Chapter 2

He Will Be My Warrior


“Is everyone alright?” The young woman with the gun asked everyone.  “We have to keep moving, the battle is getting closer to our location.”

            She helped get people up and we started to once again move down the tunnel.  We walked for what seemed like twenty minutes in the darkness, many flashlights were dim and there was not enough light.  I almost tripped several times on the rail under my feet. 

“We are here. I just need to open this door.” In front of us there was a big door.  By the looks of it, it was going to be hard to open.  It didn’t have a normal door knob.  It looked like the door on Sandy Cheeks tree dome from SpongeBob. The young woman tried to turn it but the rusty metal door did not move.

“We’ll help out.”  Jin Young, Daehyun and I all volunteered to help out.  It took all of our strength to finally get the knob to turn and open the door.

“My eyes.”  Daehyun turned away from the door and closed his eyes in pain.  We hadn’t seen the light of day in several days. 

“Keep your eyes closed and hold on to my arm.  I’ll guide us both outside.”  I let Daehyun hold my arm while I tried to look up.  It was so bright that I felt my eyes burn.  I couldn’t see well and I was relying on the wall next to me as a guide. 

“Everyone, listen up.  It is very bright outside and it will hurt your eyes.  Be careful as you make your way out of the tunnel.”  Jin Young helped out a few of the older people who were blinded by the sun.

“This is as far as I’ll take you.  It is safer down there than up here.”  The woman told us.  She was right, for now it was safer down in the tunnels than up here but not for long.  Sooner or later they will make their way down there and find everyone.  There is no chance of long term survival in the tunnels.  We must move out of the city and find another place to stay.

“Thank you for your help and I hope that your people can stay safe.”  Park Jin Young thanked her for all of us.  He bowed down to her and we all followed.  If it were not for her, we would have lasted another few days down there searching for an exit.

“Please don’t thank me.  We all must do what we have to.  The human race is in stake and we all have to make our part to ensure the survival of humans.”  She looked around at all of us.  There were young and old, men and women in our group.  “I lost all my family members.  Here take this.”  She took out a hand gun and handed it to Jin Young.  “I hope this helps you to survive and keep them alive.  They are now your family to take care of.”  Jin Young took the gun and thanked her as she made her way back into the tunnel.  She closed the door and we heard her lock it behind her.  There was no way back into the tunnel now.  We must move forward and find another temporary shelter.  Finding shelter was the only way to stay alive, to keep all of us safe.  She was right.  We were all a family now.  Most of us lost everything and had no more blood related family members alive.

“Alright we must keep moving now.”  Jin Young put the gun under his belt and led us down the street.

            As we walked down the street we noticed all the dead.  The big beautiful buildings were now rubble.  Only a few buildings were still standing but were really damaged.  We turned a corner and saw a little girl on the floor.  She was dead.  I felt Daehyun put his head on my shoulder.  I didn’t even realize that he was still holding on to my arm.  I rubbed his shoulder to give him some comfort.  He didn’t deal well with dead people.  This was the reason that he never left the tunnel until now.  Every few days a few of us were assigned to go up to the surface into the city to look for food.  We would scavenge a few things, fill our bags and bring it back down to feel the rest of the group.  I always volunteered to ensure a share for me and Daehyun.  Every time we walked passed a dead body he would turn away or burry his face into my arm.  Poor guy, he probably saw his family die.  He never talked about it and I didn’t ask. 

            We found a neighborhood with houses that were not as damaged as others.  We decided to head that way and search the houses for food and fill out our water bottles.  Me and Daehyun entered a two story house and headed towards the kitchen.  I opened the refrigerator and looked inside.  I wasn’t surprised when I found nothing but rotten food inside.  I then made my way to the cupboards to search for some dry food.  Nothing, others have already come by here and took what they could. 

“Hyung, I found some old bread under the sink.”  Daehyun called me over.

“Under the sink??”

“Yeah, they were probably hiding it so that nobody would take it.  They were behind all the cleaning products.” 

            I made my way towards the younger boy.  He was right, there was a lot of bread there, it was old and hard but at least it wasn’t molding.  It was good and we filled up my backpack with four bags of old hard bread.  They were going to make a very delicious meal.  We then filled up our water bottles in the sink and headed upstairs to search the rest of the house.  I found the master bedroom and found a lot of clothes on the floor and the bed.  I also found a suitcase by the window.  I opened it and found it was full of clothes, men and women’s clothing.  That’s strange?  Why would they leave their suitcases behind? 

“HYUNG! Hyung come here!”  I ran towards Daehyun’s screams.  He sounded really frightened.  The thought of one of those things being in the house scared me.  Would they try to harm him?  I found him in a pink room.  He was looking at the floor and pointing.  I looked down and saw a man, a woman and two young girls dead on the floor.  The twins looked as if they were ten years old.  This was their room, someone killed them.  It was human because they had gun shots all over their bodies. 

“Who killed them?  It wasn’t those monsters.  Humans killed them.”  Daehyun was sad and mad at the same time.  This was wrong, who would harm these people instead of helping them out.  They were packing their belongings and did not even have time to get out of their home before they were murdered.

“We can’t help them anymore Daehyun.  Come I found some clothes where we could change into.  We could even take a shower.”  I pulled him out of that room and headed towards the master bedroom.  I made him take a shower first and found some a pair of pants, a t-shirt and some socks for him to change into.  None of the shoes here would fit him but at least the other clothes would.  Daehyun came out of the shower and I gave him the clothes. 

“I don’t think I can wear that man’s clothes.”  He looked as if he were ashamed to wear a dead man’s clothes.

“Look, if he was alive he would probably help us.  He would have given you these.  Don’t feel ashamed for wanting to be clean at a time like this.”  He took the clothes after I told him this.

            I headed towards the shower with the set of clothing I had picked out for myself.  I set the clothes down and took of my clothes.  They were so dirty and smelly, I was glad I was finally going to be clean.  The bathroom was really beautiful.  The family must have been rich.  Beautiful tile and granite decorated the floor and the shower.  Even the shampoo and soap looked high class.  After the shower I wrapped myself with one of the towels.  It was the softest towel I had ever felt.  I imagined myself as the owner of this house.  It would have been nice to live with these fancy things.  I found a new toothbrush and decided to brush my teeth.  Minty freshness, something I had forgotten how it felt.  I changed and headed to the room where Daehyun was sitting on the bed.

“I found some extra clothing and another backpack.  I filled it up with sweaters and underwear and some blankets for us to use.”  I had not seen such a sad Daehyun since the first day I met him.

“Thanks.  We should head out and find the others.”  I picked up my own backpack filled with bread, water, and the few snacks I still had.  As we were making our way down the stair way we heard some small explosions, no they weren’t explosions, they were gun shots. 



Ohhh MYYYY Goshhhh!!!

Thank you all who subscribed!  This is such an amazing feeling to know that others enjoy reading what I enjoy writing.

I love you guys I really do.  Well this chapter was a little slow compared to what is comming next.  

Just a heads up that the 3rd chapter is going to be rated (M) for mature! lol

I wasn't sure if it qualifies as rated M but just to be sure.  It is going to be good!  

I have decided to post every Monday, Tuesday at the latest, so enjoy reading this and wait for next chapter.

Once again Thank you for your subscriptions and good comments.

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I doubt any new readers are coming across this story but I’m sadly never going to finish it. I’ve been gone for far too long to even know what I wrote. I remember I was very proud of it though. Even though I’m sure I’ll never finish it, I actually want to read it. It’s been so many years since I wrote that I am curious to see if I was any good lol. Thanks to those that read.
When will be your next update?
I'm still waiting for next chapter :(
1234567891 #4
Chapter 20: what??????? at first I'm like NOOO YOU KILLED BABY ZELO then the ending...was that zelo?? then who's body did they find??? lol happy belated birthday authornim ps I hate statistics too
Chapter 20: why do i have this feeling that daehyun is the one that's dead. please don't tell me that T____T

in btw: happy belated bday x3
Chapter 20: woah thanks God little Junhong was alright. Such a Awesome story author-shi ^,^
babiegel #7
Chapter 20: Happy Birthday!

I'm curious to who's body they found. aaahh they're separated again T__T I hope Yongguk comes back safe.
Chapter 20: Happy Birthday (belated) ~
And dang! I feel so sick in my stomach right now... can you actually imagine what you did to me with... THAT!?
I have to get up again in less than 7h and... I can't sleep now... too emotionally upset and asdfghjkl. ;A;
It's so super thrilling and aaargh. I don't know what to think nor to say... just feels. All sorts of it. D:
Chapter 20: Happy birthday author-nim ! ^^
*throwing confetti*

Whoah who's body that banghim found in the mine ???? It wasn't jello youngjae or jongup ?? T-T
And banghim got separated again T-T
Well at least they're safe now...