◤Chapter O1 ┅ Hwang Jiae◢

☼『The real talent comes to Seoul』 A L E T H E I A ⋯ APPLICATION OPEN

“No Apologies
Nah ers I’m not sorry
you can all sue me; y’all could be the cause of me
No remorse for me, like there was no recourse for me
No apologies, not even acknowledging you at all!”


Hwang Jiae spit the lyrics of the song on the microphone, narrowing her eyes time to time and raising her free hand as she rapped with intensity. The song soon came to its end and Jiae gave her signature ending; raising her hand and revealing her wrist, where was a tattoo that said ‘Lil J’

She dropped the mic and grabbed her bag. Jiae made her way towards the door of the recording room and opened it. She came face to face with a man. Vasco grinned and opened his arms, inviting her to a hug.

Jiae rolled her eyes but smiled and hugged him tightly.

“My daughter~” He said jokingly and caressed her long hair. Jiae quickly removed his hand from her hair and stepped back from the hug. She frowned,

“Don’t touch my hair!”

Vasco laughed and reached to mess her hair but Jiae quickly moved away from him. Jiae went towards the black leather couch in the room and threw herself to the furniture.

“I cam here to congratulate you, I heard you’re going to debut soon.” He smiled and searched for something behind him. He turned back to her and showed her a beautiful bouquet of white roses and an old looking cap that had ‘Jiggy Fellaz’ written in large white letters.

“From the guys.”

Jiae smiled softly and grabbed the gifts, she touched the petals of the beautiful roses and felt that her eyes were turning watery.

“I’m going to miss those crazy bastards.” She spoke. Vasco chuckled softly. Noticing the red string on her left wrist, he decided to ask,

“I know It’s not my business, but… What really happened between you and Jepp?”

He noticed her body tensing and her hands forming into tight fists. Jiae bit her lip as the tears blurred her vision.

“We just broke up, that’s all.”

“That’s all? Jiae-ah, you guys were the perfect couple, what happene-“

“I broke up with him! He was going to throw away his dreams because of me! That’s all!”

Surprised by the sudden outburst of the girl, Vasco stood there as Jiae quickly walked out of the recording room and disappeared through the door.

The loud sound of her heels echoed through the halls as she ran towards the door. She arrived to the crystal doors and realized that it was raining, not soft rain, but a heavy storm.

“.” She mumbled to herself. Hearing someone near, she quickly hid inside the woman’s bathroom and let the tears fall, gripping on her bag.

The memories of her and her first love painfully flashed through her mind, every time she closed her eyes, there he was.  The date on her phone didn't help at all, she couldn't even look at the screen without feeling her heart stopping.

November 10TH.

Their anniversary,

And their break-up



Yay, Hwang Jiae! her personality wasn't really described here but it doesn't matter, this was made out of randomness and I just wanted to mention her past relationship with Bang Yongguk/Jepp Blackman, that relationship will play a big role in Jiae's story. Jiae's tattoos will also be revealed soon, she has few tattoos hiding under that clothing /wink. Oh, and she was rapping to one of my favorite's songs, No Apologies by Eminem.
Maknae Son Nana is next!
ps: I want another 97-liner in the group that can be Nana's friend...

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ALETHEIA is under construction! private for some time


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IGOT7Babiez #1
Chapter 1: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/360565

Applied ;3 as Lee Jun ah or as i can say Juna.
Good luck applicants;3 -wink-
Chapter 5: Love the way you actually typed out the characters! Can't wait to see who are the revealed members and to see their commotion happening with the boys!
Chapter 5: omg i really love the way you write! i seriously can't wait for the next chapter! please update soon ^___^
aah, i'm so excited for this! please update soon ;A;
I saw this and I was like wow, it's really different from other apply fanfics I've seen so far, so hence I decided to apply as Mizumura Yukina!

Here's my app!

Hope you like her (PS I made it as neat as I can)
OH MY GOD this sounds very interesting! i'm going to apply as well! :D http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/323557