
Sweet Dreams~



It was all a dream.

That was Sanghyun’s first thoughts as he woke up with tears tracks down his cheeks. Just a dream. Just a stupid, wonderful dream. And now his perfect notes were stained, running where his tears had soaked the page.

He had kissed him, the man who he had held an unrequited love for over five years. The man who he had first seen in the classroom when he was but a high school student and the other guy a college student dropping on for the day, the man who he had ended up sharing part-time jobs with and then the man he invited over for dinner. Yes, the man who then fell in love with his sister and two weeks the man who started dating her. And Sanghyun had been miserable.

For the first month he rolled around on his bed and wondered why he felt that way. It wasn’t like the man had been particularly generous to him or anything. But then his best friend had pointed out he looked like he was in love and Sanghyun had fallen off his chair.

His best friend had laughed, particularly when Sanghyun tried to deny it, but his best friend shrugged and said sometimes, you just fall in love. That’s the easy part. Falling out was much harder. And Sanghyun experienced that when his sister and that man started dating and he was over at Sanghyun’s house every two days and more often for dinner.

And Sanghyun couldn’t help the dark thunderstorming thoughts of why it had to be Dara and how maybe everything would just be better without Dara there and-. And immediately after he had stopped breathing and realized how stupid that sounded and that he never wanted his sister, even if she had stolen the first love of his life, to die.

He had reassured himself that Dara was healthy and if it was for her, he could give him up.

And then Dara had fallen sick.

She was diagnosed with cancer. She went through chemotherapy. But it was too late. She died all the same and Sanghyun was left with the heart-ripping feeling that it had been all his fault. His fault for making that stupid little impulsive wish. He reasoned with himself; that there was no way his wish had come true, no way he knew this was going to happen. But every time he saw Dara’s frail body or her funeral picture, he just broke down and blamed himself.  

Dara was gone.

And there was definitely no way he deserved to love her boyfriend after that.

So in order to make amends, he aimed to become a doctor. To make sure other little girls around the world got to grow up and smile and marry the guys of their dreams. And that those people who held unrequited love close to their hearts wouldn’t have to deal with broken hearts at seeing the people their love in front of them cry and yet know they would be the devil to take those opportunities.

But that didn’t mean Sanghyun’s love ever disapperated. He harbored his love deep in his heart, locking it far away with a heavy steel padlock and metal chains in the darkest dungeon. He would never let it surface except for in his dreams.

And that’s all they were.

Sanghyun leaned away from his rumpled textbooks and swiped roughly at his face.

And then he got the shock of his life. “Why are you crying Sanghyun?” he asked. Sanghyun jumped three feet in the air and turned around to see him.

“C-Changsun!” Sanghyun yelped, seeing the man of his dreams materialize in front of him. “What are you doing here?!”

Changsun chuckled and stood up from Sanghyun’s dorm bed. He lived in a single room, but he was pretty sure he had locked the door. He glanced at the door briefly and realized, maybe he hadn’t locked it after all.

“Why wouldn’t I be here?” Changsun , crossing the room till he was right in front of Sanghyun.

“Y-You…” Sanghyun’s mouth suddenly felt very dry.

“Hey Sanghyun,” Changsun interrupted him before he could say whatever silly excuse he had been trying to make up. “Did you know you talk in your sleep?”

Sanghyun froze. Him? Sleeptalk?

Okay, Dara had mentioned it before…but…he had…no…had he confessed in his sleep or something?!

Changsun grinned. “Hey Sanghyun.” he leaned down so that he was the same level as Sanghyun.

“Y-yes.” Sanghyun tried not to stutter, but seeing Changsun so close made him his lips and his eyes flash darkly.

“Guess what?” he whispered and leaned in close so that Sanghyun could taste Changsun’s minty breath.

“What?” he uttered in a quick, feverent gasp.  

“I love you too.” And then Changsun leaned forwards and kissed Sanghyun the way he had in Sanghyun’s dreams and Sanghyun thought that if this was a dream, he was very happy living in it for the rest of his life, thank you very much.

Ahhh, it was a short little thingy. I got inspired by ainnur unnie telling me she *shush, don’t tell* fell asleep on her books whilst studying. Kekeke, wondered what she dreamed about~ Haha, hwaiting on your studies unnie! 

Anyway, sweet dreams everyone~

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[Fia] Sweet dreams completed~


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Heyo :D it's me again lmao my comment is the most recent but it was over a year ago wow
I'm here to let you know that your story is on my rec list! (it's been there for a very long time, but I am currently going through and letting all the authors know!)
here's a link to my list if you wanna check it out ^-^
Chapter 2: THIS IS PERFECT OKAY LIKE WHAT?! wot. waht.
It's so so cute and so sad and so cute and so sweet and so perfect and I'm just sitting here trying to push my heart back into my chest coz omfg i swear it's like swelling but in that way where something is really touching or really cute and its just omg. idek but this... T^T <3
Chapter 2: cute...>o<
everything... I like this story..
HanSang #4
Chapter 2: huahuahuahua!!!! a bit shock because this is about b-b-boyxboy >///<
oh, hello there Dadoong! don't stare at me like that, kekeke....
Chapter 2: Sigh.. That was nothing but cute XD Loved it unni :3
rouleauxlang #6
Chapter 2: Changsun is Joon... I like their friendship in real life though...
Chapter 2: Lol *sighed* you told that.. Again. ==' bahahha so sad that i did my maths badly, but fortunately what i read for bio came out! ;) so happy for bio butbi guess maths had to pay for the hardwork i did for bio :'( and.. I am sad once again.....
Chapter 1: Eeehhh? Is it joonie? Or byung hee..? Blaqie.. Is it?