First Impression

First Impression

The doors open, slowly revealing him as he walks into  the hallway which is crowded by a big group of nervous teenagers. As expected, the majority of the people present were girls who were all either huddled together in a small group or leaning against the wall while looking around nervously or listening to their iPods with their eyes closed. Everyone was bent on making a good first impression yet they were dressed so poorly. He could only roll his eyes when he spotted countless unflattering sweatshirts and tracksuits. Sure, this would come down to what they did rather than what they looked like, but didn’t they realize that a first impression is made within the first seconds of meeting a person? They wouldn’t be able to even state their names before a major part of their fate had been decided.

He walked some distance along the hallway before finding himself an empty patch of wall to lean against. He could feel many pairs of eyes watching him as he carefully placed the sticker he had been given just minutes earlier on his black jacket. A silent smile spread across his lips, enjoying how the black letters on the white background only seemed to compliment his outfit, though he doubts that was the intention. His black and white outfit had been selected with great care; it had to be special enough to attract attention to him yet simple enough to keep the attention on his face and movements. Therefore, it wasn’t surprising that he stole the attention, being the only properly dressed person in the corridor.

After having spent some time productively, texting whoever he felt like texting, his number was called and he walked into the room where it was all going to happen. There was a long table behind which sat several adults who looked extremely bored and, across from them, a wall sized poster announcing the current event. A white line on the floor marked where they were supposed to stand and, only moments after they had found their place, the music began to fill the room.

A slight smirk appeared on his lips as he heard the first few seconds of the song. Not only did he know the song, he actually loved the song and had spent a lot of time listening to it. Basically, he knew every note and every beat. With the smirk still intact he started to dance, translating every single beat into a suitable movement. Soon all the other people standing on the line had stopped their own unimpressive attempts and turned to the well dressed boy that was stealing the show. After the music had finished he confidently bowed and walked out of the room.

It was only hours later the phone ringed to tell him that, yes indeed, Kim Kibum had made it into SM Entertainment.


Obviously inspired by this amazing audition:

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Chapter 1: yes.. indeed. diva kibum from the start. hha. i enjoyed reading this.