Inside My Heart [Greyson Chance & Cody Simpson Lovestory]



Grey's POV

I am Greyson Michael Chance.. I love playing my piano and writing songs that can Inspired everyone inspite of my age, thats why I love attending piano lessons before.

When I was 8 years old, My family decided to moved here in Edmond, Ok where my Dad is currently working here (that is after Tanner's High school graduation in Texas) This place is a strange one for me. But I need to Love this place whether I like or not because this will be my permanent home. On the conterary I don't have friends..

Grey: Mommy! Can I play toy car outside? I wanna try my remote controlled car. Can I?

I shout outside while my mom is in the backyard. Busy cleaning and sweeping some leaves with a gravel.

Lisa: Okay, Grey. Don't go far honey. Don't wanna mommy to worry.

Grey: I will mom!

I ran to the large front double door of our house. And I hop and placed my car on the ground then excitedly push the green button on the remote to start the engine.

While busy playing my remote controlled car, someone whose really in a hurry bumped on my back that made me step forward.

Grey: Aw! You disturb me.

I turned to her, and I saw a little girl with a blonde straight hair, about an inch taller than me. She's staring at me with her dazzling deep blue eyes (The most beautiful eyes I've ever seen on my childhood life) while the lollipop on with a cute nice dimple on her cheek. Inshort! A Pretty Little girl.

You: I am.. I am, sorry! Really. *face down*

Grey: Who are you? Can't you see I'm playing my car.

You: I am sorry! Im in a hurry, two evil boys is chasing me.. Zack and Cody!

Grey: But why? How old are you?

You: I am 8. They want to stole my candies!

Grey: It's just a candies! I can give you some..

You: I kn-

She suddenly stopped when she heard a voice calling her from nowhere.

??: Hey! Where are you (Your Name)?

You: Uh-oh! *confused* Please. Help me! They will stole my candies!! *stamping feet*

Without saying any reply. I hurriedly grab my car and held her hand and pulled her inside our house to hide.

I locked the door inside and I hushed her to quiet.. Then I leaned my ears on the door to listen to those evils if they're still there.

After a few seconds.. Everything was quiet.

Grey: Haist. They're gone.

I looked at her, I saw the frightened on her dazzling deep blue eyes.. I bet she's scared. At me? But why! Do I look like a baby or dumb?

Grey: Hey, It's okay. *wide smile* I am Greyson. Greyson Chance, 8 years old. And you are?

You: (yourfullname), 8 years old.. *tremble voice*

Grey: Don't be scared. I love your name. It's cute! Who's that kids?

You: Aren't you goin' to stole my candy? They are the Melvilles.

Grey: *chuckles* Silly! Ofcourse not. Im not a bad kid. Don't worry, I won't let you hurt.

You: You sure? Hm. They're mean! Are you my Guardian Angel? *light smile*

Grey: Sort of. Uhm.. A pinky sign will explain. *winked*

You: Are you new here?

Grey: Yeah. We moved here from Texas

You: Woaaah. Welcome to the neighborhood, Greyson.

We shook hands. Crossed our pinky fingers as a sign of Agreement. And that was the start of our Friendship.

*End Of Flashback*


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