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The MIX | SM's New Girl Group [ Apply C L O S E D ]


-  Two weeks ago - 
I can't stand being like this anymore,
all this drama and the hatin' I can't take no more
please just stop before... 
"AHHHH WAAAEEEEEE?!?!?!" A girl suddenly yelled. All the other girls in the room stared at her in confusion."Unnie wae?" One of the girls, that looked like the youngest, asked. 
"I think she's just being herself. Getting frustated over a song we're not even going to release" Another one said. The girl that had yelled a few minutes ago, jumped on the girl that had said that last comment. "SHUT UP!!" You could think that they were playing, but they weren't. This was a normal day with this seven girls group. The members used to get along, but lately, one of them had become a nuisance. 
"So Ah, why don't you go away?! Or just stop being like that!" One of the girls, called Arianna, or Ari for short, said. The nuisance was this girl,So Ah. She had started to act different, she became very cold and she was always critizing her fellow members, no one knew why. The members would always complain with their manager, but he wouldn't believe them because she acted all nice, cute and bubbly around him. Until that day, when he saw everything that was happening and decided to finally do something.
.... The next day she was out of the company. No one, besides him, knew why.
- NOW - 

The sound of Vista, the girl group’s new song could be heard from their practice room, the song had been re-recorded after the sudden leave of one of the members, and the choreography had slightly changed. When the song was over, the girls were told to rest a few minutes. They all sat down in a circle and one of them spoke. “Okay, so… Does someone know why did So Ah unnie leave? It was so sudden!” A girl called Da Ni said. They all shrugged and looked at the oldest, their leader called Katarina, or Rina for short. “I don’t know either, I asked Woo Hyun oppa and he said that I didn’t need to know.” She said, before sighing. “Maybe it’s our fault? Because we complained too much about her and manager oppa finally caught her?” The Chinese member, called Chun Mei said.

They all shook their heads. “I don’t think so, they wouldn’t kick her out for a reason like that. They could’ve just delayed her debut and make her go with other girls” Soo Yeon, the girl that had fought with So Ah two weeks ago, said. “Then I guess we have to ask Woo Hyun oppa or even director-nim?” Another girl, called Alexis said. Arianna nodded. “We should”

“You don’t have to know anything. She was just being too much trouble for the company. You shouldn’t even be bothering about her, you should worry about your debut, don’t you think?” They had decided to go and ask Woo Hyun, their manager. But they got no answer from him. Instead, he told them to go and get ready for the MV filming.

“Oppa, who is going to appear as the guy? We never knew…”  Arianna asked. They had been filming for about 12 hours now. They were all very tired. They only thing that was left was the scene with the main lead. “Oh, it’s Chan Yeol. He already filmed his parts, only thing left is that short scene with him and we can all finally rest.” The manager said, smiling. “Channie is coming?” Soo Yeon asked, the manager nodded. Then she looked at Alexis with a big smile. “Channie is coming~” Alexis laughed. “Why are you smiling creepily? Don’t do that…!” Before Soo Yeon could say something else, Chan Yeol suddenly came. “AYO~ I’m ready for the filming!” Chan Yeol said with his usual cheerfulness.  They all laughed. “Good to know you’re not tired like us~” Katarina said, smiling. “If you’re tired they should let you rest! They shouldn’t be so mean~” He said. All the girls awww’d and their manager just rolled his eyes. “Just start filming already”. 

After about an hour of filming just that scene, everyone decided to leave to rest.  “Hyung, can you give me a ride to the dorms?” Chan Yeol asked THE MIX’s manager. He nodded. “Well, of course. We live in the same building, Chan Yeol ssi.” Woo Hyun said. Chan Yeol laughed and scratched the back of his head. “Ah, you’re right. Mianhe.”


About an hour later, the girls and Chan Yeol arrived to the building. “You should all come to the EXOK dorm to celebrate that you will debut soon~ I’m sure everyone would be happy to see you” Chan Yeol said with a happy tone. “Maybe some other time oppa, we’re very tired and all we want to do is sleep” Da Ni said, before yawning cutely. “Aww, well that’s too bad, I’ll see you all tomorrow then. Annyeong~!” Chan Yeol sounded a bit sad, but he said goodbye to the girls and left to his dorm.

“I feel kind of bad for him, I bet he really wanted us to go” Alexis said. “More like you wanted to go, didn’t you~?” Mei said, giggling. Alexis shook her head immediately. “Of course not! I’m just saying that we haven’t been spending too much time with our friends lately, so they must miss us...” Alexis said, trying to defend herself. “That’s true.. We should hang out with our friends tomorrow~ But right now.. Can we please go inside? I’m dying here” Arianna said. The rest of the girls nodded and they walked inside the building, and they headed to their dorm.

They all shared rooms: Soo Yeon and Mei shared one room, because Mei needed to practice her Korean and Soo Yeon her Chinese, so sometimes Mei would talk to Soo Yeon in Korean and Soo Yeon would answer in Chinese. It was a thing they’re Super Junior sunbaes, Han Geng and Si Won had thought them to do.Arianna and Rina shared rooms because of the same reason. Both of them talked to each other in Korean since it was sometimes difficult for Rina, since she spoke so many languages, she got confused sometimes. And the youngest, Alexis and Da Ni shared rooms, and they talked to each other in a mixture of English and Korean, since they’re English was very different.

-The Next Day-

“Omo… I’m so tired…” Soo Yeon said as she was warming up. Everyone nodded, not feeling exactly cheerful today. Suddenly, the practice room’s door opened, revealing a few EXO members. “Congratulations on your debut~!” They all screamed in unison. The girls’ faces lightened up just by seeing them. “We haven’t debuted yet, you know?” Mei said, looking at them. “Oh, we know~ But you’re debuting soon, so that’s a good thing!” Chen said, the rest of the boys nodded. All of the girls laughed a little. “So, can we come in? We brought cake~” Lu Han said, smiling brightly at them. Rina nodded and the boys went inside the practice room. They all sat down on the floor, the girls following them. Everyone sang a little and then they started eating cake. “I like your new hair color..~” Lay suddenly said.  The girls smiled at him. “Thank you Yi Xing~ or should we call you Lay now? We still don’t know” Rina said.  Lay just shrugged. “Call me however you want~” He said, smiling.  

“It’s just like Yi Fan ge, I don’t know how to call him anymore… Yi Fan, Kevin, Kris.. ?” Mei said, while eating the cake.  “Oh, and don’t forget Jia Heng~” Rina added, Kris just glared at her. “What? Don’t glare at your noona. You disrespectful being~” Rina said, while laughing. Everyone laughed as well. “Ehem.. You should call me Kris, Mei. Not any other name..” Kris said, trying to act cool, then Lu Han threw a strawberry at him, just playing…

He didn’t know it was going to turn into a cake fight.

Suddenly, the door opened revealing the three managers. Everyone’s eyes widened.

“What in the world is happening in here?!” Woo Hyun said. Both groups stayed frozen in the spot. “If you don’t move, he may not notice we’re still here…” Da Ni whispered. “We can both hear you and see you guys… And you’re all in big, BIG trouble” 



Helloo~ So, this is the first chapter... Sorry if it's so short and boring... I just wanted to update something and this is what happened TT Sorryy... TT


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I've seen the new applications but i can't post them BECAUSE I'm On my i pad and iim lazy and its hard. I'll post them tomorrow


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hey there, just wanted to let you know that i've changed my name too!!

was "bunnyxwarrior" or "ilovepeachbooboo" and now "LuminousStardust"
Chapter 13: hi! i know it's been a super long time. but i wanted to let you know i just changed my username.
i'm blueiris891 and i just changed it to -catalyst :)
hey there, just want to let you know that i'll be going on a mini hiatus from the 12th to the 16th.
so if i don't reply or something, that is the reason! ^^V
Chapter 13: lol so cute~~ WAH nice update!!
waahh..cake fight uh?? hurm..Alexis unnie..you really wanted to go to EXO dorm , right?? keke..:DD
Chapter 13: Lol okay it's cute and you did well on showing the members' character.. I'll be jealous much to Katarina unnie TT_TT lololol "Channie is coming~" :DDD
Chapter 13: hahaha wow. i wanna say this is kinda random? but so interesting at the same time! i'm curious about the 7th member and... the result of that cake fight... hahaha i didn't know Kris has been called Kevin before. i've never heard of that, and i don't know why he'd be called that? >.<,
Chapter 13: lol.... what are their managers going to do to them now? XD
hahaah... love the last ending bit!!
but i'm curious about Soah!
what was her reason.... i'm soooooooo curious!
and lol... Kris with his many names~ lol
Chapter 13: LOL.
What's gonna happen next? omo :O
And I'm still wondering WHY So Ah got kicked out.
Update soon author-ssi!
And don't worry, this chapter was GREAT!~
Chapter 11: it's okay i got yeollie<3 can't wait to see the storyyyy
Chapter 11: lolnahhhh.
It's okay, author-nim, that I didn't get Lulu.
I like Chenchen~
His voice is so heavenly like asgjkgdksa. ; u ;
/rolls around like a buffalo.