Don't Be Happy

The Lonely
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(author note:  More dramaaaaa ~~~ all pictures credit to owners)

Author's POV

The next morning, Nicole gently shake Amber's shoulder, trying to wake her up from her deep slumber. Amber felt really tired after a long flight and also another cries she had last night. Amber stirred up a bit to see Nicole already fully dressed in her working attire, Amber rubs her eyes and massage her forehead as she get a little bit headache. She sat down and lean herself on the bedpost, messy hair, loose white shirt that already moved to the one side, exposing her porcelain right broad shoulder, her lower body still hidden under the bedsheet but the sight is enough to make Nicole herself unconsciously gulp on how handsome her boss can be just early in the morning and how stupid Krystal can be to left this human being behind.

"you need to wake up Amber. you will have your first interview in 2 hours. I'll ask the maid to prepare for your breakfast, any particular thing you want to eat or drink in the morning?" Nicole asked calmly

"ugh.. yes.. the interview, I almost forgot. Anything as long as it is not too heavy is fine with me, don't serve me milk. I might fall asleep during the interview if you serve me that. A doze of cafeine would be great. Is Jackie already woke up?" Amber slowly slide to the side of her bed, revealing a comfortable grey jogger pants as she slide her feet on her slipper to get up from the bed.

"Ms BoA informed me that Ms Jackie is already take her shower right now and she might be done within 5 minutes, your parents already downstairs waiting for the two of you to come down to have breakfast together. I will get the maid prepare your foods and a cup of black coffee." Nicole gave her a smile before walking to the door to take her leave downstairs but being stopped by Amber's hand gently holding her wrist, stopping her from moving further

"don't be so formal. we're home, you have to work on that. and.. I want to ask you to do something for me, please help me find any information on how Krystal react when she knew the news about me yesterday? this will be the last time I would request any information or look for any information about her ever again. I will not look for her anymore after this, please? also don't tell me that I asked you this to Jackie." Amber stare at Nicole's eyes deeply, hoping the girl would obliged with her silly request

"Yes Amber, I will look for information about that. I will not tell Jackie about it, don't worry. anything else you need?" Nicole asked and Amber shake her head before showing her dorky smiles "alright if there is nothing else, you could let my hands go right about.. err now?" Nicole pointed at her wrist

"oh sorry.. Thank you Nicole!" Amber letting go Nicole's wrist and let her walk towards the door as she followed behind before stopping on her wardrobe trying to find a clothes for herself

"That's Cori for you, Amber. and I have prepared your clothes, it's already in the bathroom, go wash yourself and be quick because everyone will be waiting for you downstairs." Nicole pointed to the bathroom before exiting their bedroom. Amber scratch her head before walking to the bathroom sleepily.

She take off her clothes and put it inside the laundry basket before going under the shower and the shower. Cold water started to pour down on top of her head, somehow soothe her longing feelings towards a certain girl back in Korea. An images of the kiss between Minho and Krystal started to replied inside her mind, she let out a small bitter chuckles before letting herself embraced with the cold water that running through her body. As she is done taking her shower, she look herself on the mirror, she saw a pathetic Amber with dark circle under her eyes. She let out a heavy sigh before started to put her clothes on, a simple long white shirt, a black tie and a black pants. She put some make up under her eyes to cover the dark circle also a light make up all over her face to make her look presentable, combing her hair neatly and she get out from the bathroom with the black suit jacket on her arm, not planning to wear it yet because it will be too hot. She walks out from her bedroom, downstairs to the dining room where everyone has waiting for her. Jackie wiggling her eyebrows, teasing her younger sister on how she look "aye! my handsome sister is back! you'll definitely be able to make your interviewer stutters a lot later on" Jackie said teasingly, Amber just rolled her eyes in annoyance before taking her sit beside Nicole.

"whoa. Amber definitely look better than you Jackie. Nicole, you're lucky one to have her as your boss" BoA exclaimed, earning a slight slap from Jackie and a laughter from everyone. The maid started to serve the breakfast as they begin to dig into the warm breakfast.

"oh Amber, after you're done with your schedule, I want you to visit our company. Only to look around and get used to the environment, Jackie will also update you with the latest project we have. is that okay?" Amber's dad asked with his deep voice

"Ah yeah it's fine dad. I will go with Jackie after the meeting, but can I have early leave after that? I still have a bit of jetlag" Amber asked while sipping on the black coffee from her cup, she hums in satisfaction as the warm black liquid traveled down through

"sure. but I am expecting you to be able to work within 2 days okay? don't run away again, have mercy on your sister that has been juggling everything in your absence." Her dad said with a small chuckles

they continue to have the hearty breakfast, a warm moments that Amber missed for years of being away from all of them. For a moment, she forgot every painful memories she had engraved in her mind. She enjoyed the breakfast really well, she finished everything and that dorky smiles slowly back to her. She stand up, grab her black suit jacket before excusing herself to attend her interview schedule. Nicole bowed politely before excusing herself with Amber, they walked to the terrace waiting for their car to arrive to pick them up. A white Audi slowly make an entrance to the terrace and stopped in front of them, Amber still kind of not used to have this kind of luxury since she lived a simple life back in Korea for several years, she casually opened the car door on her on, helping Nicole to get inside the car and earning a confuse look on the butler's face. Amber look at the butler confused too, "did I do something wrong?" Amber asked, the butler just shake his head and gave a smile before helping Amber to get inside the car and closing the door for her.

"why does he look at me confused?" Amber look at Nicole that is obviously laughing at her

"you took his job, he is supposed to open the car door for you but you just casually open it for yourself and help me get in. Living simply in Korea sure makes you forgot the luxury you have here." Nicole answered while still letting out a small chuckles, the driver took glances on the rear mirror and let out a small smile as well

"well for me, it is just opening a car door, I don't need someone to do that for me. It's too much hassle. Jackie did the same thing right?" Amber asked confusedly

"at first, yes, but as soon as her work started to piled up, she always working while walking, so she barely have chance to do something else. She even get inside the car sometimes while still on the phone with client or something, so his job is quite important for Jackie so she can concenteate to do her work." Nicole explain briefly as she flipping through her agenda and handed Amber a clipped papers "that's the interview's question if you want to look through what they'll ask you later on. The interviewer might ask something else along the way but at least you can get the big picture about the interview by reading those."

"Ah I see" amber start reading the questions and some of them makes her frowned "they ask my personal life's question too?"

"Yes. But you have your right to not answer to those question if you don't want to, they wont press on it. Or you can just said to the interviewer beforehand." Nicole said briefly before starting to scribbling through her tablet, trying to dig any information about Krystal as Amber asked her to do. Amber just stay silent as she seriously read all of the questions on the papers, they arrived around 30 minutes later. The driver i

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I'm currently trying to re-edit this, so I'll re-upload it again later on if I've finished re-edit it :D keep supporting the girls~


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2080 streak #1
Welcome back!
Chapter 23: That was sad 😢 Choosing really is one of the hardest thing esp when u know there’s someone u gonna hurt along the way
2080 streak #3
Chapter 23: Oh poor Ailee
rmanalo #4
Chapter 23: Ur back!!
2080 streak #5
Chapter 22: God I know that feeling of despair. It hurts so much
amhar03 #6
Chapter 21: Yess you are back author nimm
2080 streak #7
Chapter 21: Oh my god I miss this story so much
Emjay03 #8
Chapter 20: Update author
Bratz88 #9
Chapter 20: Author, please continue this story..