Boy of Glass


Seunghyun never wrote his feelings down, nor did he voice them outloud. Though , he never really had too. Jiyong knew, he felt it, and then he'd prod and whine until the older told him the information he was so determined to get out in the first damn place. Now, Seunghyun didn't even know if he was awake, or going to wake up. All he knew was there was a comatose boy that had rumours flying around like wildfire and he was too much of a coward to do anything. 

Visit him, his mind says. Try to talk to him, his mind screams. I can't, he cries. It's horrible, and painful, and just wrong.

Jiyong shouldn't be in a coma. Jiyong shouldn't have amnesia. Jiyong shouldn't be hurt. Jiyong shouldn't only remember Seunghyun's eyes.



Journal Entry. 9/17/04

Oblivious, yes. Slow, definitely. Broken? Not quite yet. That was my best friend. I knew Jiyong,yes, but Jiyong knew me. Of course, Jiyong was a social butterfly who enchanted everyone he knew and those he just met, knowing everything about everyone else too. Within five mintues, people were asking if they could take him home! Even through his wild charm and strange people magneticness, 

I was jealous. 

I was also amused. 

But now, I am alone. 

Please, tell me this is a dream. Tell me it's a lie and you will be here on Saturday for our kimchi bowl television cartoon marathons like you always are, like you should be. Please, Ji, don't be gone.


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Jojokawaii #2
I got so interested just from reading the foreword! Then I realised there were no chapters -_-'
Anyways, I'll subscribe and hope for an update:)
Dodo89 #3
Ehi ^^!!!!! You've transform the plot of the ff with exo in g-top or it's just my impression? I liked it also with the other characters, but surely I will like this more with g-top. I hope to be more present and don't lose any updates ^^
That sounds so sad ;^; I hope everything will be good in the end.
I hope this has a happy ending... <3