaking through with the feeling of completeness that overtook him. Holding those hands was something that he needed, something that he craved. He had missed those hands especially when he was away. He was thrilled to have them back where they rightfully belonged. He glared at Yesung, however, not pleased that the older man thought that he could escape Kyuhyun’s grasp, but was reduced to a whimpering little kitten when he saw the sheepish smile the man was shooting, Yesung tightening his fingers as well as he shifted his palm to find that groove that he had somehow carved over their time together, hands settling perfectly into its place as it always should be. Kyuhyun smiled genuinely at the Yesung for the first time since he arrived, devoid of any teasing or cheekiness, just wanting to have that moment with him. Yesung responded with similar emotions, not glaring or grumbling, allowing his annoyance to fall away so that he could just feel the joy of having Kyuhyun’s hand in his, looking at the warm brown eyes that he had missed. He was enchanted by him, but then realized that Kyuhyun was still a cheeky brat, especially when he winked at him. Yesung immediately turned away, willing the slight blush away, promising to strangle the chuckling monster, though never once removing his hand.

“Hyung you are still doing it wrong,” Kyuhyun informed, looking serious or as serious as a smirking demon could look, eyeing Yesung was with critical eyes, voice spoken with mild reprimand but still held that little teasing that he couldn’t conceal and what effectively prevented Yesung from taking him too seriously. Kyuhyun knew he should have just let the moment proceed, that would have been the kind thing to do, but it would have been sort of foolhardy to think he would be that kind. He still had a fair bit of teasing in mind when it came to Yesung. He was far from finished with him, and he was only further motivated by the hand locked in his grasp. He had received his much needed dosage of Yesung's warmth, so there was nothing to impede him further now.

“What do you mean?” Yesung questioned Kyuhyun with suspicions, eyes narrowing as he evaluated the expression that the younger wore. Kyuhyun’s voice was serious, but he was positive he had heard that light teasing somewhere in the undertones, Kyuhyun’s face appearing neutral but Yesung had long discovered that Kyuhyun was more often than not a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He knew better than to let those soft brown eyes and warm cheeks fool him. Kyuhyun only ever appeared innocent and even that was few and far between. Kyuhyun was not to be trusted when it came to teasing. He was probably planning something already. All he had to do was figure it out before he enacted it, which would be quite hard, especially with the affection he felt clouding his mind, convincing him that Kyuhyun was a sweet angel who needed to be hugged and cuddled, begging him to ask Kyuhyun if he had a good time, if Eunhyuk was mean to him, if he was still mad, to tell him he was sorry. So far he was doing a fair job of holding back the flood gates but he didn’t know how long his resolve would last. Not even Kyuhyun’s infuriating smirking was lessening the outpouring of affection. He wondered how he ended in such a predicament. He never even thought he was capable of loving someone or something so much, yet there he was losing his soul over a little cheeky brat and he didn’t even have the strength to feel regret. Life was never what you expect he realized.

“You are still not welcoming me back properly Hyung” Kyuhyun criticized with a fake pained expression, shaking his head to indicate that he didn’t think Yesung was up to par with what he expected, all his actions having that tinge of aeygo that was hard for Yesung to miss. It was in Kyuhyun’s voice, his eyes, and even his expression, even if he tried to act as if he was being indifferent. The child was sneaky as hell, so really what did he expect? Kyuhyun had mastered the art of teasing, and of that he was quite proud. He didn’t even have to use the full aeygo, but he knew Yesung was still softening at his antics, wilfully or not, yet still he was ensuring that the older man was unable to resist his teasing much longer. At the time he was having quite the experience playing the little game with Yesung. He was happy to have the opportunity to play with him, to sit beside him, to just be the one in his heart. It was something he couldn’t wrap his mind around despite their somewhat lengthy time together.

“Really?” Yesung questioned, humouring Kyuhyun, now sure that Kyuhyun was back to his teasing ways, happy to play along whether he was willing to admit it or not. He was, despite it all, glad to have Kyuhyun beside him, even if it came with a smirking face and a sharp tongue. He supposed that the teasing had now settled into their form of banter, no longer marked with that mild hostility. Their joint hands was doing an amazing job of subduing any anger or resent that they felt, though the annoyance still snuck through now and then, the smirking face of the maknae a comfort, the affection slowly overwhelming him. His pride no longer seemed that important to be honest, his heart in glee to have Kyuhyun so close.

“Yep….You are supposed to be hugging me and kissing me and telling me how much you miss me and love me, that sort of thing, hyung” Kyuhyun teased, no doubt about it this time, voice dropping to that low tone, just above a whisper, head gliding towards the older man. Taking detour to Yesung's ear, whispering the words with a wicked smirk, leaning his shoulder into the man, chuckling huskily when Yesung's face blushed burgundy, eyes going wide, a protest dying somewhere in his throat, Kyuhyun taking immense pleasure in his teasing, noting that they Yesung was unintentionally teasing him as well.

 It was hard to be near that much soft coffee scented skin and not lose his self control all together. What he wouldn’t give to be able to press just one soft kiss, to taste the skin just for a split second. If he was brave he might have done it, but he alas he wasn’t. Kyuhyun was wary of further upsetting Yesung or worse, making him uncomfortable. The man blushed with just his light teasing, no telling what he would have done if Kyuhyun had done it. He would have probably retreated and that was not something that Kyuhyun wanted at all. He was enjoying his little teasing, taking pleasure it the red skin and the wide eyes, happy to have the opportunity to play with Yesung, to know that he was able to command such a reaction. He knew Yesung was not the sort that would welcome him that way, so was not really disappointed. In fact he was quite happy. He had expected Yesung to kick him out the second he entered the room, more than likely punishment for teasing him earlier. It was shocking that Yesung had permitted to stay by his side, even after all the teasing he had just done as well. He was more than willing to believe that it was simply the result of Yesung's affection for him. Just as he wanted to be beside Yesung, he knew Yesung wanted the same thing. It was a good feeling, a unique understanding that made his heart flutter as little, thought not nearly as much as the flustered Yesung trying to escape, shifting away from him with red cheeks, taking deep breathes to calm his heart. It was a beautiful sight and Kyuhyun was going to enjoy it with glee.

“I would have, if you weren’t such a brat,” Yesung announced, a good minute after Kyuhyun’s little tease, previously too flustered to properly respond, taking the time to create some distance, so that he could get his heart to relax and his mind to settle. He hated Kyuhyun! The little demon always made him so flustered. He didn’t even know way he always let him get to him. It was such a childish, immature reaction, but no matter what he did he couldn’t stop the blush or the pounding in his heart.

It was thoroughly embarrassing to react that way always, but that little piece of his mind never wanted it to stop, never wanted the flutters to end, and never wanted to happiness to waver. He had to take deep breathes to settle his heart and ignore the sounds of Kyuhyun’s annoyingly beautiful laughter, in an attempt to recover his mind and have some sort of coherent response. It was tough going but he was finally able to form coherent thoughts enough to respond to Kyuhyun. Pulling his face into a calmer demeanour, praying that the blush had receded enough to speak to Kyuhyun properly, he turned to younger still laughing man and had informed him without stuttering that he would be so minded if he was not his usual self. He expected Kyuhyun to be regretful or apologetic, but instead Kyuhyun just laughed harder, his face contouring in mirth, eyes disappearing somewhere, his face red from the effort, the sound of his laughter melodic and intoxicating. Yesung smiled despite himself, but pulled his expression back when he realized that Kyuhyun was disregarding his sentiment, completely ignoring his dissatisfaction with him. The brat didn’t even have the decency to act as if he was just reprimanded, the worst part being that he wasn’t even that surprised. It was very Kyuhyun to behave that way.

“You see what I mean?” he nearly whined, so overcome with emotion that he smacked the younger hard on his chest with his free hand, Kyuhyun cheekily grabbing on to his hand as he continued to laugh Yesung grumbling to himself  that the brat had no sense, struggling to pull his hands away from Kyuhyun’s grasp, both hands this time, wanting to punish the younger man, deciding childishly that he didn’t want to hold Kyuhyun’s hand any longer, tugging at him strongly, only for Kyuhyun to tight his grip each and every time, Yesung continuing his grumbling, glaring at Kyuhyun, his face naturally taking on a bit of a pout when he couldn’t get his way.

“Oh Hyung, don’t pout,” Kyuhyun spoke between giggles, releasing the hands he held prisoner, instead throwing his body at the older man, pulling him to a hug as they fell on the bed, a mess of limbs and Yesung screeching for him to get off, Kyuhyun still giggling, despite the smacks that was lining his back, Yesung deciding that since he couldn’t push Kyuhyun off him, he would smack him until the insolent brat decided to get off him, so far having no success whatsoever, Kyuhyun instead burrowing against him, holding him in place with just his weight and the hand that poked Yesung's side intermittently. Kyuhyun was rather pleased with the turn of circumstances to be quite honest. He couldn’t stop laughing at the adorableness of the older man, happy at just about everything. Yesung was like this indescribable sensation that gave him soft flutters and warm feelings and no matter what he did he could never get rid of the craving he had to be beside the man.

Yesung's pout was the final straw to whatever restraint that he had. He was then desperate to hold him in his arms, to bury his nose in the sweet throat and just let the warmth feel his heart. In his time away, despite his annoyance and anger, he had missed the man quite a lot. It was a sad wake up call for him. He had a good time, tried his best to make the most of it and for the most part was rather successful, but every time he closed his eyes at night he remembered the warmth that was not beside him, the warmth that should have been there. He was mad at Yesung for denying him something special, but in truth he was madder at himself for wanting it so much. It was quite disconcerting when he realized that he was dependent on that warmth to  feel complete. He would be lying if he said he had not suspected as much before, but he had tried hard to convince himself that he would be has he had always been.

He was wrong. Nothing would ever be the same again. He was fundamentally changed and there was no way to return to that point ever in his life. No matter what he did, he was marked and branded, an effect of love that he can never rid of himself. It was a scary realization. Lying in that bed, with Eunhyuk and Ryeowook close by he realized just how different and special that warmth was. It was different from everything else and would never be recreated. He had a difficult time sleeping, knowing that Yesung was not beside him, but he had adjusted or at least tried to. He had to convince himself that he would be home soon; that he would see him soon, that he would feel his warmth and it would all be okay. That was the only way he was able to sleep comfortably. By the fourth day he had gotten better at it, better at closing his eyes and remembering that Yesung would be home when he got back and it was only a short while, that Yesung would be mad if he knew he wasn’t sleeping, that Ryeowook would sell him out for sure and he had to sleep. It was not surprising but it was potent. He had spent his time thinking that things would always be great, that he was the same. He refused to accept that he could never go back. It was a nice little net for him, convincing himself that he would survive if he was separate from Yesung, that he was not so lost in love.

He was wrong. Dead wrong. This little separation only proved to him that he would never be the same. If Yesung ever let go of his hand he could never ever go back. It was a scary realization, one that gave him a bit of heartache. It was not to say he regretted loving the man or even letting it get so far, just that it made him scared. He was afraid to lose the man. He had never been as frightened of anything in his life as he was then. He supposed that contributed to his annoyance and resentment more than anything else. Just as Yesung choose not to come with him, he could choose that he didn’t want to be with Kyuhyun anymore and then what would happen to him? I was something that made his heart ache. That coupled with the fact that Yesung's army enlistment was looming, drove him insane. That couple of days could have been the last they would get to spend together like that, but Yesung put his other commitments before Kyuhyun, and he was annoyed.

He knew he was being selfish, though. Yesung spent most of his free time with Kyuhyun and had often neglected his brother. That vacation period was the one time Yesung could keep his promises to his brother and Kyuhyun knew that, he understood that Yesung's family came first. It just scared him though. When the time came to reveal their relationship would Yesung choose his family over him, if his mother and father hated the idea? He knew he was reaching and over thinking but those were the fears that plagued his heart and made him so bratty. It was hard for him to deal with it all. He had come to understand Yesung's reasoning, and he knew the man’s heart, but his fears still hurt his heart.  He knew he had no right to let his own worries affect Yesung but he couldn’t control them. Sitting on those beaches on the last day, he had time to contemplate how he would proceed, what he was going to do. It was hard to process his own thoughts but he did it. He had come to one fundamental decision. He was not letting Yesung go, AT ALL. He would be happy to be by his side and live with the consequences, good or bad. He would let that army issue rest until it was time to cross that bridge and in the meantime he would steal as much happiness as he possibility could.

He supposed it was for that reason that he had made haste to come and see the man. He was annoyed, because apparently no matter how determined he was, things like that still grated on his nerves, and he wanted to punish him, but at the heart of his all, he just wanted to see him, to hold him, to touch him and if he was lucky, kiss him. It was not anything to monumental, or extraordinary, and he was still childish and irrational, but it was all he wanted. His problems would still be the same after, but atleast his heart would be warmth and his soul put at ease. He didn’t want to play with him anymore just then; instead he just wanted to get lost in his warmth and his comfort.

Yesung apparently feel the change in the atmosphere, Kyuhyun no longer laughing or giggling face not covered by a teasing smirk or a playful grin, hands no longer poking at his side or force being applied to his shoulder, instead the younger was shifting his weight a little, burrowing his face into Yesung's throat, taking a deep breath, hands gently grasping at Yesung's side. The older man quickly realizing that something had changed, no longer struggling or screeching, instead just looking at the brownish hair beneath his eye sight with concern, his breath caught in his throat, his mind flustered, worrying over Kyuhyun, wondering what had caused the change, feeling helpless and uncertain, just looking down at Kyuhyun buried in his throat, trying not to flinch away when Kyuhyun’s breath disturbed the sensitive skin. He gazed at him for a few seconds, until the feeling of helplessness nearly suffocated him, determined then to do something…just anything.

He didn’t think much about it, just body acting from muscle memory, his hands wrapping around Kyuhyun, holding him tightly against him, shifting his body so that Kyuhyun was comfortable on him, leaning down to press a soft kiss on the maknae’s forehead, followed by another and another, his heart stilled, just waiting. His only wish then was to provide comfort to the younger man, wanting to let him know that despite his annoyance and everything else under the sun, he would always be there for them, tightening as he let his fingers stray upwards so that he could his hair, weaving his fingers rhythmically through the soft strands, comforting himself and hopefully Kyuhyun. He was not sure what had brought on the change, but was resolved to hold Kyuhyun in his arms until he was ready to tell him what was wrong or not tell him. He would be someone Kyuhyun could lean on, just as he leans on him.

Yesung allowed them to continue that way for a short while, his heart settling in peacefulness, only disturbed by the effort he had to apply to restrain himself from giggling and squirming about. Each time Kyuhyun exhaled against his throat, it sent shivers through his body, the area hyper sensitive, his pulse quickening and goosebumps rising all the way to his arms. It was soft and sensitive and he had to bite his lips to stop the soft probably feminine giggles from escaping his throat, made even harder each time Kyuhyun’s nose brushed against the area, stifling the little yelps. He had done it quite well for a while, until Kyuhyun seemingly smiled against his skin, the action much too much for his hyper sensitive skin, the giggle erupting before he could stop himself, shifting away from Kyuhyun to make the sensation less against his skin, trying his hardest not to break the moment, biting on his lips, yet unable to stop the sound, only subsiding a little when Kyuhyun lifted his hair, sincere affectionate eyes staring at into him.

“You lasted longer than I thought you would. How can you be so ticklish, huh?” Kyuhyun asked with a warm smile, his voice back to being teasing, though this time it was much less annoying to Yesung's ears, happy that Kyuhyun did not seem to be especially troubled, instead warm and affectionate, though he did feel like rolling his eyes, when Kyuhyun decided that poking him in the side was a good idea, teasing smile and gleeful face in place each time he squirmed away from the finger, Kyuhyun chuckling again in amusement, seemingly happy once again. Yesung would have left him but he was positive it would only escalate and he was in no position to have Kyuhyun attack him with tickles, in fact only then realizing that they were sort of oddly assembled on the bed, a mess of limbs and positions.

“Knock it off. That tickles,” Yesung commanded, smacking the offended hand away as he bit his lips to stop his giggles, trying to get Kyuhyun to stop his gentle assault before things escalated and he ended up squirming and squealing like some crazy school girl. He would have rather liked to avoid that at all cost, smacking the long fingers at his side as best as he good, internally cheering when he connected a few times, Kyuhyun expression a fake sour, as he removed his hand, looking at Yesung with puppy eyes, the older man immediately apologetic, until Kyuhyun grinned and started laughing again, having once more proven that Yesung was quite gullible. Yesung in his immediate rage, pushing Kyuhyun of his body, this time the maknae complying, sliding off Yesung with ease, laying on the bed beside him on his back, still laughing happily, easing in intensity until finally all that was left was a satisfied smile and a peaceful Kyuhyun, eyes closed and body calm.

Yesung settled himself as well, caught his breathe and calmed his heart, lying beside Kyuhyun as he let the earth settled for him. Once he was back even, he turned to glance at the peaceful maknae beside him, wondering if he was tired, if he was sick, if he was upset. He let his eyes examine him from head to toe, noticing that his skin looked darker and healthier, finally no longer looking so pasty, also mainly clear and devoid of blemish, no major eye bags. He looked rested to be honest, something that gave Yesung a lot of joy. He was thrilled that Kyuhyun was able to rest well, to have a good time in a place he wanted to be. It relieved some of the worry that he had and he was thankful for that, casting his eyes to the rest of Kyuhyun, the younger’s chest rising and falling steadily, though Yesung knew he was not asleep, legs spread out comfortably. He smiled to himself, happy that Kyuhyun was well, even if that did nothing to further explain his emotional state. Yesung wondered if everything was alright; if Kyuhyun was still really mad about the vacation thing. He kept his eyes on him, restraining his hands from touching him, not wanting to disturb him.

“Staring is creepy Hyung. You should just ask me if I am okay,” Kyuhyun pointed out with ease, his voice smooth and unaffected, once more tainted with easy playfulness and understanding, only open his lids to reveal, calm affectionate brown eyes after he had spoken, turning his head to meet Yesung's eyes, smiling at the older man warmly. Kyuhyun had spent the minute organizing his thoughts and putting everything in it’s properly place. He had to compartmentalize and prioritize, put the painful ones away and ensure that he kept the important ones at the fore front, plus he was probably scaring Yesung with his clinginess, so he needed to push it back down. He had allowed everything to return to their rightful place, setting himself back into the position he needed to be, smiling to himself when he felt Yesung's eyes on him. He was not surprised in the slightest. He had expected the older man to be concerned, and in fact was only surprised that he was not bombarding him with questions. He supposed Yesung at a subconscious level was allowing him the time to sort out his thoughts and for that he was grateful. He thought of the gaze as a watchful protective presence and it made him joyful. He allowed it to watch over him until he was finished, everything returned to their assigned positions, and then rather inclined to tease the man beside him, smiling at the surprised expression that adorned Yesung's face after he had spoken.

“I was not staring!” Yesung protested with indignation, hoping to conceal the fact that he well aware that was indeed staring. He had no intention of being creepy; he just wanted to ensure that Kyuhyun was well. He knew something was wrong but decided not to push it, to just let Kyuhyun sort himself out. He knew he was not physically hurt and was mainly confident that aside from his dissatisfaction with the change in vacation plans, the younger should have been emotionally satisfied as well. He didn’t know what triggered his mood, but was the opinion that he needed to be beside Kyuhyun, to look over him until he was better. He was worried about him, though now he was regretting that decision. The maknae had once again proven himself to be a brat, making him blush unnatural shades. He should have just shut his eyes. 

“If you say so,” Kyuhyun cheekily agreed with a snicker, eyes bright and cheerful, watching on with interest as Yesung scrunched up his face at his clear mockery of him, chuckling warmly at the cute sight, Yesung's face still tainted with his blush.

Kyuhyun then decided that he would rather they have all their further conversations with Yesung locked in his arms, or at least as close as possible. His time spent inhaling the sweet aroma of coffee and cinnamon had spoilt him and he now would rather have the warmth surround him than anything else. With that in mind he easily extended a hand to drew the older man closer to him, surprised when Yesung made no protest, actually moving of his own volition, cheeks still red, but a warm smile in place, settling against Kyuhyun’s shoulder, though blocking any movement forward that would bring him closer. Kyuhyun tried tugging him a bit but he just glared at him, Kyuhyun deciding that he wouldn’t push his luck, just reaching a hand out to Yesung, offering to hold his hand, stopping the grin that formed with the older man accepted, holding on to Kyuhyun’s fingers. Both were silent for a few minutes, perhaps just centring their thoughts and enjoying each other’s presence, until finally Yesung spoke into the quiet.

“Are you alright Kyu ah? I just realized that I didn’t ask,” Yesung inquired, looking at Kyuhyun with wide curious eyes, the concern evident. Kyuhyun smiled at the man, once again amazed by the level of care that he always seem to apply to anything that related to Kyuhyun. When he told him to ask, he was just teasing, laughing at the fact that Yesung would always ask him if he was okay. It was cute, even if it annoyed him sometimes. He didn’t really want Yesung to ask him that, but now that he did, he felt a certain warmth in his chest. It was weird that things like that made him happy now.

“I’m alright Hyung,” Kyuhyun confirmed with a smile, as in fact, he was more than alright at that moment. It turned out all he needed was Yesung to make everything else disappear. At some point he would have to yell at him for causing him so much stress but just then he was just happy and content, thrilled to be lying in bed after a long flight with that familiar warmth next to him. It was comforting and soothing and he was positive that he would always be alright once he could experience such a thing.

“Are you sure BabyKyu? You can tell me if something is wrong  you know,” Yesung inquired once more, eyes focused on Kyuhyun, reaching his free hand to touch the now less pale cheek, turning Kyuhyun’s head, so that he could comfortably gaze into his eyes, wanting to confirm that Kyuhyun was not just saying that he was well to make Yesung feel better. Kyuhyun had been a brat but he had also been emotional for that few minutes. Even if he did not say anything, Yesung knew him well enough to know his heart and he just knew that something was troubling him. He couldn’t force him to tell him, but he could promise him that he would be a support to him, that he would understand and assist, that he would still hold on to him no matter what. It was more than likely something small, but Yesung did not like the idea of anything festering in Kyuhyun’s mind, so was pleading with him to share his thoughts, his worries.

“I’m okay Hyung and you know I will,” Kyuhyun responded smiling brightly at the older man, wanting to ease his heart and ensure that he knew that Kyuhyun was well, even if he was regretting opening that line of conversation. He should have just used his sense and stayed quiet, now he would have to deal with Yesung. He was an idiot.

“If you are sure,” Yesung accepted looking at Kyuhyun with soft tender eyes and a sort of pleading that was meant to make Kyuhyun disclose any secret he was harbouring, his voice tainted with that gentle understanding that would stand forever, though another ploy to induce Kyuhyun to disclose if he was hiding anything. It would have been effective, if Kyuhyun was not so unwilling to begin that topic of conversation, instead Kyuhyun just shaking his head to indicate that he was perfectly alright.

Once more smiling at the older man, before leaning forward to press a quick kiss to Yesung's cheek, pulling back with a shy smile, Yesung immediately releasing his hold on his face, instead returning to his place on Kyuhyun’s shoulder, cheeks a soft red, Kyuhyun holding on to his shoulder, just smiling at the turn of events, both men getting comfortable briefly. A short comfortable silence developing once again between the two, no real tension in the air, a peacefulness settling between them until Yesung decided that it was time to break it up.

“I am still mad at you,” Yesung announced with seriousness, smacking Kyuhyun on the chest as he spoke, glaring at him half heartedly, just like the smack that he just administered. He was comfortably lying there, happy to enjoy it whilst he could, only having a few minutes before he would have to leave, having no qualms about spending that time beside Kyuhyun, until his mind in his wonderings had remembered that he was supposed to be mad at Kyuhyun. The younger man had been a mean brat the last time he called him and had been really vindictive. He was not suppose to be lying so comfortably beside him holding his hands after he had been such a teasing git the minutes proceeding, yet here he was, lost in warmth, forgetting completely that he was mad at Kyuhyun. He didn’t even know why he tried anymore. He was however happy that he was reminded. He had to deal with it at some point, though he doubt it would have been then. Out of all the things that he wanted to talk to Kyuhyun about then, that was not it at all, though Kyuhyun atleast deserved a smack for being so childish and petty.

He had in fact considered it form Kyuhyun’s point of view and knew that he would have been disappointed and annoyed and Yesung was sorry about that, but he had thoroughly explained to Kyuhyun why it was necessary to separate, that he had promises to keep. The least the younger should have done was try to see his position. Kyuhyun however chose to hold a petty grudge and act like a childish idiot. He was willing to accept that it was just the disappointment that caused his less than kind conduct, but making Yesung say he missed him was just sneaky. He should smack him again, and he would have if he didn’t spot that same hand running against where it just had impact. Wasn’t his hand supposed to do what he commanded it to do? Wasn’t it supposed to wait for his instruction? He gave up. If it continued he would just go insane. At this rate Kyuhyun would always be a brat and do what he wanted, especially since he had such a hard time dealing with him appropriately. He would like to think he was unable to deal with it simply because he felt guilt concerning Kyuhyun. He knew that Kyuhyun would not be pleased when he told him he would not be spending his vacation with him and also knew that Kyuhyun’s plans would have changed. He had regret in that regard and as such was not able to properly reprimand Kyuhyun for his bad way of showing his disappointment. He was still mad though, somewhere inside of him, just resigned to the fact that he probably would not be able to do much about it.

“I am still mad at you as well,” Kyuhyun informed with the same sort of resignation, pressing a soft kiss to Yesung's forehead, hands tightening on the hand held in his own and inching his hand to hold on to Yesung's shoulder, holding him close. Kyuhyun was still mad, angry that he was essentially abandoned by the older man, that other things apparently came before Kyuhyun, that Yesung had inadvertently opened Pandora’s Box and nothing he do would be able to put it all back into place, annoyed that he had to see a sunset with Eunhyuk instead of the person he loved, and so many other things that he would get lost just listing them. He did however know that he was being unreasonable with most of those things, but emotions were rarely ever reasonable. He had lots of things to discuss, and even more things to avenge, but just then there was nothing he wanted to do than just hold Yesung close. He had to deal with his anger and resentment at some point but in that moment he was reminded what was truly important. It was not the time they were apart but the times they were together to be made the most of, to create happy memories together. He would work hard in the meantime to become more understanding when dealing with Yesung, he would just have to accept that he couldn’t always be the only one that Yesung considered and whether he liked it or not the older man had responsibilities aside from him. It would be tough but he was determined to be a better person for Yesung.

“Once you stop being a brat, we can sort that out later,” Yesung proposed, not looking up at Kyuhyun, his voice however filled with lazy contentment, tapping his fingers on Kyuhyun’s chest, waiting for the younger man to accept his proposal. He was in no mood to deal with Kyuhyun in that regard and once Kyuhyun stopped being so bratty then he was more than willing to deal with it later or never at all. He wanted to spend his few minutes talking to Kyuhyun about more important things. He was rather pleased when Kyuhyun just nodded against his head, grumbling that he was not a brat, all done in good humour.

“So how was the trip? Did you have a good time? Was it what you expected? Did you guys take lots of pictures? I took a lot in Japan. It was tons of fun-” Yesung excitedly questioned, deciding that he had waited long effort to get the details from Kyuhyun. When he asked him prior, the younger man was short and not very welcoming but he hoped Kyuhyun would be more willing to share then. He was of course informed of the general things that they did and had seen the twitter post regarding the matters, nearly positive Kyuhyun had been so active just to rub it in his face all the things that he was missing, but was willing to give Kyuhyun the benefit of the doubt. Maybe the younger had indeed just been very excited and wanted to share his good memories and feelings with their fans, and if it taunted Yesung, then that would have been a benefit. Yesung had mainly refused to take the bait, just rather have happy thoughts; satisfied that it meant that Kyuhyun at least was having a good time. He supposed he may live to regret not going with him, but he had made the best choice available to himself at that time and he would be satisfied with that.

He and Kyuhyun were already much too attached to each other as it was and as such a little bit of separation was good, it allowed them both to put things into perspective and sort out their emotions. When he was in Japan he had thought of Kyuhyun frequently, that stray thought wondering if Kyuhyun would like an old building or if he liked sunflowers or maybe if he liked Japanese sake or wanted to try different traditional food. Those thoughts originally made him happy, only to realize that it he should have been afraid. It was frightening how much his life was altered. It was no longer just himself and his feelings, but now he always seemed to incorporate Kyuhyun into his thoughts, to think about what Kyuhyun would want or what he would like. He knew then that it would never be the same again. He had done the exact same thing he wanted to avoid, he had embedded Kyuhyun into his life, the younger now a part of him. How could one ever lose part of themselves? It was impossible. No matter what happened in the future, Kyuhyun would be part of him. That thought sacred him to his soul. Good or bad, he would always have to carry Kyuhyun in his heart and his thoughts and god forbid he and Kyuhyun could no longer be at each other’s side; Kyuhyun was locked in his heart and roamed his mind. It was all romantic in theory but frightening in reality. For the rest of his life, he would be reminded of Kyuhyun. He didn’t know what he supposed to do then? It was clear that he couldn’t walk away and he had no way of impeding it.

He had realized that overtime he was able to adjust to Kyuhyun’s absence easier, but he wasn’t complete, wasn’t whole, never apart. Even if Kyuhyun was not beside him, he was in his heart and in his mind. He honestly had no idea what he was supposed to do. He couldn’t stop it now; it was much too late, wanting to kick himself. He had tried so hard to keep his distance, to hold on to that bit of himself to act as shield, but apparently he didn’t cater enough for something like that happening. He tended to spend his moments lying in bed thinking, pondering, wondering. He had come to no solution, except to follow the flow and let his heart do the guiding. There was nothing else that could be done. He was ruined and marked, his mind indicated with a hint of bitterness. All he could do was hold on to Kyuhyun and hope the younger held on just as tight. It was the only way they would survive their little adventure together, or survive at all he mused.

Despite his absence and rather strong emotion, he was curious as to Kyuhyun’s wellbeing. It would please his heart greatly if he could confirm that Kyuhyun had a good time and that he was satisfied, that he could find a moment to rest and enjoy himself. The others had checked in a bit, so he knew that they were having a good time, but he needed to hear it from Kyuhyun, he was happy to have him share his experiences with him, that is until Kyuhyun interrupted him.

“Hyung slow down!” Kyuhyun chuckled at Yesung's enthusiasm interrupting him midway through his rambled questioning, grinning teasingly at the older man who was now smiling sheepishly at him, having realized that he had not taken a single breath between questions and had bombarded Kyuhyun with more questions than he could answer, muttering a soft sorry, which made Kyuhyun laugh a bit more, before he stopped abruptly, his smile falling from his face, turning to face Yesung, eyes losing amusement.

“Ah....I heard about that. Did you have fun without me?” Kyuhyun questioned with a stern voice, face losing his amusement and humour, looking down at Yesung with sharp eyes, indenting on the without me, making it clear that he didn’t appreciate Yesung mentioning all the fun he had in Japan without him. It was petty and childish and he was embarrassed, yet he was still annoyed, the idea still giving him a feeling of distaste. Yesung could have spent time with his brother another time –‘No he couldn’t’, he could have come with him ‘No he couldn’t’, he should have missed him ‘That he did-‘ , Kyuhyun’s mind playing with him.

“You are petty and childish, and yes I did,” Yesung confirmed rolling his eyes at Kyuhyun, before he turned his body to pull the younger into a bone crushing hug. No matter what he did, Kyuhyun would be annoyed about the whole thing and truthfully he didn’t blame him that much. He did recognize that it was an opportunity missed to be with Kyuhyun, and he was had his own regrets but Kyuhyun was ridiculous. He wasn’t even annoyed anymore with him.

In all fairness, he was well aware of what he was getting into when he decided to accept Kyuhyun’s confession. No matter how serious and mature he seemed, he knew better than anyone else that Kyuhyun was often childish and selfish, so he couldn’t even claim to be shocked. He did however, discover a great method for dealing with it, which he was utilizing then, squishing Kyuhyun to death. He had reached upwards and tugged Kyuhyun’s head, forcing the younger to lie on his side, Yesung following suit before he wrapped his hands around Kyuhyun’s middle, pulling the younger towards him until their bodies were pressed together, whilst lying on their sides, his head unfortunately reaching just beneath Kyuhyun’s chin, squeezing Kyuhyun tightly in his hands, the younger grumbling a bit before he returned the embrace, wrapping his long hands around Yesung as well, holding his close, Yesung reaching up to peck his lips for a split second, before trying to extract himself from Kyuhyun’s grasp. Kyuhyun however was making the effort rather difficult, childishly refusing to release him. He chuckled then, amused at his antics, deciding that he could leave it as is.

“I am not childish,” Kyuhyun argued, allowing Yesung some breathing room, so that he could look into the older man’s eyes, however only spotting amusement in the older man’s eyes, clearly Yesung was not taking him seriously. He luckily caught himself before he released the whine at the tip of his tongue no doubt that would only effectively prove the point. He could admit that we was probably sometimes and only a rather rare ‘sometimes’, he was sort of unreasonable, especially when it came to Yesung, but he was not childish, well….not really.

“And the sun doesn’t set in the west,” Yesung rejoined with a chuckle, amused at his own rejoinder, Kyuhyun unsure if he was innocent or stupid, maybe a little bit of both. He wondered how he could ever think Yesung was cute. Clearly he had missed the part where he was annoying, with his stupid handsome grinning face, and perfect bright teasing almond eyes and melodious husky giggling voice. He had once again ignored Kyuhyun’s concerns and had instead wanted to annoy him. Yesung was sly he decided and not just sly, but the most dangerous type of sly, the unsuspecting innocent cheekiness that seem to caught him off guard. He would strangle him, but his hands didn’t want to leave the small waist and back, instead only able to make faces at him, which only amused the older man even more, now cooing at Kyuhyun.

“BabyKyu is so cute,” he continued his cooing, hands leaving Kyuhyun’s waist and back to pinch Kyuhyun’s cheeks, the areas turning red form both the contact and embarrassment that he felt, Yesung apparently having the time of his life pulling at his cheeks, making him groan in both annoyance and pain, though that did not deter Yesung in the slightest, continuing his fussing, Kyuhyun only finding some  joy when Yesung decided he wouldn’t mind sharing Kyuhyun’s face with his lips, pressing a few quick innocent kisses to Kyuhyun’s cheeks, actually inducing a blush from the generally even maknae.

“You see why I didn’t miss you,” Kyuhyun informed with a mock glare, trying to pull Yesung's hand’s away from his face, sulky that Yesung was being less than kind even if he was cooing over him as if he was some doll, though he could recognize that there probably wasn’t anything true in his statement at all, positive that he had missed Yesung more than he should have, missing his warmth and his smiles, even his annoying need to coo over him. How could he not miss Yesung? That would be impossible; he noted, his face smiling of his own accord, looking fondly at the man still in his arms, knowing that no matter what he said it would be quite obvious that he missed him severely, leaning forward to brush his head against Yesung's who smiled at him warmly, rubbing his hand against his cheeks, Kyuhyun feels oddly like a puppy. It was weird.

“That’s good. Now I don’t have to feel guilty about having a good time without you,” Yesung teased, chuckling happily, face splitting into a teasing smirk, eyes bright and playful, pulling at Kyuhyun’s cheeks in amusement. He knew Kyuhyun was not serious when he said he said he didn’t miss him, he could see it in his eyes. It was impossible not to miss each other, so it would be rather ridiculous to claim otherwise. It was alright if it remained unsaid however, not being one that loved to express such sentiment, but there was never any doubt that they would miss each other. Yesung however, rather liked the idea of teasing Kyuhyun. The younger was always so smug and snarky, that it always gave him joy to get under his skin a little bit, to see Kyuhyun squirm a little bit. It was clear that their moods were changing, both happy to just tease and poke each other, all with affection and happiness. The happiness from being with each other, now completely overtaking them, Yesung giggling when Kyuhyun pulled a face, glaring at him, eyes narrowing, a pout being formed, clearly not happy with Yesung's last statement.

“Then I would have to feel guilty as well. I had a great time,” Kyuhyun insisted, face firm, eyes less than friendly, voice even, trying to act as if he was of a similar disposition, failing miserable when he glared at Yesung, reaching his hand out to poke him in the side, unable to hide his annoyance, despite his best efforts. Yesung paid him no heed, laughing quietly happily at Kyuhyun’s failure to act indifferent, deciding that it was easier to just let him have his revenge, yelping when Kyuhyun poked him especially hard, smacking Kyuhyun on the chest out of instinct, the younger’s face softening, perhaps induced by the cuteness, pulling Yesung back into his arms, holding on to him tightly.

“You are annoying,” Kyuhyun breathed, eyes closed, voice even as he spoke at the top of Yesung's head, his movement ruffling the older man’ now light blonde hair, arms tightening softly, holding Yesung as close as possible. He was not kidding. Yesung was annoying and infuriating and frustration and he wanted to strangle him slowly, just to make him suffer for all the emotional fluctuation that he caused.

Kyuhyun had always been an even sort of person, never prone to emotional displays or radical changes. His moods remained constant and would only be altered by significant changes in the atmosphere or environment. He had impeccable control on how he reacted and had the ability to line his thoughts with what he thought was appropriate. This ability however was completely destroyed during his time with Yesung, his rationality slipping away bit by bit, his emotions always seemingly getting the better of him. He could accept that. It was logical that he would be emotional, so he could accept that, it was however, unacceptable for his emotions to always be on such a rollercoaster, to deviate at the slightest action the older man performed. It was as if he was controlled by Yesung, moulded to suit his fancy. It was annoying and frustrating. He hated losing his control that easily. He wanted to be able to react with his brain and not his heart. It was a weird feeling and he wanted it to stop.

 In fact it was all Yesung's fault. He was the reason Kyuhyun could no longer control his emotions. He had robbed Kyuhyun of his capabilities, and had done so by just being himself, no effort even extended. No matter what he did however he couldn’t bring it back in line, not with Yesung in his arms. He supposed though that he probably didn’t want to anymore. If losing his head a bit was the price he had to pay to have Yesung in his arms then he was more than willing, though he did think Yesung had to be held responsible, or better yet punished, once more poking his side.

Yesung yelped at the sudden poke, confused as to when Kyuhyun had decided that their silent embrace was the perfect opportunity to poke him mercilessly. He could see no reason for the change, but was not in a mood to take offence, deciding that Kyuhyun probably had his reasons, though he was not of the mind to just squirm around, his throat already clogging with laughter. He repeatedly cursed the fact that he was so ticklish and worse, that Kyuhyun was so aware of that fact. The younger seem to take joy in having him giggling like some crazed school girl and squirming around as if he had lost his mind. In between giggles he begged Kyuhyun to stop, pushing at the younger’s chest to create some distance, Kyuhyun just chuckling at his expense, muttering something about it being his punishment, though Yesung was not exactly in a position to analyze his words, not particularly caring in the moment, just trying to get Kyuhyun to stop. Eventually the maknae decided that he should be merciful, ceasing his poking, to simple careful, intimate , which were no better really. Yesung catching his breath, pushing Kyuhyun away, moving away from his arms, returning to lying flat on his back, settling his rampant heart beat.

“Brat,” Yesung accused, smacking Kyuhyun on the chest once more, the younger man just laughing at the accusation, Yesung smiling along with him, both feeling happiness in their depths, thrilled that once again they could be at each other’s side, to have the opportunity to play their little pointless games.

“I have to go and meet Jongjin in a little while,” Yesung informed after a minute of staring into Kyuhyun’s eyes, voice tainted with that little bit of regret, sad that he couldn’t stay the rest of the day with Kyuhyun. He still had things to do, especially with the new café location to be decided. He had put off all his other activities so that he could wait on Kyuhyun, but he was quickly running out of time, having to stop at the company and a short schedule to attend to as well. Their vacations were over and it was back to work and in his case, even more work with the café details to be sorted out. He hoped Kyuhyun understood his position this time, not wanting a repeat of the last instance. He smiled at Kyuhyun sadly, hoping to indicate that it was not something he was happy about.

“That’s alright. I think they said Eunhyuk and I have something on as well,” Kyuhyun acknowledged, smiling at Yesung, shaking his head to indicate that this time he was more than willing to be reasonable. He knew deep down that Yesung was in fact a very busy person. Despite his lack of activity with regard to appearances, he was the driving force behind KRY and with the plans of the upcoming concerts and work on various OSTs he had a lot on his plate, then added to that, he had full responsibility of handling his family business, it must be stressful for him to deal with all of that whilst coming out of a promotion period. Even some of his vacation was spent trying to organize a location. Kyuhyun could be understanding and in fact was determined to show Yesung that he could be mature. It was not fair to Yesung to have to have to deal with his pettiness and …childishness….along with his other tasks. Kyuhyun was going to try to be a better person, to make things easier for Yesung, rather than act like a brat that always had to have his way. He wanted Yesung to see him as someone he could rely on , not some petulant child that threw tantrums, though he was positive it would be a while before he was able to get rid of his bad habits, he was still going to try. Yesung deserved to be with someone that could take care of him, not someone that caused him stress and acted like a child. He would do better. He promised himself that he would.

“So was everything alright? Did you really have a good time?” Yesung questioned, smiling warmly at Kyuhyun, only interested in making the necessary inquiries. He wanted to know if Kyuhyun was happy, if he was satisfied, if he was able to enjoy himself. Such information was meant to ease his own heart more than anything else. He stretched his hand out and held on to two of Kyuhyun’s comparative massive fingers, twisting them between his fingers, hoping Kyuhyun would confirm that despite everything that occurred he was happy.

“It would have been better if you were there, but I really did have a great time. There were so many amazing things to see. There was this huge canal, it was really pretty. Eunhyuk was sacred. It was hilarious,” Kyuhyun spoke excitedly after raising an eyebrow at Yesung to indicate that he was of the opinion that things would have been better if Yesung had come with him, but could still gush excitedly about all the things that he had seen. He was sure the experience would have been better if he had Yesung beside him, but the sheer magnificence of some things could never be denied. The temples were astounding, the scenic view breathtaking, even that sunset with Eunhyuk would be something he would remember fondly, even if he wished it was Yesung sitting opposite him or better yet beside him, and he really did have a good time. He had spent some of it in contemplation, but he refused to let that ruin the trip. He had wished to visit Greece for quite some time and was going to make the most of the situation. He was glad that he did. He suspected he would have regretted it if he just sat in his room planning ways of torturing Yesung. He was rather excited to tell him about all the things he missed though.

“It’s Eunhyuk ‘hyung’ Kyuhyun ah. I am happy to hear that though. You have to tell me about everything when I get back okay,” Yesung instructed, with a warm smile and tender eyes, reaching his hands out to touch Kyuhyun’s cheek, running his fingers on the smooth silky plane of his cheek before he retracted his hands, sliding his body off the bed, pulling himself into a standing position, smiling when his toes did react much, except for  the slight dull pain at being reintroduced to the floor, smiling down at it, happy that he could proceed with his day ahead, turning once more to smile at Kyuhyun and indicate that he would be leaving.

“Hyung are you leaving now?” Kyuhyun questioned before Yesung could inform him that he had somewhere to be soon, the older man nodding his head at him, to indicate that Kyuhyun was accurate in his question and he had in fact intended to leave just then. He had ensured Kyuhyun had returned home safely and was healthy and happy. Now that he had seen Kyuhyun he could comfortably conduct the rest of his business for the day. He just needed to make sure that everything as well with Kyuhyun or he would never be able to get anything done. He smiled at younger once more, waiting for his acknowledgement, Kyuhyun looking as if he had something to add.

“You are going to the company first right? Wait on me. Let me get changed and we can go together” Kyuhyun instructed with ease, sliding off the bed as spoke, just glancing at Yesung waiting for him to confirm that he was going to the company, then dashing off to his room to get changed.

 He had to stop in there to get updated in what was going on anyway. He was told that he could come at anytime but then was just as good as any other. He supposed he should have used the time to get back on time but he wanted to spend the time with Yesung anyway. It was alright to miss a bit of sleep if it meant getting to be with Yesung longer. He rushed through the process, dashing into the shower to take a quick bath, before getting changed into a white t-shirt, a rose cardigan and jeans, patting his hair down before he returned to Yesung's room. He had done all that in record time to ensure that Yesung did not have to wait on him too long, just on the off chance that he had an appointment later in the day. When he returned he saw that Yesung had used the time to change out of his t-shirt, into a blue patterned shirt and was sitting on his bed waiting for him.

Upon seeing him the older man smiled warmly before gathering his things, then inquiring into whether Kyuhyun had breakfast or not. Kyuhyun said he did. He lied. He didn’t think Yesung would know that anyway and he didn’t want the older man to make him stay home and have breakfast anyway. Yesung looked at him suspiciously but nodded at him anyway, leaving the room, Kyuhyun expected to follow along with him. Kyuhyun walked behind him, following him into the kitchen. Before Kyuhyun would ask why they were there, Yesung handed him an apple, saying that Kyuhyun had better eat it and have an early lunch. Kyuhyun made a face at him, but accepted the instruction, Yesung taking his hand as he led them out the dorm into the elevator. Kyuhyun mused that he should have known Yesung would know that he was lying. It didn’t matter anyway; just now he had an apple to eat later.

Yesung led them to his car, getting into the driver’s seat, Kyuhyun entering the passenger seat. Yesung nagging that Kyuhyun should buckle his seat belt before he left the garage, Kyuhyun complying, though point out that Yesung was nagging, to which he only laughed. Their conversation in the car was not very extensive, not having that much time. Yesung though informing Kyuhyun had he was working hard on finding a new location and that things so far won’t extremely promising, also indicating that he didn’t know how much tome he would have to be at the dorms, believing that he would be spending a lot of time at home in the meanwhile. Kyuhyun didn’t like the sound of that one bit. He had hoped that he would have been able to sleep with Yesung's familiar warmth with him, but that was no longer going to happen. He was disappointed and a little annoyed but tried his best to act as he had promised himself he would. He nodded along, accepting that Yesung was busy, smiling at the man warmly. Yesung seemed very happy at his response, and smiled at him happily. He told Kyuhyun about some of his Japanese adventures, but Kyuhyun rolled his eyes a lot and made snarky comments, so his new maturity drive wasn’t working that well. Yesung didn’t seem to mind much, apparently finding him amusing. It was not long before they were at their destination, Yesung and Kyuhyun heading up the steps to SM Entertainment, walking through the back area to get to their different meeting places.

“Wait Kyuhyun ah” Yesung called, from a few steps behind Kyuhyun, his short legs making him fall behind a bit, walking quickly to reach Kyuhyun when the younger had stopped his tracks to acknowledge his address, turning to look at the man approaching him with now harried steps, looking excited for a brief second.

“What’s wrong Hyung?” Kyuhyun questioned, desiring to know if something had affected the older man. He had no idea what could have made him excited in the minute it took to walk up the stairs and enter the back of the building. Then again, it was Yesung he was dealing with. A colourful bug on a leaf could send him into raptures, so it was really anything goes with him. Kyuhyun though waited for him to approach him, smiling at him as he stopped in front of him.

“Take a picture with me,” Yesung requested with a happy smile, his whole face looking ecstatic at the idea of taking a picture with Kyuhyun. He was walking behind Kyuhyun when the idea occurred to him. He was happy that Kyuhyun was home and the best way to commemorate the day was to take a picture. He loved taking pictures and it had been a while since he had taken a selca with just him and Kyuhyun. It would be fun. He looked at Kyuhyun with happy hopeful eyes, waiting for Kyuhyun to accept his proposal.

“No,” Kyuhyun shoot him down point blank, Yesung’s face instantly falling when his hopes of taking a picture was dashed, Kyuhyun looking at him with a firm face, eyes even and non reactive, giving no indication that he was teasing in the slightest. Yesung frowned at him, but he just shook his head, indicating that he was firm in his decision and it was no trick.

“Why?” Yesung questioned mildly hotly, annoyed that his hopes were just crushed like that with no real reasoning applied, eyes wide and curious, his face taking on an annoyed pouty disposition, his voice rising higher than he wanted it to. He couldn’t understand why Kyuhyun would refuse a simple request like that. It was not as if he was asking him to do anything difficult or harmful. Why on earth couldn’t he just take a picture with him? It was not that hard. Kyuhyun was being a brat again.

“Last time you yelled at me. You said I didn’t know how to take selcas. I am not taking any more pictures with you,” Kyuhyun informed, shaking his head to indicate that there was no way he was going to take anymore pictures with Yesung. The last time they had taken a picture together, Yesung told him that how holding the camera all wrong and all sorts of things. It was not his fault he wasn’t a selca addict like Yesung was. The older man was not mean then but he was not very kind either. Kyuhyun did not want to take any more pictures with Yesung. It would be his punishment for being such a dictator when it came to selcas. He was surprised that Yesung had not told him how wrong all his angles were with the selcas that he had posted.

“I’m sorry. I promise I won’t yell at you this time. Take a picture with me please,” Yesung promised, smiling brightly at Kyuhyun hand holding his shoulder trying to convince him that he would be kind this time if Kyuhyun agreed to take a picture with him. He could see that Kyuhyun was not going to be easily swayed so he had to take out the artillery, pouting up at Kyuhyun, trying various methods of cuteness to induce Kyuhyun to take a picture with him, puffing out his cheeks, whining a short ‘Please~~’, eyes wide and hopeful, Kyuhyun looking away from him, making him tug on his arm.

“Oh alright! You are not cute for the record,” Kyuhyun grumbled his agreement, annoyed that he had fallen for Yesung's little aeygo act as he usually did. He had no idea how someone Yesung's age could ever be that cute. He was positive that he would have granted Yesung anything he asked for in that moment, even his latest game console. That little aeygo act, a subdued form of the more exponentially dangerous one, was a thorn in his side. Yesung didn’t even have to try too hard to induce him. It was annoying but it was a happy existence, deciding he had made the right choice, Yesung beamed at him, looking as if he would hug him, then eyes darting to the surrounding, realizing that they were out in the open, retracting his hand, though continuing to smile at Kyuhyun with brilliance, the happiness reflected in his eyes and felt in Kyuhyun’s heart. He would never get tired of making Yesung smile. He was counting it as one of the joys of his life, one of his achievements.

“Just smile at the camera and I will do the rest okay,” Yesung directed him, excited once again, taking his phone out of his pocket and looking at the lighting. He had pleased that Kyuhyun had eventually agreed, aware that Kyuhyun had succumbed to his little aegyo attack. He always knew Kyuhyun was all bark and no bite, falling for something like that.  It was nice to know that he was not the only one unable to say no. It was a happy feeling he mused.

Kyuhyun stood silently, rolling his eyes as he waited for Yesung to determine how he wanted to take his picture. The older man was glancing around, Kyuhyun aware that he was looking at angles and sunlight and that sort of thing. Yesung was very thorough when it came to things like that. It was not in his nature to be systematic all the time but he seemed to manage it well when it came to taking his pictures. That man was a mystery and would always be. There were no two ways about it all. He could never understand the man completely, but he did enjoy trying. Yesung eventually seemed satisfied, coming to stand behind Kyuhyun, using his hands to guide him in a sideways direction, wrapping one hand around his waist, the other positioning the phone at the perfect angle, tilting it until he was satisfied, looking at Kyuhyun fondly then titling his head towards the camera. Kyuhyun was surprised that he allowed his hand to rest on his waist in public, but Kyuhyun figured, Yesung was just too caught up with his picture taking to notice anyway.

“Smile BabyKyu,” Yesung sang, looking at the camera with a bright smile, body pressed against Kyuhyun’s back, the maknae looking at the camera with a satisfied smile, happy to have Yesung so close, the camera flashing quickly, capturing a happy moment of them both, Yesung extracting himself to look at the screen, grinning then.

“Look at it. We look really handsome,” Yesung gushed, praising the both of them, sticking the phone in Kyuhyun’s face for him to look at the picture. “It’s handsome right?” Yesung continuing to question, smiling brightly waiting for Kyuhyun to respond, the older man rather pleased with the outcome, face bright and splitting with a handsome grin. Kyuhyun thought that the pictures never really ever did justice to just how breathtaking the older man was.

“It’s very handsome Hyung,” Kyuhyun agreed with a warm smile, happy to just be standing there with Yesung, eyes taking in the adorableness of the man, the feeling of happiness and contentment settling in his heart, unable to truly believe how lucky he really was, chuckling as he observed the man looking at their picture with happiness, seemingly truly liking it.

“I have to go Kyuhyun ah. I will see you later alright,” Yesung informed when he had stared at their picture enough, smiling at Kyuhyun warmly, reaching his hand out to hold on to Kyuhyun’s fingers for a split second, squeezing them together before he released them, smiling one last time before he turned away to the entrance that he had to use, waving at Kyuhyun when he called his good bye, feeling happy.

Kyuhyun watched him go with a happy heart and a foolish smile. The smaller man was like a whirlwind, stronger than the typhoon that greeted them upon arrival. He was fire and ice, warmth and coolness, rain and sunshine all in one.  He was always something special, always unique and now he was part of Kyuhyun, he was branded in his heart and piece of his soul. The man was carved into him now, a piece to make him whole. Even if Yesung was not beside him, he would be with him always. The man would be his thoughts and his conscience; he would be his happiness and his sadness. He would give him hope and break his heart. Kyuhyun was afraid. He was weary and he was hesitant, but above it all he was in love. He would have to learn to deal with it one way or the other. He was only sure of one thing though. There would be no way he was letting Yesung go though. Come hell or high water, he was going to make forever.


Yesung was sitting at a small table, going over the proposals the real estate agents had sent to him, shifting through the files that contained possible locations for the café. It had been a tedious process so far, nothing meeting his mother’s requirements or satisfying his personal standards. He wanted something specific and beautiful that could be moulded into something that fit the spirit his family carried. It was asking for a lot, but so far he was hopeful. The stressful part being, his obvious time limitations. He was not lucky to have mountains of free time and trying to balance everything was a bit of a struggle. He wanted to do everything and do it right. He was apologetic to his brother for neglecting him and even more apologetic to Kyuhyun for not being the boy….yeah…not being the person that he deserved, not being the person that could give him all the attention that he deserved. He promised that he would try harder to be able to do both well. He would find a way to make it up to Kyuhyun but first he had to find a location. Why on earth was everything so hard?

He leaned back then, stretching his body backwards to pull out the stiffness he had developed from sitting forward for much too long, raising his hands over his head, joining them at the wrist, so that he could stretch t both effectively, pulling it into place, feeling the strain in his back and the muscles realigning into the proper place. It created a dull ache but it was soothed soon after, the pull a good feeling. He sighed, twisting his neck before he returned to the papers that had to be examined, his back leaning forward once more, reaching for the file closest to him, distracted when he heard his phone buzz. He received a message. He made a detour, stretching his hand towards the device, casually setting off the home screen, thinking it was a message from his brother asking him what he wanted to drink. He was surprised however to see Kyuhyun’s name, now rather interested in the message sent to him, Kyuhyun not often sending him messages.

“I suppose I am your sunshine then...kekeke”

Yesung was confused. What on earth was Kyuhyun talking about? It was rather random, especially since Yesung had no idea what he was talking about. Why would he be sunshine? It was not as if he was an especially pleasant or bubbly person. Most of the time Kyuhyun was quiet and reserved, not even speaking unless it was to terrorize some poor soul. Yesung was just about ready to ask him if he had sent the message to the wrong person and then ask him why on earth he was sending things like that to other people…well maybe not that, though he would be rather curious about that as well. Then as if he a of clarity, he remembered and then blushed burgundy.

Kyuhyun was talking about his tweet. When his meeting was over, he walked outside into the sunshine, the sky no longer overcast or anything like that, perhaps reflecting his mood. His spirits were high and strong and the sunshine seemed to be speaking to him. He thought it would be a good opportunity to share his mood with his beloved Clouds, to let them share in his good mood. He intended to attach the pictures he had taken the night before, rather enjoying the responses to his selcas. He knew it was vain and self serving but he really did enjoy the reactions to the pictures and he really just liked taking pictures of himself. It was fun to share them with his fans. He intended to do just that, attaching his pictures from the night before, and then he caught sight of his selca with Kyuhyun. The picture was just too pretty not to share really. They both looked so handsome and he was so happy that Kyuhyun was home, that the emotion got the better of him. He was generally cautious about exposing things that linked him and Kyuhyun to the public, but maybe it was the affection that blinded him. He was just feeling so happy and he wanted to share that happiness with everyone. In his mind the picture was normal. He could have taken a picture with anyone of his band mates and share it. It shouldn’t have been a big deal anyway.

The caption, which Kyuhyun was referring to, however was a lot more troublesome. Only after tweeting it, did he realize that he had called Kyuhyun a variation of ‘BabyKyu’. It was a bad slip, but decided it would have been much more suspicious if he altered it, half hour after he tweeted, when he finally realized the slip he had made. He hoped people would just write it off as his affection for a dongsaeng which was likely. As far as he knew he and Kyuhyun were not treated the same way as Kyumin, so he didn’t have to worry about people getting the wrong idea. He had just let it go, his good mood making it hard for him to be worried about anything just then.

He thus realized what Kyuhyun was talking about. He had talked about the sunshine he had seen, happiness turning him into a bit of a sap. Kyuhyun though, was a cheeky brat.  In a way he was Yesung's sunshine, his heart feeling much better now that Kyuhyun was back, but it was definitely not something he would admit or accept in speech.

“More like a pain in the ”

Yesung responded, laughing at the cheekiness of the younger. Kyuhyun had a bad habit of infiltrating his thoughts and making the most annoying things seem to be dipped in sweetness. Kyuhyun had just implied that he was cheesy in the worst possible way and had once again, yet he only felt affection. Kyuhyun was a cocky bastard most of the time, but he was something so special at the same time. He should have known the grin that spread on his face when his phone buzzed again was a bad sign, happiness settling in his heart.

“You are you so cheesy Hyung. Even if you missed me, you didn’t have to tell the whole world….guess that was to be expected though…right Hyung? ;)”

The cheeky brat! He was teasing Yesung and he wasn’t even there, and worse, he was so very effective. Yesung blushed and sputtered, muttering a frantic denial, then feeling like an idiot when he realized that he was alone in the room and he was denying a text message. Kyuhyun wasn’t even there and he was getting underneath his skin .Why on earth did he do those things to himself? The child was a demon, and no matter what he did, he couldn’t find a way to love him less. He had condemned himself to an eternity of teasing and torture and like some crazy masochist he was going to relish it. He enjoyed Kyuhyun’s teasing and his attention. It was scary but true. He needed help, or better yet he didn’t to find a way to strangle the demonic child, who he could just imagine laughing his head off somewhere. He hastily typed a response, pressing on the sensitive touchpad much harder than necessary.

Yah! Cho Kyuhyun, stop being a brat!”

He didn’t bother to argue with Kyuhyun aware that it would be utterly pointless to do, instead thinking of threatening him, which probably wouldn’t work either but at least it would make him feel better.

You’re blushing aren’t you? Kekeke….and that is no way to talk to your ‘sunshine’ tsk tsk”

Why did he even bother? Kyuhyun knew him too well. He didn’t even bother to get mad anymore, instead finding Kyuhyun to be amusing, whilst planning ways to kill him. He was quite enjoying the thought when his phone buzzed again in rapid succession.

“Stop thinking of ways to kill me…you will miss me if you do…kekeke”

“You made this too easy Hyung….”

“Good luck with the search, hopefully I will see you later ☺

Just like that his mood changed. All the anger he was feeling disappearing to be replaced with fondness. Kyuhyun was adorable and sweet and he loved him so much. He didn’t know what he would do without him and hoped that he would never have to find out.  He was happy once again.

“Just you wait. I will strangle you then, you cheeky brat”

“Sleep early even if I am not there and eat dinner. I will know if you didn’t”


Yesung smiled at the phone in his hands, one of those stupid, jaw aching smiles, his heart happy and body feeling renewed. With energy he didn’t know he had he returned to the pages before him. Maybe if he was finished early he would be able to return to the dorms for a little while. He would get to at least see Kyuhyun. He would like that a lot he decided, picking up the new file with a determined spirit.


Author’s Notes:

I was happy to write this. It has been a while and I really missed writing. I still have Carpal Tunnel, but on the bright side I start Law School in a week, which means I will have more time to write^^

Some explanations:-

  1. As was probably obvious, I kept referencing a phone call that you guys was not privy to. Rest assured I have not gone insane, just linking stories. It is a prompt that a dear friend requested I write, which I intend to do quite soon. I included it as these stories are part of a continuum and are always intended to line up. Plus it made for an interesting dynamic^^
  2. I also took some creative liberty with the location of the posted selca. I stared at the picture for a lifetime but couldn’t figure out exactly where it was taken. SJ has no major schedules at that time and as far as I know neither of them live in a house/building that has that sort of look. I have seen pictures of SM that have shown a grassy area that could look like that. I am properly incorrect about the location, so forgive me on that front.
  3. The timeline may be slightly messed up. I know they returned to Korea in the morning but I am not sure exactly when Yesungie took that picture. He does keep them saved and then post them, so I am assuming it was taken the day Kyu returned rather than the day after…please remember that this is fanfiction…..mainly being fiction.
  4. Special thanks to thurday, for editing this for me. It is much appreciated. You guys should check out her stories, they are very good!

With that said, I hope you guys enjoy the story and I encourage everyone to comment, simply because I am excited to try the new comment reply system. I think we can have fun with it. Who knows it may help me with my surprise.....*wink wink*

Drop a comment and lets chat :)

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Chapter 1: Kyuhyun walking in on Yesung stubbing his foot, soul mates, little cute quarrels, picture taking...ahh, just another day with Kyusung. A nice breezy read to make me smile, cause they're always my sunshine lol. Your awesome, and I hope you know that! Please keep it up authornim : )
Chapter 1: heheheh kyu being Yesung's Sunshine :) this story was so fluffy I Love It !!!!!
siana-chan #3
Chapter 1: I always take my time to read your fanfictions, because they are awesome and deserve it, so I'm commenting only now...

You wrote 2 more in the meanwhile haha omg, I'll never have the time to read all that... XD

The more you write Kyusung, the sweeter it gets ! Really~. Thanks to you I so imagine their reunion to happen this way ;o

Aish but they are men though ! Kyuhyun and Yesung are our babies but they have needs. Omg I'd be apart from my lover for 2 weeks I'd just r.a.p.e when we reunite LOL. And here they share just a small peck. I Q_Q a bit yeah, I always expect something hot to happen, especially with this context where they have sooo missed each other. Don't you feel their frustration growing up? Warmth, hugs and sweet time is essential, but humans reaaally need more haha xD (let's not talk about lemon yet because I know you're not ready for that, just talking about kiss and intimacy).

In my mind, their reunion was a hot french kiss of 30minutes or so, haha, sry T_T

Well, beside that it was really awesome, as usual ;D Can't wait to read your other stories hehe.
Chapter 1: Unnie!! :D finally got around to commenting on this....
Can i just lol that yesung stubbed his toe? Oh dear, it's ok I understand your pain XD I'm probably clumsier and bump my foot into countless things everyday XD He's lucky he didn't bruise it!! Haha it must've been cute for Kyu to walk into that ^.^ I would surely pay money to be greet liek that! Only if it's someone adorable like Yesung... Kyu should be grateful! LOL
These two ah... really becoming playful you know!! I love how yesung has his own sense of pride and he stubbornly acts like he really didn't miss Kyu and that kyuhyun insists that Yesung greet him more... adoringly XD it's really sweet and adorable and I absolutely adored the cuddling (as I always do ^.^) I love their interactions, all tiny and bashful yet full of affection... and I swear your fics have ruined me!! Yesung's addiction to pinching Kyu's cheeks has been passed onto me T.T I've been pinching my friends' cheeks non stop I swear... they're getting creeped out XD
So sad their moment could only last... well a moment. They were dripping with sweetness it was sad to see it end. But I guess the best moments are always in the little things right? ^.^
OH KYUHYUN! How did you last so long!? One pout from yesung and I swear i would've fainted. You lasted through the whining and arm tugging!! That... that... YOU ARE NOT HUMAN T.T no one could resist that! But lol could totally imagine Yesung scolding Kyu for not knowing how to take a selca XD
haha that text banter was cute... A nice ending ^.^ really :D
This was really well written unnie... Really a joy to read... feel bad for not reading sooner but I genuinely enjoyed it (as I always do) Lots of love <33 Ahhh you're inspiring me to write more~
rhenny #5
Chapter 1: NAZ!!!!! I really love this^^
can't comment too long but I really need to say that this is really beautiful^^
thank you for the lovely fic~
lahdeedah000 #6
Chapter 1: This long fluff-filled one-shot was exactly what I needed. Oh my god. This was so insanely sweet, I don't even... >.< It was just pure sweetness with no unneeded drama or anything like that. Some people always seem to need that added "excitement", but then you forget about all the little things, and how life isn't always so exciting, but it can still be equally as good. (god that sounded so freaking cliche!)

First, I think it's absolutely ADORABLE how Yeye's trying so hard not to admit that he missed Kyu, and how Kyu wanted him to welcome him properly, and then the whole stubbed toe, it made me grin so much. I could totally imagine a clumsy Yesung stubbing his toe and then swearing just as Kyu walked in. xD And then, THE TICKLING! gah that entire part was just pure love...~sighs with happiness~ I like how you showed both of their insecurities here, because they're all valid things to be worried to about when you're in a relationship, but in the end love trumps all....(why does that sound so cheesy when I say it? LOL) And the constant teasing and banter, it just seemed so realistic. I love how they can sense the change in mood though, from when it's teasing to serious. They're just so in tune with each other! >.<

Loved this one-shot, keep 'em coming! ;)
Beautiful story!!!! usual the description of the feelings and the fight for save some pride was great :]
I think the photo was taken at the end of a photo shoot or endorsment. The same place where Eunhyuk and Siwon went and Siwon posted a photo of Eun-spiderman. Indeed if you look at the kyusung's selca you will see they had their hair and make up done. However Kyuhyun wore his own clothes and he carried his backpack so i think it was when they were leaving the place.
Anyway i loved the conversation at the bedroom and the fact that you too noticed a rested kyuhyun, thanks to that little holydays. Also was a great thing seeing a Hyuk and Wookie happy and relaxed.
Thank for your dedicated job and sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes.
thursday #8
Chapter 1: I'm so happy you will have time to write more. I've really missed your stories.
ice420 #9
You are such a Ninja!! Good thing I checked your profile :D What made you think I wouldn't like this. I love it ♥ Do you know how many times I facepalmed? Everytime there could be a 'moment' one or both of them would interrupt with a snarky comment o.o I mean, seriously!! Can't a girl get her fluff without their manliness asserting itself? "Guys, being inlove means being a sap, cheesy, and an idiot!!" There. But I love love love the 'realization' part. I thought it when Ye posted that selca and thought, maybe it was a reunion pic ^^ Whatever they thought when they're apart. hehehe Thank you for putting it into words. Who cares if its fiction.. Ye called Kyu Baby *winks*

Will wait for that bday fic!!!