The shattered heart

Fall Down



He would like to believe that everything has its own ending.

Once upon a time, it wasn’t all about those -up fairytales and some randomly made up stories about girls who’d seen dwarves, had godmothers, had an eerie love story with monsters, or that of a forgotten shoe.  Once upon a time, it was him and his father. And that time, was what he had treasured most.

Oh how he would like to carve it in his mind that in the end, nothing lasts forever. If it was that easy for him to accept the reality then he wouldn’t be trying to stop his tears from flowing. He wouldn’t shout the words of regret, sadness, disappointment. He would never feel sad because his father, left them, left him.

Once upon a time, it was him and his father. They were making a stew. His father often told him to learn how to cook because ‘real men know the number of salt in a pinch of it’; he gave a guffaw about that matter because the quote was stupid enough for his mind to handle. His father was a good cook or at least, that was his tongue says. The result of their cooking session didn’t even reach to the satisfactory level, and his sister told him never to touch the kitchen anymore which of course, wasn’t being implied to their father.

 Muffled cries were being heard. He was taking a grasp of himself and yes, he was completely aware of the situation and because of that, he wanted to be strong, at least for a minute. Just what his father would tell him most of the time,

“Be strong, Jang Hyunseung.”

Once upon a time, it was him and his father. He was in his bedroom, thinking that it was better to stay home and remove any feelings that he had been feeling for a while. He wanted to completely remove it because it was stupid. And he knew the fact that it’ll never work. Contemplating was the easiest way out, or so he thought. Light footsteps were being heard, completely obvious that it’s going to his room. Perfect. That’s the person he needed most right now.

“I know about your situation, son-” His father spoke as soon as he reached Hyunseung’s room, making his way to the nearest chair his eyes can find. “-Listen to what your heart says, if you love him, then tell him.”

“That’s impossible, he already likes someone, and it’s a girl.” He breathed deeply, quite ignoring the fact that his father is accepting his uality.

“You haven’t even tried yet.” His father moved forward, arms aiming to hug his son. A tear escaped on Hyunseung’s eyes,

 “Dad…” His voice was croaking, pretty obvious that he’s trying his best not to cry.


“You’re not mad?”

“Why would I be?”

“Because I’m like this… The world doesn’t want people like me”

“You think too much. But if you really see it that way, just think that your family isn’t part of the world.” He heard his father chuckle with what he himself said which made Hyunseung smile too.

“Be strong, Jang Hyunseung.” His father spoke once again, while ruffling Hyunseung’s hair.

He laughed and said “Dad, it sounds like a title of some drama series.” His father on the other hand, smiled while making his way out of Hyunseung’s room.

Hyunseung went out for a walk. His mother and sister were inside, accommodating the guests who went to pay respect for his late father. The other BEAST members were there too but he was too tired to speak, to smile, and to pretend to be strong in front of them.

Cold air touched his skin, he closed his eyes and whispered “Be strong, Jang Hyunseung.”. He heard light footsteps which were going near where he’s situated. It was Junhyung’s. Silence covered the whole area for few minutes until Junhyung spoke.

“I…I’m sorry for what happened to your Dad. He was such a nice guy”

Hyunseung smiled bitterly and faced the other chap. “Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault.”

Junhyung bit his lips, “You…want a hug?” he asked, hoping that it can somehow comfort Hyunseung. He had something to confess about but he knew this wasn’t the perfect time and place, and it would be hard for Hyunseung to believe him.

Hyunseung smiled and nodded. A pair of arms held him; it was warming the cold temperature he felt earlier. “I bet he’s dancing to Fiction right now.” He said which made both of them laugh, the hug seemed to tighten a bit which the two bodies didn’t seem to mind.

And just like that, his broken heart seemed to have softened up a bit.

Once upon a time, it was him and his father.

Right now, it was him facing reality with someone who’s trying to bring back to pieces again, the shattered heart.  



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AttaCoff_239 #1
Chapter 1: Beautiful my dear :') I really love this!

But I can't stop crying right now, bcs somehow I-I-I was soo saaad after heard about Hyunseung's father that passed away :'(((
Chapter 1: oh my god soooo touching story its make me feel like crying ahh im so sad for seungi at first i was sooooooooo shock with the news and i didnt want to believe it but what can i do i have to so seungi be strong and RIP seungi's fathre
Im-your-father #3
Chapter 1: its beautiful ahhhhhh it really touch me !!! awesome ....... RIP hyunseung father...
Yayayah #4
Chapter 1: i'm not ashamed to read a fanfic -- this fanfic at this time. also think this is nicely written.
and glad you posted this here. i read on lj it'll be locked in 72hrs. i'm not you're lj friend and wanted to read this until i <s>grew tired of it</s> make a new fic. anyway, thank you. i've always like your fics.
Chapter 1: this is beautiful~ and yet it feel sad too~
this fanfic feels so right
be strong Jang Hyunseung~!!