Tea Tae

Sherlock's Lost Chapter: VII


“17 Crossway Road,” Jinki read aloud “That’s about 8 blocks away from here.”


He placed the list down and put out the flame in a swift movement which turned out to be reasonable ungraceful as he knocked a beaker.


 “This could be dangerous; we should all go just in case.” Jonghyun inputted ignoring Jinki's stupidity.


 “Well that’s what I was thinking but then again if it is dangerous I won’t feel good taking you all. We’ve already been in a lot of trouble before but this is different. I think just me and Jonghyun should go we are the more… responsible of all of us after all.”


 Kibum, Minho and Taemin almost choked at Jinki's words. “You want me to stay here?!” Minho spat, his eye twitching and fists clenching. “You’ll buckle without me if you were attacked!”


 “Yes bu-” Jinki started but was cut off by furious Kibum in nagging more.


 “No chance mister, face it you can’t do anything without us, you’ll be dead meat if you think we can’t help. So move your behind and we’ll all start leaving!” He was going to continue but had no need to as Jinki just nodded his head and said a simple ok, “Well that’s good then, let’s go then… Except you Taemin; you really are too young!”


 Taemin huffed, he knew he had no chance in a fight against Kibum, well verbally but he really wasn’t fair sometimes.


“But Ki!” He moaned but was silenced as everyone excited the room. There was a loud slam of the front door and a call as a carriage was being flagged down.


Hmmmm 3 second gap; must be a traffic build up which may be because of the work on the next block over or someone wanted them to hail that exact carriage. Haha I’m overthinking again.


“What is it with those kids and slamming my door, I swear if they break it again I’ll… Oh Taemin…” It was Mrs Hudson. She was a lovely lady and had a massive soft spot for the youngest. “Are you alright dear?”


 Taemin just nodded knowing the best way to get anything out of this old lady was to act innocent which he did naturally.


 “Did you have some friends over dear, you were all very loud, nearly had to come up and tell you all to keep it down you know. But I was too into my sewing. Did you have a good time?”


 “Yes Mrs Hudson,” He replied putting on his best act.


 Oh how brilliantly naïve! He thought to himself with a little smirk. Oh Mrs Hudson if only you knew what we really get up to…


 This old lady's face told Taemin stories: in her youth she had been a looker, maybe even stunning but now the wrinkles showed different. She had sagging eyes from where make up had often been applied and yellow teeth from past cigarettes. The ladies hair was neatly arranged showing she still care about appearance and was still on the market, even though it was now thin from where it would of been styled possibly too many times.


 This woman is the perfect example of the butterfly effect. How past actions can cause somewhat less than desirable outcomes in the past.


The butterfly effect. One thing that Taemin took in his stride; this was why he was so smart. He always thought outside the box and all the possible outcomes. Something the others lacked. Yes they were incredibly smart but they lacked things that the youngest took pride in. That's why he knew that they were going to do something stupid. They always did when he wasn't around and he loved reminding them of it.


"Tea Tae dear?" Mrs Hudson asked noticing the odd smirk that that had crept on to Taemin's face.


 "Ah no not now Mrs Hudson, as lovely as that sound I must be on my way. Thank you anyway." He collected his top hat off the hat stand and rolled it onto his head in one swift movement, walking out of the door.

"Well, don't forget your umbrella; it's looking li-"

"Yes thank you Mrs Hudson," A little hand holding the object of reference appeared through the doorway. "You're too good to me!" The voice got distant until there was a faint sound of a door being carefully closed.

Ah what a wonderful boy

The woman thought to herself happily.


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finally is see the 7th update!!!
I wonder what Tae is upto now! :3