"I'm sorry.."

난....니가 좋아해 (I....Like you)

"난....니가 좋아해... 아니,사랑해.......나랑.......사귈래?"
(I....like you...no, I love you........Will you go out with me?)

You were speechless and the words replayed in your head over and over as you stared at Yongguk, wide-eyed. Yongguk turned himself more to face you and gripped your hands tighter and started saying "You don't have to say anything now, I know that this is a shock to you but I have already been holding my feelings towards you in for a long time. I wanted to confess, I wanted to make you mine so badly... But I didn't want to make things awkward between us. But now, I really can't hold it in any longer. Would you please, please, please be mine? I'll take care of you, be there when you are sad, make you happy, make you laugh, be the sun that brightens your day and the moon that shines down on you through your darkest hours. I know its gonna be hard for us to date since I am busy with schedules, but I'll text you and call you whenever possible. I'll be there. I will try my best. I will- " he was then stopped when you suddenly cut in.

"Oppa....Can you let go off my hands...." you said seriously. Yongguk was shocked by what you said but did not let go off your hands, but instead gripped your hands harder in his.

"No. Oppa will not let go of your hands. I don't want to. Please, just tell me how you feel... It's fine if you don't feel the same. I just want to know. Just tell me. Tell me uh?"

You then sighed. "I will tell you if you let go of my hands. Promise." You looked into his eyes assuring him. He slowly let go of your hands and placed them above his lap, interwhining his own fingers and clenching hard. He then looked down sadly as he sensed that this wasn't good progress. You took a deep breath and said "Oppa, I'm sorry........" Yongguk exhaled strongly and immediately cupped his face in his hands, bending down with elbows balancing on his lap. He expected for the worst but it was still a blow to him. But you did something that made Yongguk's heart stop for a moment.

You wrapped your arms around his waist speaking softly with your face on his warm back, "Oppa,...sorry..... this is how I can express my feelings. I can't express what i'm feeling now in words. Its really an honour to have known you and now, hearing your confession to me... It makes it really happy. No, more than happy...so..... Oppa.... Can I hug you more like this in the future?" Yongguk's mouth dropped hearing your words. "No.." He pulled your arms around his waist off him and pulled you closer,placing your arms around his neck. Then slid his arms around your waist and brought you into a tight hug. "I can't hug you back if you hug me like that." he whispered into your ear. "So.... Do I take that you agree to date me?" he said after pulling away, bringing smiles to both your faces.

"Yes." You replied back blushing.

Yongguk and you sat there staring at each other lovingly, letting time pass. It was near 5:30am and you really had to get back home before your parents realise you were gone. The thought suddeny struck you when you saw a few joggers."Oppa!!!!! I need to get home. NOW! Umma and Appa will wake up soon and realise that i'm not at home! Oh my Gosh!!!!!! What do I do!!!!" You suddenly bounced up and bursted out shouting, giving a shock to innocent Yongguk. "Woah woah woah, Calm down." he said placing his hands on your shoulders to calm you. "Come on, I'll walk you home." he tooked your hand into his and interwhined his fingers and yours and started walking.

"Yah oppa! What if someone sees us! It will bring you trouble!" You said pulling your hand away from his. "I don't care. Let them see. Let them know that you are mine." he once again took your hand into his. The two of you walked back to your place and thankfully your house's lights weren't on yet. The both of you heaved a sigh of relief. Before you headed in, he pulled you into his embrace and hugged you tightly.

"Thank you _______. Thank you so much." he uttered. You bidded him goodbye and silently went into the house. You quickly tiptoed yourself into your room and ran to the window and opened it. Yongguk was still standing there giving off his gummy smile as he looked up to your room where you stood. You waved at him and signalled telling him to go. The two of you waved at each other for the last time before Yongguk slowly walked away, not looking anywhere else but at you. Soon, he was out of sight. You closed the window and leaned against the wall recollecting what happened for the past few hours. You smiled to yourself thinking back at what happened.

"I'm now ...... Bang Yong Guk's Girl" you said to yourself smiling widely.


This is just a short chapter since its just the second part. hehe. hey its GoBaek day today! Well, it was yesterday since its already 18th sept... but ohwell~ Its so cute >< I love these days that koreans have. sigh~ :)

@MinnieYoung Hehe Thankyou! :) You really made me happy!

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Chapter 4: New readers here! Author-nim! You're story is really cute!! Love it !! XD
Infinitely4k #2
Chapter 4: Hahaha! It's really cute!!