❊ The Four Keys ❊



Yuna got up earlier than usual today. But the truth is… She didn’t get much sleep at all. She is too excited to sleep again today because today will be the day wherein her works would be recognized and be put to good use.

Yuna is an architect and it is her dream to be recognized as one. And today, her dream will come true.

She had been working at the company for two years now and she is the youngest among all of the employees there. She never thought that she would be picked as one of the best projects this year. Since the company makes a very big project every year and every year, they would choose the best projects among all the other works of every employee.

It is such a big honor to be chosen and so, every employee works very hard to have the privilege on having their best work be used in such a huge project.

But this year is a little different because the higher ups could not choose between the work of Yuna and Kibum.

But today, they would make the decision. Finally! Yuna thought. She is confident enough, too excited on how the decision would come out but at the same time, she is feeling very nervous about the entire thing.

As Yuna drove her way to the familiar street that she always uses on her way to work, a huge house caught her eye from afar. That house is heaven's plain. It was a deserted place even before she got here until recently. She had taken a look at the said place a long time ago, when she was just a beginner as an architect, she had always admired that place. It became her inspiration whenever she ran out of ideas.

She smiled a little at the place as she drove and soon, the house was out of sight.

The company that Yuna works in is just a few blocks away from her home and soon, she arrived. With a big sigh, she got out of her car and made her way inside the building.

As she got to her office cubicle, she noticed that everything was a wreck. Her face grew dark as her eyes landed on her precious project. All those buildings that she had been working really hard to make them look beautiful were now broken and shattered. The small houses that were so hard to make were now flattened to pieces.

She knelt down and got a broken piece from her project when she felt there was someone watching her.

She turned her head and saw her rival in the competition, Kibum, well known for the name 'Key'.

He was beautifully dressed with his stylish pink suit. He is very popular in this company as well as outside. He has many friends that are close to him. He had been trying to make his works recognized for the past five years and finally, this year, he had been chosen. It was just that his ego was hurt when he noticed that he had a rival. And that rival was no other than Yuna. Yuna was still a newbie and Key hated the fact that she was also chosen for this year... And she is so goddamn prettier than him. Not to mention, younger.

"What's wrong, Yuna?" He asked with a 'shocked' expression on his face to the girl who was kneeling on the floor, a broken piece of a building on her hand.

Yuna kept quiet and just stared at him.

Key who had worn a shocked expression on his face a while ago now has a smirk on his face. "You should've brought it with you home to make sure it was safe."

"You did this?" Yuna's voice was a mere whisper but it was loud enough for Key to hear her words.

"Me? Oh no dear. Why would I ever get my hands dirty with that filthy work of yours?" He acted that he was hurt by her accusation but had an evil smile on his face after. He gave her a smirk once again and made his way out of Yuna's sight.

Yuna stared blankly at the now gone figure that was standing by her cubicle door. After a while, she decided to clean up the mess by putting all of the scattered pieces on the platform.

She then stood up carrying the platform with both hands in time with the announcement that was made through the speaker throughout the whole room.

"Would Miss Lee and Mr. Kim go to the room 305 for the evaluation please."

She looked up at the speaker and sighed heavily.

She then made her way outside the cubicle with her ruined project in hand.

As she passed by, many people were staring at her because they wanted to see her project but they ended up seeing a messy one.

"Look at her work. Does she expect to win the evaluation in that state? She is an idiot." Someone whispered to the other.

"She has some guts to face the higher ups with that junk." Whispered the other.

Yuna ignored those whispers and stares that she received from her co-workers and just made her way to the elevator.

As she reached the elevator door, there were also a couple of people waiting for the elevator to open. Yuna waited patiently. She felt numb because of everything that has happened.

A few seconds later, the elevator finally opened and the people went inside the elevator including her.

As they got inside, the people who went inside the elevator were shocked at Yuna's project.

"Miss Lee." A gentleman called her attention that was also inside the elevator.

Yuna turned slightly to look at him.

The man was about to say something when they heard another voice saying to stop the elevator from closing.

One person was quick enough to put his hand in the middle of the elevator door for the said door to stop from closing and for it to open again widely.

A grinning Kim Kibum entered the elevator and stood beside Yuna.

"Don't want to be late for the evaluation now, do we?" Key grinned widely while the whole elevator kept quiet.

Yuna stared at the front where she can see everybody's reflection through the steel doors of the elevator.

Key caught her eye and she saw him smirk again.

Yuna felt anger inside her. She wanted to walk out on everything but the higher ups need to know this. This is unfair. Yuna couldn't take it and so she settled with mouthing her words.

"You are sick." She mouthed, still facing the steel closed door of the elevator.

No one noticed this except Key himself. The others were looking at anywhere but the two because of the tense atmosphere inside the elevator.

Key knew what Yuna mouthed. So he answered back.

"Really? Dear girl, who is sicker than you carrying that trash." He emphasized the last word.

And then, the elevator door opened signaling that they had reached the 3rd floor where room 305 was.

Key took the initiative to go out first with his chin up and walked gracefully to the room.

Yuna followed through and when the both of them reached the room, the door automatically opened for them to go inside.

As they went inside, they were greeted by a table consisted of four people. From the right, is Ms. Exito who had her lips in a tight line. She is considered as a strict woman to her subordinates. But a really lovely and funny woman to her friends. Next to her is Sir Diamond who is the CEO of the company. He got a gloomy face on and both Key and Yuna are intimidated by him. Both stepped back a little because of the aura that they felt from him. Next to him is the very lovely and always smiling Miss Eve. She has this very comfortable aura around her unlike the person before her. She has this addicting smile on her face that would make other people smile too. And last but not least is Miss Dy, the woman that has a sharp eye for everything.

“Good morning, dearies.” Miss Eve greeted the two who have just entered the room. “I trust that you two have finished your projects…” Miss Eve continued as she looked at Kibum to Yuna and heard her gasp.

The others frowned and followed her line of vision.

“Yuna. Why is your work a mess?!”  Miss Dy shrieked a little. She was immediately out of sorts because she really liked the work of Yuna. It was her favorite one among all the people that did their project through all the years.

Sir Diamond said nothing but his lips were in a tight line and if possible, the room got gloomier with his aura working that darkness. The others were even more worried what might happen if Sir Diamond would really lose his temper.

Yuna looked at them in the eyes. Her heart was beating faster than before but she kept her cool and did not show it. She took a step forward and said, “It’s ruined...” She stated flatly.

The whole room was in state of shock by this statement and Key was the first one to react.

“What?!” He shouted, “Are you blaming someone for cheating?”

All eyes looked at him.

“What do you mean by that?” Sir Diamond asked in a dark tone, his eyes delving into Kibum’s eyes.

Key took a few steps back more, intimidated. “Nothing…” He said while squirming a little.

“What happened?” Sir Diamond asked as he shifted his gaze from Key to Yuna.

“I-I don’t know, sir. When I arrived this morning, my area was in a state of mess and this is the result of my work.”

“What do you mean you don’t know?” Miss Exito asked, not believing one word that came out of Yuna’s mouth. “It is your work. It is your responsibility to take care of it.”

Yuna kept quiet at this. She can’t really talk back and reason out because she is just an employee.

Miss Exito wasn’t satisfied with the situation and blabbered a bit more. “Just because you came from a foreign country doesn’t mean that you can just do whatever you want. You work in this company because you are a mere employee and not a daddy’s little girl, you spoiled brat.”

Yuna’s eye twitched little at what Miss Exito said. She was about to say something when someone made an angry scowl.

“Miss Exito, you are not god damn helping!” Sir Diamond scowled.

Miss Exito stiffened at this and was about to reason her way out of it when Sir Diamond gave her a sharp glare that made her stop.

When he was sure that she would shut up for good, he turned to stare at Yuna’s piece of work and sighed, massaging his temples in the process. "What are we gonna do with you... “He murmurred.

"We should drop her in this project." Miss Exito suggested.

"But she has potential... she is very talented." Miss Eve contradicted. "Can't we at least give her time to fix all these?"

The others looked at her weirdly. "We don't have much time." Miss Dy pointed out. "We can't give her enough time to make her finish this... it took them days to make it, how much more to fix it... we need this right now."

Sir Diamond frowned, thinking of the problem at hand. He stared once again at Yuna's work and made his conclusion. "You." He called Yuna and looked into her blank eyes. "You have 24 hours to finish this. Are you up for it?"

Yuna looked down at her work and frowned internally. . No sleep for me... she thought.

"Well?" Sir Diamond urged, waiting for her answer.

Yuna looked up and met his eyes. "Yes, sir..."

Miss Exito's eyes widened.

"That's it then." Sir Diamond finalized before any more interruptions. He then stood up and made his way to the door. "This meeting is adjourned until then."

The rest of the panel stood as well as they gather their things. Key and Yuna waited for them to take their leave first.

"Key~~" Miss Exito called sweetly. "You have done well." She complimented him with a sweet smile on her face. She glanced at Yuna. "But someone here made all of us waste another 24 hours of our time on nothing." She murmured low enough intending for only Key and Yuna to hear as Key snickered at her words while Yuna tightened her lips as she heard it very loud and clear.

"Yuna..." someone called out.

Yuna turned her head to face the one who called her which turned out to be Miss Eve.

"Yes, ma'am?" She asked.

"Good luck." She said with the warmest smile that Yuna ever saw here in the company.

Yuna blushed a little and nodded her head. "Yes ma’am. Thank you." She said as she smiled back at her.

"Come now." Miss Eve reached out to reach Yuna's right shoulder and turned it to guide her out of the room. "You should get started soon. I look forward to your work." Miss Eve then waved goodbye to her as she took the opposite way that of Yuna's. 


"Damn that girl." Key slammed on his desk which made the other people around him jerk in surprise.

They tilted their heads up as they peep at Key's cubicle and they saw his sweet smile that they always knew contrary to what they heard a couple of seconds ago.

"Is something wrong, Key?" One person asked.

Key looked at him and smiled. "It’s nothing, Jong. Haha. Nothing that I can't handle." He grinned at him and he flexed his small muscles at the same time. The others who peeped as well chuckled at him and quietly returned back to their work.

"Haha. Okay..." Jonghyun was about to return back to his work when he suddenly remembered something. “Oh… How was it? The project…”

Key met his eyes and gave him a sad smile. “No one was chosen yet…”

Jonghyun immediately took pity on him and asked, “Aww… What happened??”

“Yuna’s work wasn’t finished yet. And so, they decided to give her a day to finish it.” He said with a pout.

Jonghyun jerked at what he heard. “What the… why are they doing this just because of her? You should be the one to be chosen when her work wasn’t finished yet. There shouldn’t be two finalists in the first place.” He said angrily.

“Ehh?? I think she is really good. But I had confidence in my work too… I mean, I had sleepless nights because of this like everybody does. And I am sure that she did too… But it’s a pity though, I felt like I was having a heart attack this morning because of the excitement…” Key then rubbed his chest where his heart is with his hand as if he was removing the tension from it.

“She still looked beautiful like she is everyday though…” Jonghyun murmured absent-mindedly.

“Yeah… she does, doesn’t she…? She is so beautiful that sometimes I wish I was her.”

“Eh? But everybody likes you Key… I like you…”

Key blushed at his blunt statement. “Really? That’s so sweet of you…”

“In fact…” Jonghyun stopped at what he was saying and thought for a moment. After a couple of seconds, he said, “Just a minute…” And then he was gone.

Key tried to look for him and even peeped at his cubicle to see no one there.


A familiar voice called him from the direction where his door was.

He turned his head to see the man he was always with ever since he could remember.

“Jong…” He whispered. “What are you doing here?”

“What? I did nothing wrong… Did I?” He looked side ways to make sure he wasn’t.

Key laughed. “Stop acting. Idiot.”

“I’m not an idiot…” He muttered as he walked closer to Key. “In fact… I have a suggestion to make you happy…” He smirked.


Yuna leaned her head against her hand as she pondered on what happened today of all days. Her happiness earlier this morning was now long gone.

It was now time for them to go home but not for her. She had to make her project once again. Most of the employees have gone home now. She yawned as she went back to work.

“Knock Knock…”

Someone said as she heard a knock near her. She looked up to see a gentle smiling Jonghyun.

Yuna smiled back a little as her hands was still busy making sure that the piece she just glued would stick. “Hello, Jonghyun-oppa.”

“I heard what happened…” Jonghyun said sadly.

Yuna stopped what she was doing as she met his sad eyes. “Yeah…” Yuna nodded.

She didn’t really know how to react about it but one thing she does know is that she has to remake her masterpiece and 24 hours is just so short of a time.

“I’m sorry Jonghyun-oppa but I really have to hurry this… I don’t have much time in my hands anymore.” Yuna said with a sigh as she looked down to continue her work.

“I understand, Yuna-shii… But I want to give you this coffee that I bought at that popular café… I hope it would help you boost your system up…”

“Eh?” Yuna was shocked. “No it’s okay oppa. Thank you for the offer but you should drink it. It’s not everyday that we can have coffee so you should indulge yourself.”

Jonghyun smiled warmly. “I insist. I want to help you in any way I can.” He then placed the coffee on her table.

“Thank you…”

“No problem. Well, I should be going now. I’m sorry for taking your time but…” Jonghyun stopped as he gave Yuna a shy smile. He then left immediately.


Agh… so tired… Yuna stretched her neck. She had been working for over three hours and she felt so tired. She wanted to go home and sleep but she couldn’t. Her work was nowhere finished. The coffee caught her eye. She stared at it for a few seconds and grabbed it for a sip. It was indeed delicious.

Okay… this is enough… now back to work… Yuna returned back the coffee to where it stood earlier and faced her work once again feeling refreshed because of the coffee.


“Ms. Lee! What the hell are you doing?!” Someone suddenly shouted.

Yuna jerked awake as she looked everywhere, starting from her right to left, to look where the voice came from. Finally her eyes landed on a man standing with his hands on his hips as she looked up front. Yuna looked up to meet his eyes as he recognized the familiar cold eyes of their one and only boss.

“Sir…” Yuna murmured hoarsely.

“You are so damn fired!!” He shouted loud enough for everybody in that floor to hear. He then stormed out of her cubicle without further explanation.

Yuna was frozen shock. She didn’t know what to feel, where she is, and what she would do. She was in a space where there is nothing but black. She felt like that for quite a while until someone shook her back to reality.

“Yuna, are you okay?” Victoria asked her as she looked Yuna in the eyes.


She released her shoulders and looked at her fully with obvious pity in her eyes.

“I’ve been hearing rumors about you the moment I got here…” She started. “What happened? What’s wrong?”

Yuna looked really confused. She didn’t know what happened. Why she was asleep, or who could’ve done this…

“I don’t know…” She murmured as her answer. “All I remembered was drinking coffee and going back to work.”

Victoria frowned. “And he fired you? Why? And this project… weren’t you finished with it days ago?”

“It got destroyed…” Yuna pouted.

“What?!” Victoria shrieked. “Why? Who?”

“Quiet!” Someone shouted somewhere.

Victoria felt guilty and lowered her voice. “Tell me…”

“I don’t know… But Key-oppa was here the moment when I found out that my work got destroyed. And he hates me…”

Victoria was shocked. “But Key likes everybody. And everybody likes him.”

Yuna had no answer for that. She just sighed and decided to clean her work space. She doesn’t belong here anymore.

“What are you doing? You’re really leaving?”

“Yeah… What else is there? I got fired. And it’s obvious that many people are against me here…so why not leave?”

“I’m not against you Yuna…”

Yuna looked at Victoria and immediately felt guilty on what she just said. “I know… I’m sorry, unnie.”

“It’s okay… Can I at least help you with something?”

Yuna smiled a little for Victoria and went back to cleaning. “No… I want to do this alone… But thank you, unnie. I hope that we could still be friends.”

“Of course, Yuna… Why not? We will still talk to each other like the old days. Just call me when you need me okay? I will be always there for you…”

“Thanks.” Yuna smiled and Victoria hugged her.

“I should get back to work now…” Victoria sighed.

Yuna freed her from the hug and nodded. “Yeah… you should…”

“Call me, okay?” Victoria said as she stepped out of Yuna’s cubicle.

Yuna nodded and with that, Victoria walked off.

Yuna sighed once again and looked sadly at her things… This is really happening, she thought. Tears were attempting to go out of her eyes but she held them back and just went back to packing her things.


Yuna drove her way to her home. Now that she is unemployed, she doesn’t know what to do. Her little brother, Jangshik, still has to go to school and the electric bills…

She stopped her car in her garage and slowly stepped out of it. She left her things inside the bunk since she doesn’t want her little brother to worry about this problem. She wanted to solve it by herself.

She opened the door and found Jangshik munching on his breakfast.

“Wow, aren’t you hungry?” Yuna said, surprising her brother as he nearly choked himself out of shock.

“Noona!” Jangshik exclaimed in surprise. “You’re home early.”

“Haha. Yeah well, the company gave me a temporary leave for now.” Yuna exclaimed awkwardly. “They wanted me to have a little break.” She explained further for Jangshik not to worry.

“Ooohh…That’s so cool.” Jangshik said in amazement.

Yuna sighed internally, relieved that Jangshik believed her. But then, Jangshik is so innocent at the present age of 16. He is still like a kid at heart, Yuna thought.

“Hahaha yeah, and you know what? Why don’t we go out to the park or something? What do you say?”

Jangshik pouted. “Eh? But I am laaazy~~”

Definitely a kid at heart. Yuna smirked. “Come on, come with your big sister and be a gentleman for once.”

“Eh? Why don’t you just get a boyfriend instead?” He slumped on the table. “You have many suitors here and there.”

“Wh-what? I don’t have suitors.”

Jangshik smirked. “That’s what you think, noona. But you just don’t notice the stares that men give you whenever you walk by.”

“I-idiot!” Yuna slapped Jangshik’s head while blushing.

“Ouch! Noona! That hurts!” Jangshik rubbed the part of his head that was hit with teary eyes.

“I’m sorry, little brother.” Yuna helped him soothe the pain. “Come on, let’s go out. We can also take Vitamin with us… Speaking of, where is that little…”

“Arf!” The said dog came running from nowhere to Yuna.

“Oh, there you are~” Yuna smiled at the little puppy that she bought days ago. She crouched down to pick up the puppy. “Wanna go with us to the park?”


“That’s a good doggy~” Yuna cooed then turned her head to Jangshik with a grin on her face. “What do you say?”

Jangshik frowned. “This is so unfair.”

“Is that a yes?”

“Yes…” Jangshik pouted. “But I get to walk Vitamin, okay?”

“Hahaha. Deal.”



Yuna’s head turned to Jangshik as she noticed that he was calling her while they were walking by the park. “What?”

Janghik frowned at her. “What’s wrong? You’ve been spacing a lot while we’re walking…”

“Huh? Nothing’s wrong. Why would you say that? I just like to walk around peacefully.” Yuna explained while shaking her right leg a little.


Jongshik was cut off when Vitamin, their dog suddenly ran off and therefore pulling him along to go to the pond.  “Wait! Vitamin! Slow down!”

Yuna chuckled at this but was quite thankful for Vitamin for cutting Jangshik on what he was about to say. Because honestly, Yuna gets nervous when she lies about something to her brother.

“Wait up, you two~” She cooed when she was able to recover.

Midway, while she was jogging to reach her little brother and their dog, she saw lots of bubbles pass by in front of her. She suddenly stopped when she saw these and giggled a little while popping a bubble or two.

When she popped almost all the bubbles in front of her, she looked for the trail on where the bubbles came from. She followed the bubbles and was led to a little girl who was around 5-6 years old sitting on a bench alone.

She just watched her as she happily played with her bubbles when she suddenly stopped. Yuna was curious and watched more closely. She decided to walk nearer to where the little girl is to see her much better.

She was surprised to see the little girl tearing up as tears made their way down from her eyes.

Yuna’s protective side instantly shot up and immediately went to the little girl. “Hey little one… What’s your name?”

The little girl looked up to see who was talking to her and saw someone asking her with worry evident in her eyes. The little girl’s parents always told her to not to speak to strangers but this woman seems nice and so, the little girl answered. “I’m Reina…”

“Reina… That’s a very lovely name. My name is Yuna.” Yuna commented and gave a warm smile at the little girl.

“Thank… you…Nice to meet you, Yuna.” Reina said in between sobs.

“Say, Reina. Why are you crying?” Yuna asked.

The little girl kept on sobbing. “My bubbles…” She sobbed out. “I’m nearly out of bubbles and my parents haven’t come back yet…”

“What did your parents tell you?”

“To play with my bubbles until they will be back for me…”

“I see…” Yuna nodded. “Hey, why don’t I buy you bubbles again? That way, you can still play with your bubbles until your parents get back.”

“Can you please stay with me until they’re back?”

Yuna smiled at the girl once again. “Of course. Let’s play bubbles together.”

Reina brightened. “Really?! That’s great! Playing bubbles is really fun!!”

Yuna chuckled at this and ruffled the Reina’a hair a little. “Yes, it is. Come on, let’s buy some bubbles.”

“Okay!” Reina jumped off of her chair. She held Yuna’s hand as they went off to the edge of the park where there were many little booths there selling various things.

They stopped when they saw a booth selling many bubbles. Yuna took twp bottles and paid the man.

“Come on, let’s go back to that bench to play~”

“Hehe… Big sister is like a little kid too.” Reina commented.

“Haha. I am, aren’t I?” Yuna grinned down at Reina.

The two girls played bubbles for a few moments and were enjoying every minute of it when Reina recognized someone from afar.

“Mr. Handsome!” The little girl called out.

Yuna was surprised when Reina suddenly jumped off of her seat and ran somewhere to the one she called ‘Mr. Handsome.’

“Hello, Reina.” The guy greeted as he caught the little girl when she jumped to him.

Yuna stood up from her seat and just stared at the two people.

The man had a short blonde hair and was incredibly tall. Honestly, he must be pure American..? Yuna wondered.

“Where are your mom and dad?” ‘Mr. Handsome’ asked Reina.

“They’re not back yet. They said that they will come and fetch me soon.” Reina pouted but her face immediately brightened when she remembered Yuna. “But there is ‘Miss Beautiful’ over there who kept me company~” Reina used her index finger to point at Yuna.

Yuna blushed incredibly red at this statement. “M-Miss Beautiful? Me?”

“Yeah!” Reina confirmed. “Like he is Mr. Handsome.”

“Noona!!” Jangshik called out. “There you are!”

Yuna turned her head to look at Jangshik who was at a distance waving his hand and was carrying Vitamin in his arms. She waved in return at them and then turned to the tall man and Reina once again.

Yuna smiled warmly at Reina. “I guess I have to go now… Will you be okay with…” She stopped when she didn’t know what to call the tall guy.

“Haha… Yes, Yuna-unnie.” Reina answered. “Wait…” She whispered to the guy and the guy smiled at her and let her down. Once Reina was on her feet, she ran to Yuna and hugged her. “Thank you…” She murmured with a twinkle in her eyes.

“You’re welcome.” Yuna patted Reina’s head.

Reina let go of Yuna and smiled widely at her then came back to the man. She smiled curtly to the man as a goodbye and made her way to Jangshik and Vitamin.

“Hey, guys~” She greeted when she got to them. She petted Jangshik and gave a wide smile at Jangshik. “Shall we go home?”

“Sure.” Jangshik agreed.

As they were walking on their way to the house, Jangshik thought it was very quiet and had an idea in mind.

“Hey, noona. Who was that tall guy? One of your admirers?”

Yuna tripped on thin air but quickly balanced herself. When she was able to recover, she glared at Jangshik.

“What?” Jangshik asked innocently as he made an innocent look.

“I don’t even know the guy.” Yuna murmured.

“Oooohh…So he is a stranger that you’re interested in…”

Yuna rolled her eyes at Jangshik and made her way to the front door and unlocking it using her key.

“Come on, noona. Cheer up~” Jangshik told Yuna and got nothing for an answer. “Hey sis, what do you want for dinner? I’ll cook.” He offered.

Yuna stopped on her tracks as she turned to look at Jangshik. “Really?” She asked, not believing him.

Jangshik nodded and smiled widely at her to confirm her doubts.

“PASTA~” Yuna answered Jangshik with a twinkle in her eyes.

Jangshik smirked when he heard what she wanted for dinner. “I should’ve known. Now go to your room and change clothes. You’re gonna help me.”

“Eh? I thought you’re going to cook.” Yuna pouted.

Jongshik smirked at her once again. “I am.”

What kind of answer is that? Yuna frowned and made her way to her room to change.

Yuna was almost done changing when she heard a knock from her door. “Hey sis, you have an invitation…?”

“What? Just a minute.” Yuna hurriedly finished changing and tied her hair into a bun then opened the door and saw Jangshik holding an invitation.

Yuna held out her hand as Jangshik placed it on her right palm.

Yuna studied the design of the envelope and the seal of the invitation. She carefully opened it and read its contents with Jangshik behind her, trying to read the letter as well.

Yuna frowned at it when she finished reading.

“Wow! Noona! You got invited to Heaven’s Plain! That is so cool!”

“But don’t you find the invitation weird? And why would I get invited in the first place?”

“I don’t know but it is still cool to be invited. And isn’t it like your place of inspiration? You always told me that right?” Jangshik asked confused.

“Yeah…” Yuna answered. “But still…”

Jangshik looked at Yuna. “Well, you should really decide if you would go or not. The party is soon. And while you’re at it, come on. Let’s cook dinner.”

“Yeah.” Yuna agreed.

She decided to think about it later tonight but for now, she just wanted to eat a lot of pasta.







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123iou #1
wow...what a to tease!...lol...this is a good teaser!...lol...now i'm gonna go read it...lol
Chapter 6: AHHH!! Such a nice teaser! I loveeee it! Haha it's fine that it took awhile! But darn Key and Jonghyun!! Sabotage I say! SABOTAGE. Hmp. Oh well~ awesome job!! ^-^
Chapter 3: Nice first teaser! Very good~ ^^b
Q(^ v ^Q)