Protect You

In Love


After the meeting, Super Junior had split up and practiced for awhile in their practice rooms, K.R.Y.S. in one and the rest in the other. They went to their classes after that, and now they’re back in the dorm. Well not all of them are back actually.


KangTeuk went to the nearby park, Heechul went to Hankyung’s house, MinWook were out for icecream again(now hopefully success). In the living room, Yesung resumed his turtle movies marathon. For once though, EunHae weren’t in KyuHae’s room doing their stuffs – thankfully for that, but Kyuhyun wasn’t pleased as he thought he would be, because EunHae was annoying the out of him.


“Kyu! Please help me tell Hae I love him.” Eunhyuk shout across the living room to Kyuhyun. The latter rolled his eyes and turned to Donghae who was sitting at the other end of the living room. “Hae, Hyuk loves you.”


You must be wondering why EunHae aren’t all lovey dovey, instead they’re sitting so far away from each other. That’s because of the order Heechul gave earlier on in the practice room that they have to sit at each end of the room. And they’re so dumb that they followed Heechul’s order all the way till they reach the dorm.


“Kyu! Help me tell Hyukkie I love him too!” Donghae shouted his love request to Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun was annoyed. EunHae had been going on “Kyu! Help me tell Hyukkie I love him! Kyu! Help me tell Hae I love him” for hours. It’s not like Yesung’s turtle movies marathon in their wide TV hasn’t annoyed him enough already, and EunHae just decides to annoy him more. His hyungs were so stupid Kyu couldn’t take it. He hated seeing EunHae all lovey dovey snuggling up to each other, but he would prefer that over EunHae calling him non-stop to pass their love message, even though EunHae can hear each other perfectly across the room. Kyuhyun can’t help but slap his forehead.


“ please, can you guys cut it out?! Heechul isn’t even at home anymore! Just go up to each other and hug and whatever already!” and that being said, EunHae really ran into each other’s arms and hugged. Kyuhyun facepalmed again when he heard Eunhyuk saying something like “I love you Hae! Like how mice loves rice” and then Donghae going on about how Hyukkie isn’t a mice and he himself isn’t rice and blablabla. And then Eunhyuk says something like “Oh right…”


Kyu facepalmed for the third time…. fourth? fifth? He lost count. ‘How dumb can they get?’








“I’ll have two icecreams, one vanilla and one strawberry flavoured please.” Sungmin said politely to the ice-cream man and paid him for the ice-cream. The man passed Sungmin two ice-creams and Min handed the vanilla one to Wookie. The two of them sat down at a nearby bench to eat their ice-cream. The ice-cream man had come, and MinWook decided to get ice-cream since they failed to get it yesterday.


Wookie was eating like a kid, the ice-cream cutely and having cream stains all over his lips.Sungmin chuckled at this cute sight of his dongsaeng. “You’re making a mess Wookie!” He exclaimed, then began leaning closer to Ryeowook, closing up the distance between them bit by bit.



Ryeowook was oblivious to this at the start, but when he started to feel Sungmin’s breath, he tensed up and he could feel his body getting hot all over. The hairs at the back of his neck were beginning to stand up and he started to blush furiously. Wookie saw Sungmin’s lips curved into a smile and the next thing he knew, the stains of cream he had on his lips were being wiped away. Sungmin giggled and cupped Ryeowooks’ cheeks. They stayed in this position for awhile. But Ryeowook suddenly rose and ran away to the direction of their dorm.











Sungmin was left dumbfounded.





/Ryeowook’s POV/


Huh…I can’t breathe… I can’t breathe! I raised a hand to clutch my chest. I felt that my heart was beating really fast against my ribcage; it was as if my heart was going to jump out right away. I was running away from Minnie hyung. I have no idea why. From the moment he inched closer to me, I could feel that my face was all flushed red, and my heart was thumping really fast…Dugeun.



Dugeun. Dugeun. Dugeun.



I ran in the direction of our dorm. I just had to go somewhere I feel safe. I’m too scared… I like being around Minnie hyung these two days, I really do. But ever since I met him, my heart’s been going crazy…I don’t even know. It keeps beating really fast, especially when he gets closer to me. I am scared of this feeling. Umma..... I’m really scared of this feeling.



I flung open the door to our dorm and ran straight into my shared room with Yeye and Minnie hyung. I didn’t care about whoever was looking at me, I couldn’t care less, although I did hear someone say “Wookie what the heck is wrong with you” and I think it sounded like Kyunie. I closed the door behind me and sat in a corner beside Ddangkkoma’s cage, hugging my legs to my chest. Then, I could hear a creaking sound. Yeye hyung was coming in.



I looked up. He was staring at me with deep, concerned eyes. He walked to me and I immediately flung my arms over to hug him. Yeye hyung is my favourite hyung. Staying in this position made me feel safe. I heard him ask some questions but I kept silent as my mind drifted off with the image of Minnie hyung.



/Yesung’s POV/



I was watching some turtle movie again, well since most of the guys aren’t home. I was left with Hyukkie, Hae and Kyu. And I swear they’re annoying as hell. Hyukkie and Hae was sitting at each end of the living room. Kyu was lying on the couch near me and the three of them were screaming some about “I love you”s or something, I didn’t bother to care about them. The turtles were too cute.



Just then, the main door of our dorm flung open. I jumped in my seat at the loud bang and turned my attention to it. A very flustered Wookie was clutching his heart and running in. He ran straight into our room. I waited a few seconds for Ming’s appearance but he didn’t come. I was confused; didn’t the both of them go to get ice-cream?



“Wookie what the heck is wrong with you” I heard Kyu say. I went into our room and there Wookie was, sitting on the floor with his knees hugged to his chest. I walked towards him and the next thing I know he was hugging me. I admit I blushed a little. Hey who wouldn’t blush if your little crush is hugging you? But I brushed away this thought shortly after. Wookie’s heart seemed to be beating hard and fast. I wonder what is wrong…



I patted his back to comfort him as I began to flood him with questions. “Wookie, what happened? Didn’t you go and have ice-cream with Sungmin? Why are you like this? Why did you run back? Did Ming bully you?”


He didn’t respond. Then I noticed Ming just arrived, standing outside our room. I pulled away from Wookie and stood up to question Ming.




/Sungmin’s POV/


I was stunned and speechless when Wookie started to run away. One moment we were so close together and now the distance between us was further and further away.



I stared into the blank space for awhile, completely dumbfounded. Why did he run away? What did I do? Did I scare him off by leaning so close to him? Did he not like me doing that? Millions of questions swirled in my mind. I tried to shut them off and follow Wookie. He was running really fast for such a petite figure like him. I lost him after awhile, but I knew he ran for the dorm. I entered the dorm. I could feel a pair of eyes on me; Kyuhyun. He pointed at me. Yeye and Wookie’s room and I nodded and stood outside the door.



Wookie was lying in Yeye’s arms with his eyes closed. He looked safe. I felt a rush of feelings over me. It then dawned upon me- Wookie ran away from me, and fell into Yeye’s arms safe and sound…



Yeye looked up at me. He pulled away from Wookie, causing Wookie to open his eyes. Yeye then walked to me with confused eyes. “What happened to Wookie, Ming?”



I didn’t know what to answer. I was confused as to why Wookie ran away from me too. I stayed silent for awhile, then I watched as Wookie stood up and said softly.



“Sorry hyungies… you don’t have to worry, it’s nothing…” He paused and looked over at Yeye. “Yeye hyung, don’t worry about me, and Minnie hyung didn’t do anything…” Yeye sighed and nodded at Wookie’s words. Then we heard Kyu shout something like “YESUNG DO YOU WANT TO WATCH YOUR TURTLE MOVIE OR NOT?! I’M GOING TO WATCH MY DRAMA OK” I chuckled a little at our maknae’s evilness. Yeye gave Wookie a hug then went to the living room, leaving only me and Wookie in the room.



I saw Wookie looking uneasy. “Sorry hyungie..i think I wasn’t feeling well earlier on..” I shook my head and decided to pull him into a hug although I was still confused. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him tightly. I needed to protect him. I want him to feel safe in my arms, like how he felt safe in Yeye’s. I smiled as he slowly wrapped his arms around mine tightly. We stayed like this for awhile.






This is it. This time I think I’ve really fallen for the eternal maknae.




AN/ Okay...finally we have MinYeWook's POV all in one chapter. I hope this doesn't x_X 

Anyway, I'm starting to write a new fic. It's a MinWook one too because I love them so much hehe. But no worries! I'm not thinking of dumping this fic. Hehe, i wouldn't dare.

Mannequins (CLICK)

Also, please support AiliThePanda and my one-shots, its still new:

Oneshots by a Piggy and a Panda (CLICK)

Thank you!

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 21: NONONONONO.....OMG... Please Please... I'm pleading with you to come back and finish this fabulous fic... I love it so much!! It doesn't deserve to be abandoned at this late stage...I need to know if my Kyusung get together and how!! Authornim come back........!!!!!!!
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 21: Whaaaaaaaatt?! Pls updateeee dont let this fic hanging~~~~~ minwook needs to end up togetherrr
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 17: Lol.. Kyu kicked yesung in that spot XD that made me laugh so much..
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 13: Omoo.. Wookie needs to start to realize his feelings
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 10: XDD its soooooo funny and minwook parts its just so cutee
chocolateyojeong #6
Chapter 1: I love EvilKyu~ salt coffee! I should add salt to my friends coffee sometimes :P
PeachSnow #7
Chapter 21: So bad, using the best friend card! Friend or love? So hard to choose…
Chapter 21: Nuuuu minwook ARE meant to be!!!! And also... When is uhm kyusung coming..
Chapter 21: dbsnsjduajhdia minnie omgah why are you like this
it's not fair T^T but yeye has a point though
xjdnisa tbh i don't know which pairing will i support
omg just let it be kyuwook in the end HAHAHAHAHA lol just kidding just kidding