bungee jumping

Oh, so i'm arranged marriage with Kim Myung-WHAT?

"What do you want to bring? And when are we coming back?"

"Em.. All the things and we are coming back three days later"

"Oh.."And you take all the things you need


"Kim Myungsoo! Wake up"You said pulling him


"If not i'm going to go without you"

"Where are you going?"

"Awake now?"

"No!" And he went back to sleep

"Tsk, you really want me to do this?" And you went outside and take a glass of water and went inside

"Kim MYUNGSOO! Wake up NOW!"

"Huh?" And he wake up and you splash the water at his face

"Yah! Wake up?"

"YAH!! I already wake up!!" And he pouted

"Lets go!"


"You decide~"

"Bungee Jumping!"

"Whats that?"

"You didn't go before?"

"My parents didn't brought me out even once"


"I'm really curious, so lets go"And you changed your clothes so did myungsoo

For you, you wore this

For myungsoo, he wore this

"Kaja!" And he holded your hands there


"Wah.. so high?"

"Ya, you just see me jump because you know.. you're pregnant" And you nodded

"Next time then we'll jump together" And he nodded

After you two arrived there, you two paid the money and went up. After going up, you went to see how high you two are

"Wah! So high?"

"Ya, too bad you can't play" And you pouted

"Hmm! I can play with jiyeon next time!" And you crossed your arms while he get ready

"I'm going to jump now!"

"Bye, bye"And you wave to him while pushing him slightly

"WAH~ Yah, kim gongju! Don't push me!" And you stick your tongue out

"I guess you're scared so you don't dare to jump!"

"Who says so?" And he jumped down

*Splash!* He landed in the water

"Hahaha!" And you saw him coming out

"See i dare right?"

"You took so long to jump, next time i come here, i'll jump in one second!"

"Really?" And you nodded

"Okay, but i don't believe, now lets go rollerblading!"


"You know how to blade?"


"I don't know, teach me"

"Okay!" And you teach him and you two rented two rollerblades

"Lets compete, and we'll see whether you understands" And he nodded

"But you must let me start first!" And you nodded

"3,2,1, start!" And he started rollerblading then you start soon, you catch him up

"Who lose then do forfeit!" And he nodded and he goes faster

"Haha! Actually i know how to blade!" And he gets more and more faster

"Yah!!" But in the end you lose

"HAHA! You must do forfeit!"

"You didn't tell me that you know how to blade! You cheated!"

"HAHA! I don't care, you must do forfeit"

"Ok, ok, ok, what forfeit?"

"Dance chicken dance infront of the public"

"Huh?? Its so embarrassing!"


"Ok, okay.." And you started dancing and after you finished

"Thank you everybody!"And every body clap

"Aish! So embarrassing!" And you hide behind his back

"Lets go home now" And you nodded quickly

*So embarrassing!! Kim Myungsoo!! I must let you do forfeit! HAHAHA*

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Updated! Long chappie! *U* Subscribe and comment to know what happened next, and by the way, my school has 4 days of marking days so i can update lots of chapters!! And after that, exams is coming.. @_@



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Sorry i cant update today because tomorrow is science exam so my teacher say must get band 1 very stress! Wish tomorrow will be a easy paper!


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Kksecret #1
Chapter 44: Why is gongju kind of mean and awkward with myungsoo? And the daehyun, who is he so~ mean toward myungsoo? He's so spoiled
Doojoon_Sunggyu #2
Chapter 44: Nice story xD continue writing !
Chapter 1: Aigoooo! Why l.joe's here again? Now i want him to be the main character! XD Anw, this story is good (it'd be better if l.joe's the main! LOL) just kidding. Author-nim create a story about l.joe too! Hahaha!
-LjoeMyungJae- #4
Chapter 44: ..uuhhhh i'm going to miss this story... nice ending author nim.. ^^
Chapter 44: wah~~happy ending!i like it!
Chapter 44: I fin dis story in a day!!! ^^ great story u have here!! Daebakk!! ;P
Chapter 41: aigoo..Daehyun is so cute!but why Gongju is still like akward with Myungsoo..
Chapter 40: Whoa~! Daehyun is so cute!! L.joe is not his father! Myungsoo is his father~
Update soon~!
Chapter 40: Whoaaaa!!!! Daehyun needs to learn his manners!!!! I'm serious tho if he was my kid I would punish him for sure!!!!!
Chapter 40: eh..bad Daehyun!no manners at all!how dare he said L.Joe is his father..or maybe?haha