
Forget it


Junhyung running with a grocery bag in his hands. "Ouch!" He dropped everything and looked at the person he bumped into "I-I'm sorry."


"It hurts when you bump into somebody with that junk" the man was scaring him and he looked kind of dangerous, and Junhyung was trembling.


"I'm sorry please forgive me" then the man took out a knife and said, "I'll forgive you if you stay still for a moment" he grabbed his hand and started to choose which finger he should cut and he couldn't move. "Hey! What are you trying to do?" a doe eyed boy appeared. "Go away unless you want me to bury this knife…" before he finish his sentence the doe eyed boy kick him in the nuts and took his knife.


"Are you okay" the boy asked the Junhyung.


"Y-yes, thank you."


"Lets leave this guy alone, do you want to play with me? I don't have any friends."


"Okay." He forgot about the food and went to play with the boy.


The sun was setting


"It's getting late. We should go home."


"Yeah, you're right…What's your name?"


"Jang Hyunseung and you?"


"Yong Junhyung."


"Well, goodbye but will I see you again tomorrow?"


"Maybe or maybe someday." Junhyung wasn't smiling anymore.He wanted to see Hyunseung again tomorrow.


Then everyday he came to the park waiting for him to show up until the day he met Doojoon, but the day when he met him it was the day that Hyunseung finally showed up, and he let him heartbroken.


That's why he didn't speak to Junhyung.


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Chapter 1: eh I don't get the ending
HaruSun #2
Chapter 1: Oh ____ I like it but wae did u have to end it on a cliffhanger? Its stills daebak though
okay its good
Chapter 1: neh??