
Our World (Sequel to I'm Different)

Haneul’s POV

The next day when I came in the morning, Junhyung was already in the kitchen, to my surprise. He was staring at the coffee maker, looking like he was in a daze.

“Erm... Hi~” I greeted him.

He jumped a little, but tried to remain cool.

“Is this stupid thing spoilt or something?” He frowned.

“It’s not spoilt. You just didn’t turn it on.” I smiled, switching on the plug.

“Ouh~” He muttered.

“About last night...” I tried to explain, but he did not let me.

“I was thinking about making chicken salad sandwiches for breakfast. What do you think?” He changed the topic.

“Sure.” I said.

He busied himself with taking the ingredients out from the refrigerator.

“Ahh~” He whined softly, then squat down, massaging his temples.

“What’s wrong!?” I asked worriedly, holding onto him.

“Headache, but I’m fine.” He said as he continued.

“Put those down. I’ll prepare. Go sit down.” I said.

“No. It’s fine.” He pushed passed me.

“Junhyung, please~” I pleaded.

“I said it’s fine.” He gripped tightly onto the countertop.

“It’s not fine! You’re obviously still angry!” I shouted at him.

He said nothing, except breathe deeply, as thou trying to calm himself.

“Listen,” I said, rubbing his arm to calm him.

“I’m trying to stay away from him.” I said.

“You’re not trying hard enough.” He said.

“We’re supposed to treat everyone equally here. I cannot act in another way towards him just because he is a little bit more touchy than others. It’s unprofessional.” I said.

“You know what else is unprofessional?” He asked.

“What?” I muttered.

“A husband watching his wife get harassed by an idiot and not do anything about it. That’s unprofessional.” He said.

“He’s not... exactly harassing.” I said softly.


“Shhh~” I hushed him, not wanting him to wake everyone up.

He glared hard at me.

“Unless, you enjoy his attention.” He said.

“What?” I asked, surprised by his statement.                               

“Are you enjoying his attention, that’s why you don’t find it a form of harassment?” He asked.

“How could you say that!?” I slapped him across his cheek.

He closed his eyes.

“I’m sorry! I..I didn’t mean to hurt you! I’m sorry!” I apologized quickly.

He shook his head and smiled.

“Trust me on this, Lionny. That guy is up to no good.” He said.

“I...” He went off to prepare breakfast, an indication that I should not speak further.

His silent treatment made me feel so guilty. I was at fault. He is right, perhaps I am not trying hard enough, and if we were to switch positions, I would have got angry too if a girl is so touchy with him like that.

“Ouch~” I heard him whine, and then the knife he was holding onto dropped.

“Junroro!” My eyes widened at his bleeding finger.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. The knife just slipped.” He said.

“It’s not a deep cut.” I said, rinsing his finger under the tap.

“Why did the knife slip? Is it your headache?” I asked.

“Yea. Just a sudden sharp pain. But it’s fine.” He said.

I grabbed the first aid kit and made him sit down.

“It’s going to hurt a little.” I said as I dapped alcohol onto the cut.

“Come to me after breakfast. I’ll give you medicine for your headache. You didn’t sleep last night or something?” I asked.

“Lionny, do you know why I am so angry?” He asked.

I looked at him, lost for words out of a sudden.

“You know I am very open with you being with guys, since most who are around you are guys.” He said.

“Very open?” I chuckled.

“Okay, quite open. Quite.” He said.

I smiled and nodded.

“I never stopped you or get upset when you fool around with the boys. I’m not even that annoyed when Shin or J or the others flirt with you. But it’s just him. I’m not jealous, because damn it, aren’t I ier than him?” He asked.

I laughed and smacked his arm.

“He is weird, Haneul. There’s something about him. I’m not the only one who feels this way. I know while you have to be professional, I hope you can be more aware too, since I cannot openly look over you. I should not have screamed at you last night, but all I wanted at that point of time was for you to get out of here. I don’t dare to imagine what would have happened if I did not walk out. You... He might have...Just yea. I don’t feel safe when you are in a place he is. It’s like how I would never doubt your shopping sense, you got to trust me when I ask you to stay away from him.” He said.

“Okay. I understand you.” I cupped one side of his cheek.

“I don’t wish for anything to happen to you.” He said.

I nodded.

“Sorry. It’s been hard on you. I know you’re trying to control, but don’t hold it in. Yell at me if it helps. If you keep it all in, it’ll cause headaches like that and you’ll hurt yourself.” I said, massaging his temples.

“I couldn’t sleep last night. I was so worried.” He groaned, resting his head on the table.

“Awww~” I ruffled his hair.


“I can see you.” I laughed.

Junhyung walked out from behind the pillar, pouting.

He had been trying to follow me discreetly for the whole day, but it was so obvious.

“Go and do your stuff. I’ll be fine!” I pinched both sides of his cheeks.

“I’m worried.” He sulked.

I hugged him tightly.

“Aren’t you afraid people would see?” He asked.

“I don’t care.” I said.

“Okay, then let’s walk like that for the whole day. If anyone asked, just say we accidentally got glued together.” He laughed.

“What nonsense!” I laughed, smacking his chest.

He pinched my nose lightly.

“Go and do your stuff. Play with Shin and J or what. It’s been a few days and he has been acting normal. You must have shocked him that day.” I said.

Leave her alone. I wouldn’t repeat myself.” I imitated his cold voice.

He laughed and smacked me like a girl.

“Go and get a life!” I pushed him playfully.

“Okay.” He hugged me tightly.

“I got it!” He yelled.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“You asked me to get a life, didn’t you? You are my life.” He said.

“Ewwwwww~” I laughed, but I was in fact quite happy.

We hugged for a while longer before I chased him away. He was pouting excessively but did as I told him to do anyway.


“Hey~” The new guy called out to me.

“What?” I asked, glancing around to see if Junhyung was nearby.

He was, but he was fooling with Shin and J.

“I just want to apologize for that night.” He said.

“It’s okay. Just don’t do it again.” I said.

“So, we’re good now?” He asked, touching my arm.

I stepped away from him.

“I thought you said we’re good?” He asked.

“Yea, but... it’s not appropriate.” I said.

“Is it because of the mistakes I made?” He asked.

“It’s not like that.” I said.

I caught sight of Junhyung’s frowning face. He was gesturing me to get away, but how?

“If not, then why?” He asked, stepping closer.

I pushed him away lightly.

“Do you know how excited I get when you touch me like that?” He grinned.

Now, that is creepy. I walked off hurriedly, not turning back.

“GET OFF!” I yelled and kicked whoever that grabbed my arm from behind.

“Arghhhh~” I turned to find Junhyung clutching onto his stomach.

“Oh my I’m so sorry! I didn’t know it’s you.” I rubbed his stomach.

“If you knew it’s me and still gave me a roundhouse kick like that, I would be very sad.” He chuckled.

“Sorry~” I pouted.

“But that was a nice kick. Like right smack in the gut, cutting off your breath for a few seconds. Kick him like that whenever he comes.” He said.

“Hee~ Okay~” I smiled.

“I’m surprised.” He said.

“Why?” I asked.

“You did not talk about being professional and blah blah blah~” He rolled his eyes.

I laughed and kissed him on his cheek.

“He’s really creeping me out.” I said.

“I was gesturing you like a monkey just now to get away and you were still standing there talking to him!” He grumbled.

“I couldn’t just walk away!” I said.

“You did after that, didn’t you?” He asked.

“Yes, but it was scary.” I said.

“What did he say to you?” He asked.

“Erm...” I mumbled.

“Tell me.” He said in a low voice.

“He said he gets excited when I touch him.” I said softly.

“You touched him!?” His eyes widened.

“I just pushed him away!” I frowned.

“My fist is so excited now. I need to punch out his two front teeth.” He said, shaking his fist in my face.

I laughed and grabbed his fist, but he was stillshaking it.

“Stop it!!” I laughed.

“Can’t!” He giggled.

“I’ll stop it for you!” I said, biting his hand.

“I get so excited when you bite me like that.” He whispered into my ear.

“SHUT UP!!!” I pushed him away.

He laughed as thou it was the funniest thing that happened.

“Go back, go back!” I said.

“Alright. Scream if he nears you.” He said, kissing me on my forehead.

“Junroro, promise me you wouldn’t do anything.” I said.

“If I be a good boy, do I get anything from you?” He asked.

“Anything for you, good boy.” I smiled.

But the moment he turned his back to me, from the reflection I could see his expression turn into an angry one.


“Skye!! Skye!!!” J yelled as he ran into the office, panting and sweaty.

My friend and I looked at each other in shock.

“What is it!?” I sensed the urgency in his voice.

“Hyung.. Hyung..” He panted.

“Junhyung? What about him?” I asked worriedly.

“He.. he and that new guy... fight.. fighting.” He tried to catch his breath.

“Damn it.” I pushed passed him and ran out of the office.

I heard J and my friend yelling after me, but I could not be bothered. I heard a commotion near the eating area so I assumed it was there. Most of them were crowding around, just watching, while Shin and a few others tried to pull them apart but got flung off.

I watch in horror as Junhyung threw punches onto the new guy’s already bloody face. Junhyung had bruises and cuts on himself too, but he looked like he had the upperhand. Was he still angry about what happened earlier? But he promised me he would not do anything.

“JUNHYUNG!” I yelled.

He was about to punch the guy, but stopped and turned to look at me. The guy took the chance to kick him away.

“YOU PROMISED ME!” I shouted at Junhyung.

My hand worked faster than my brain did. I slapped him across his cheek.

“I’m so disappointed in you.” I said.

“Skye!! Why did you slap hyung!? You don’t even know why he bashed the new guy up! He..” Junhyung cut him off before he could finish.

“Don’t explain! Don’t bother!” He glared at me.

“Hyung~” J held onto him, but Junhyung pushed him away.

I saw the new guy smirk. Junhyung kicked him in his face even before anyone could react.

“Look, she doesn’t even appreciate your help. Who do you think you are? Her boyfriend? Psh~” The new guy said.

“What’s going on?” I asked, confused.

“I’m not her boyfriend, bastard. I’m...” Junhyung bite down on his jaw.

“What?” The new guy mocked.

“It is a case about morals! It is a ing wrong thing to do! If you’re so interested in girls’ thighs and underwear whatsoever, why don’t you just go look at your mom’s!?” Junhyung shouted angrily.

“YONG JUNHYUNG!!!” I yelled, my eyes wideneing at his rude statement.


My eyes widened at the photos. They were not allowed phones here, why is his still with him? And when did he take all those photos without my knowledge.I dropped the phone in shock. I wronged Junhyung. He was punching the guy up for me.

“I’m calling the police.” My friend said as he grabbed the guy.

“You make me so excited.” The ert said to me with a smirk.

I kicked him hard in his groin, but he was still grinning.

“ you!” I glared hard at him.

“I don’t mind.” He smiled.

“Haneul, are you okay?” My friend nudged me.

I nodded.

“Go to Junhyung.” He whispered.

I turned to where Junhyung was standing, but he was not there anymore.

“Aren’t you called Skye? Why are you Haneul?” J asked, surprised.

“Oh! Skye, Haneul, Sky. Ahh~” Shin smiled.

“Yea, yea.” I mumbled, running off.

I ran to his room, expecting to find him there, but he was not.

“Where the hell are you?” I mumbled, looking around.

I stood alone in the corridor, feeling as hopeless as ever. 

tumblrm64zom88fg1qdzpro.gifJunhyung:  But it’s just him. I’m not jealous, because damn it, aren’t I ier than him?

tumblrltqa050qjy1qlv0df.gifJunhyung: If I be a good boy, do I get anything from you?

tumblrlubqz3bxk61qb9e4a.gifJunhyung when he realized what the new guy did

tumblrlvelfcwyht1qce924.gifHaneul: I’m so disappointed in you.

tumblrly3ujsqern1qboba9.gifJunhyung: I’m not her boyfriend, bastard. I’m...

For the second time, Junhyung got wronged ><

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Chapter 4: I edited the ending, starting from the CPR part. Maybe you wanna read it :)


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YongJiho #1
Chapter 72: I hate you for making me cried but i love you for making this damn awesome fic everr . Even it's kinda long , yeah the longest fic i ever read . And i off to the closer. Thanks for making this damn lovely fic !
mellie93 #2
Chapter 72: Aaaaaaand off to "Shared Responsibilities"
mellie93 #3
Chapter 40: Junnie and I are crying together now!! Heartbreaking! </3
mellie93 #4
Chapter 39: Omg ur side note at the end of the chapter!!!
I am crying now!!!
mellie93 #5
Chapter 39: When I read what happened the duckies.. i literally just gasped and now i have tears in my eyes!
I didnt react like this when loki incident happen.. or when junhunh starting doing those stuff (censored to avoid spoilers in the comments.)
ndreeanny #6
Chapter 37: damn i almost cried while reading this
you're the best!
so impresive
tryingtobecool #7
Chapter 53: AWESOME ~~
Chapter 72: I swear this is like the BEST FANFIC I'VE EVER READ!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm speechless seriously!!!!
donghaestory #9
Chapter 72: End....T_T I still want more junhyung haneul...
Great job!!
Chapter 72: FINISHED! lol.