Chapter 9

Coincidental or Intentional?

“Miss Kim, are you ready? I’m already at the basement carpark of your office building.”

Jiyun gasped as she looked at her phone. Her meeting had just ended minutes ago. She looked at the current time.




“Gosh! I’m so late!” She exclaimed, dashing out of the meeting room in a hurry to her cubicle. Typing furiously on her phone, she sent out a quick text before dumping all the documents into her bag.


“Sorry! Just got out from my meeting; am rushing down right now!”

She didn’t have to walk another step further before she received a call on her phone.


“Miss Kim! How dare you forget about the great Mr Park!” He grumbled, “Other people are paying me by the thousands just for me to make an appearance and yet, you.... you..”


“I’m sorry! I’ll make it up to you somehow!” She winced in fear, bowing her head even though he won’t be able to see it.


“I’m hungry!”


She chuckled. She could’ve sworn that she could see him pouting on the other side of the line. “I’m walking out of my office already!” She said, picking something up along the way from the pantry.

‘I hope this will simmer his anger by at least a little.’


“Faster faster!”


“Mr Handsome Park, i'm hurrying already.” She whined, and later heaved a sigh of relief seeing that the lift has arrived at her floor. “I’m taking the lift down now, see you in 30 seconds!”


“You’re so late!!!” Yoochun pouted 30 seconds later, his arms crossed and tucked in front of his chest. It was obvious that he had been extremely bored, judging by how he had turned his car into a photoshoot object.


“Mr Magnanimous Park, please forgive me...” Jiyun muttered, trying to put on her most innocent and helpless look.




“Come on, i’ve already apologised. You’re hungry right? Let’s fill your tummy with yummy food?” She tried again, pulling his sleeves a little to get his attention.


“Hmmph.” He pouted, although he seemed to be a little less angry than from a while ago,



“Then, i supposed this poor yogurt drink will be consumed by me then... and to think i was thinking of giving it to the handsome guy beside me...” She muttered pitifully, dangling the yogurt drink right in front of him.

Yoochun was staring right at the drink, his eyes twinkling brightly.


“D...don’t think i’m letting you off the hook with just this drink...” He faked a cough before snatching it and turning to walk towards his car, “Get on the car, i’m hungry and you’re paying for dinner.”


Jiyun grinned. “That’s what i had intend to do!”


“Why Bum’s Story?” Jiyun uttered, walking into one of the VIP rooms of the restaurant. Yoochun followed closely behind.


“Thought you would like to have dinner here. Besides, did you hear that i’m the one of the shareholders here?” He asked happily.


Jiyun rolled her eyes, “Shadow shareholder you mean? Besides, didn’t the rest complain that you rarely make an appearance here?” She asked, eyeing one of the gentlemen who just walked into the room.


The gentleman nodded before speaking up, “Yes, this shadow shareholder here is slacking on doing his publicity for Bum’s, so we’re not going to give him dividends for this year.” With that, he threw a secret wink at Jiyun, whom giggled happily.


“Yah! Get out of here, don’t make your move on my fan!” Yoochun shooed, sending a sharp glare right at his friend.

If only looks could kill.


“Yah, and i’m the boss! You’re lucky that i’m taking your order personally! Besides, she’s only your fan, not your girl, right?” He asked cheekily, turning over to look at Jiyun, whom nodded happily.


“Aish.” Yoochun looked at the both of them, speechless. “Get us the usual combination that Jaejoong orders. And get lost.” He finally spoke, kicking his friend out.


“The usual combination?”


“Yeah, full of spicy food.” Yoochun grumbled to himself, wiping the table with an imaginary cloth. “Your favourite too.”


“Joongie’s favourite?”


“Yah, why do you call Jaejoong, Joongie and me, Mr Park? It’s a heaven and hells’ difference!” Yoochun complained, his teeth all clenched up.


“Why can’t i? Besides, why are you so grumpy today?”


“I’m not...” He pouted, turning his head towards the other direction.


“Right....” She sarcastically commented, “Is someone jealous?”


“You’re overthinking things, i'm not.” Yoochun mumbled, looking away from Jiyun at all cost.


“I didn’t say it is you, though you just admitted to it...”


“... I just don’t like the idea of my fan liking any other people except me. Kim Jiyun, you’d better not look at some guys other than me. I’m your one and only idol, do you get that?”


“Oooh.... will i get to see Joongie tonight here too?” Jiyun purposely asked, looking at him to see his reaction.

It was epic.


“Yah Kim Jiyun! Did you even hear what i said?”


“What? What did you just say? Oh yes, this place is near Joongie’s house, isn’t it? Can you please call him here? Pretty please?”


“... I’m getting out of here.” He declared, standing up from his chair.

If anyone had any form of supernatural powers, they would’ve seen a thick black cloud hovering over his head. Lightnings included.


“What?!” Jiyun turned towards him. “Mr Park, you’re really angry? Don’t be!” She pleaded, pulling on his sleeves once again. It was slowly turning into a habit for Jiyun; to pull on his sleeves to get out of any angry situations. She figured that he had a soft spot for that action.


“So, who’s your favourite idol?” He asked, his firm, grim look still lingering on his face. Although that facade will not last for long.


“Mr Handsome Park!”


“Wrong answer!”


“Huh? JYJ then?” She tried again, confused. ‘Didn’t he just ask me to like only him? If it isn’t him, it should be JYJ...’


“No!” Yoochun exclaimed, placing both of his hands on either sides of her face. “It’s Yoochun! Not Mr Park, Not Mr Handsome Park, Not Mr Yoochun, Not Mr Park Yoochun, Not Micky, and certainly not Mr Micky. Also, call me Yoochun. You get that?”


“Yes Mr Park...”


“What did i just hear?” He asked, pinching her cheeks.The look on his eyes softened, changing into that of an amused look.


“Yes Yoochun, my favourite idol in the whole wide world...” She muttered. Softly whispering, she added, “...Although i like Jaejoong and Junsu as well...”




“But i like you the best!”


He grinned, sitting down. “Today’s meal is on me!”


“Did anyone tell you that you have a split personality?” Jiyun asked, giving him a look of disapproval, rubbing her cheeks at the same time.


“Did anyone tell you that you must have saved a country in your previous life? Cos you are so lucky to have me as your friend.” He smiled broadly.


“I wonder about that....”




“Oh the food is here! Look, there’s your favourite eggplants!”


“..... It’s all spicy food....” He whispered, “Did Jaejoong have an upgrade?”


“Great! They look yummy!”


“Hyung...” Yoochun uttered, looking at his friend, “Can we edit the order?”


“Why?” His friend teased, “I thought you ordered these?”


“Cos Jiyun loves spicy food....” He mumbled under his breath, already regretting his order.

Both Jiyun and his friend started laughing out loud, seeing how cute Yoochun was at that moment.


“Forget it... get me a whole jug of iced water...”


“Can we alter our order a little?” Jiyun asked after a while of laughing, a little worried that Yoochun will not be able to take the spicy food. “I don’t want to be responsible for creating a hole in his stomach...”


“Alright, for the lady! I’ll just whip up some of the food he usually orders. Want any alcohol?"


“No thanks. Yoochun has to drive later.”


“How about you?"


“Nahs, i’ll skip. Don’t want to get myself drunk in the company of a ert.” Jiyun replied, pointing to Yoochun.


“What?! I’m innocent!”


“Ok, i get what you mean! Your orders will be served soon!” His friend acknowledged, walking out of the room.

Jiyun grinned happily, bidding Yoochun’s friend goodbye.


“So i’m a ert in your eyes?” He frowned.


“Sort of?” Jiyun shrugged, happily munching on the spicy fried squid. “I mean, you stalked me, you even kissed m..”

‘Oops. Taboo subject.’


“Oh wow! This squid is really nice!” She commented, trying to change the topic. “Joongie has really great taste in food!”


“Well, i enjoyed it.”


“The squid? Yeah, me too!”


“No, the kiss, and i know you enjoyed it too.”

Jiyun choked on the remaining squid.


“But, as much as you like it, there will not be a next time. So you can safely drink if you want to.”


“What the... who said i want to kiss you again?!” Jiyun retorted.


“Weren’t you hinting about it in the presence of my friend just now?” He smiled smugly.

‘Remind me again, why did i befriend a conceited guy like him?’


“I wouldn’t want to even if you were to pay me a hundred bucks.”


“Oooo.... then you will if i paid a thousand?”


“Shut up, and eat your food.” Jiyun commanded and stuffed a squid into his mouth.


“Aish, where’s my iced water?!”


“Thanks for tonight’s dinner, i really enjoyed it.” Jiyun thanked, unbuckling her seat belt at the same time. They had spent a great time at the restaurant, sharing with each other some of their funny experiences at work and out of work. “We should do this again.”


“Yeah, we should. I’ll make sure it’s far away from that place though...” He groused, still annoyed that his friend had tried to barge in into their conversation on various occasions. He had reached his limit when his friend decided to properly sit in for a drink, and so kicked him out immediately.


“Why? You have fun friends.”


“I don’t deny that.” He laughed. “But are you sure you’re alright? Want me to walk you up?”


“It’s ok, i just had a little of the beer; it’s nothing to me.”


“Oh yeah, i remember. You were saying in one of your tweets that you haven’t once gotten drunk before, didn’t you?”

Jiyun nodded.


“Let’s make it a drinking session the next time we meet.” He suggested.


“Are you thinking of trying to get me drunk?” She asked suspiciously, narrowing her eyes at him.


He shrugged, “Won’t hurt to try.”


She shook her head, chuckling. Then, something flashed by her memory, reminding her of the question she had been wanting ask. “Yoochun, how did you know where to pick me up?”


“I’ve got your office address; I sent you my album, remember?”


“Yeah but, how?”


“Got it from my boss. You wouldn’t think that i really am a stalker and had a GPS chip installed in your phone, would you?”


“Who knows?” She replied playfully.



A look of understanding exchanged between them and before long, they started laughing again. They had truly enjoyed each others company, even when there were bickerings once in a while.

After what seemed like hours, they finally stopped laughing.


“Still don’t feel like getting off my car? Do you want to go for a spin?”


“Ah... it’s ok, i’m getting off now...” She said reluctantly, slowly opening the door and stepped out of the car.


“Jiyun! Before i forget....” Yoochun called out before turning back to the passenger seats of the car, pulling a rolled poster out. “This is for you."


“What is this?” She asked, receiving the poster from him. She tried to open it on the spot, but was stopped by him.


“Open it up only at home.” He smiled. “It’s something you want.”


“Life sized poster?! Oh my gosh, you’re such a sweetie!” She squealed.

Yoochun only grinned and uttered a goodbye before driving away.




“Just saw your message. I’ve reached home safely.”

Jiyun looked at the message that she had received whilst she had her bath a while ago in response to hers. She felt...surreal.

‘I should start getting used to this...’


“Good to hear that. Good night!” She replied, lying lazily on her bed. She wasn’t bothered to dry her hair; she had every intention to sleep like that. Just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard her phone beep.


“Have you seen the poster i’ve given you?”


“Urm no, not yet. Just gotten out of the bath and about to sleep.”


“Go see it. And dry your hair.”

She frowned. ‘Did he have a cctv installed in my home?’

Another message came in.


“Don’t scream when you see the poster, it’s already after midnight. And i repeat, i am not a stalker!”

‘Right, who will believe that.’, She thought before rolling towards the edge of the bed to retrieve the poster by her bedside.


“His poster!” She squealed happily.

However, that uplifted smile turned upside down as soon as she saw the content of the poster.

It is indeed, a life size poster of his. However, his face had been coloured black with a marker. On top of the black patch were the words, ‘Meh Rong!’ written with a silver marker. He was ‘kind’ enough to have included a message along with his autograph at the bottom of the poster.


“Miss Kim,


Hope you like this gift that i’ve specially prepared just for you. You should be proud that you are the first and only person to see my latest artwork!


PS: Don’t be lazy. If you want to see me, just drop me a text!


Your Idol,







A/N: Updated cos i may not be able to do so for the rest of the week :3

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)