Pre Exam Stress Fairytale.

Crackfics galore!!!!

Once upon a time in a land where sugar was abundant lived Princess Snow Kibum White.

He had an evil stepmother, Kim Heechul. However the stepmother wasn’t evil. He was in fact just vain. He did have a gaming apprentice who was evil in his own way.

So by the way back to Kibum (I’m lazy OTL). Unlike his overdramatic stepmother, he was very calm. He was very handsome and had skin as white as snow (you don’t say), hence his name.

Kibum thinks his parents were super uncreative as Princess Key from the Chicken Kingdom (formerly SHINee World) also had the same name. But what can he do, his mom is now an angel without wings and his dad is a raccoon. Kibum actually appreciated the nickname or he would just be plain Kibum, unlike his stepmom’s wardrobe coordinator who got stuck with seasoning.

So anyway one day the evil apprentice was out meeting his bunny boyfriend (though author would rather him have a cooking boyfriend) and left his computer on. Heechul was walking around when he caught a glimpse of the headline of the page evil apprentice was reading.


So anyway she was probably having PMS on that day and got irritated at the fact the ELFs in Fangirl Kingdom thinks that Kibum is hot. As she was feeling y and diva-ish on that day, he sent Kibum out. What she didn’t know is that on that day the hot Chinaman Huntsman Han Geng was out looking for chicken to put in his Beijing Fried Rice. But due to the rules of Chicken Kingdom’s King, King Onew, all the chickens were imported to SHINee World. I mean Chicken Kingdom.

After tons of weird stuff and random shiz, Kibum found himself in a house with two child dwarves who own a monkey and tons of fishes. All they drink is strawberry milk. Yeah so after frolicking and everything, Heechul probably misses his son daughter and sent Han Geng and Siwon the horse to pick him up. Rightfully he’s supposed to fall in love with Han Geng but the author has a weird Sibum OTP so he fell in love with the horse instead.

However, the author’s Sihanchul OTP is more overpowering so the huntsman, the horse and the evil stepmother ended up in an open relationship. Kibum wasn’t heartbroken and all so he decided to visit the dwarves on an indefinite stay.

Don’t worry, he’s not out of the castle. He’s just “inactive” in Wikipedia.

A/N: Hey guys this is BearyStrawberry lol. I feel like writing an AN just to show you guys I am still sane. Ninja5 on the other hand is the complete opposite of sane. I’m writing this late so don’t mind me. And this is a crackfic so I’m too lazy to write in complete sentences lol. Did you know on Wikipedia Han Geng’s status is “Retired”? Makes him sound old haha. I hope you don’t mind all the weird inside referencing lol. If you don’t understand anything just ask me. BTW we write alternate chapters so go pester Ninja5 for the next one. Did you seriously read all that? I love you. Oh and we are the only story with the tag Sugar! *throws confetti* i feel lame.

PS Fi: I hope you don’t mind me updating lol. I need something to do and Chinese email is giving me a hemorrhage.

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Chapter 8: UPDATE PLEASE!!!!!!!!
You omma, update also
Our family is just is awesome!
When are you going to update?? Nina waiting.......... Now is my turn to watch you. BEWARE FI.
Haebby13 #7
Chapter 8: I should be subscribing now. lolol! I like the stories. very refreshing. XD
FI WRITE MOREEEEEEEEEEE, Ommmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, imma waitinggggggggggggg for your random next chapterrrrrrrrrrrrr. hahahaha
Chapter 8: lol omg whatthehell dude.
Chapter 8: HEE CHUL THE EVIL MOTHER Like Ninja5. Bwhahahaha