Reminiscing Summer

Reminiscing Summer


Reminiscing Summer 

Dedicated to Haqifa

Summer. When he bought her a strawberry ice cream from her favourite shop and called her nickname "Sunny Bunny" for the first time. When she pouted cutely and gave him a light punch on the shoulder. When he pretended to groan in acute pain and said "You caused me internal injury..." when she looked over, concerned. 
Summer. When the sun was dreadfully hot and he "Yah, Sunny, make the sun go away. I'm beginning to hate PE lessons due to the extreme heat now." When they would to the school cafeteria to have glasses of ice cool freshly squeezed lemonade and talk about the latest gossips in school. 
Summer. When he was the soccer quaterback and the liveliest jock all around. When she had the best grades in school and won almost all the competitions there ever were, but she was never arrogant nor geeky. When they were rumoured to be the "best couple all around", both their cheeks flushed crimson as they peeped at each other secretly.
Summer. When they sat beside each other in class. When they would try so hard to stifle the giggles of seeing the unglam moments of their teachers. When they would spread out all their stationary on the table and share with each other. When they would eat food during class secretly together, enjoying the sweetness of Hershley's Kisses spreading to each and every corner of their body. When they would compare the length of their legs and the size of their hands. When they would laugh at each other's silly errors on assignments or test papers. 
Summer. When all was well, as they flaunt their teenage years in the utmost carefree manner. 
Summer. When everything ended. When they progressed to university, in the same province. When they began to grow apart. 
Summer. When he didn't tell her that 3 magical words when he bought her the ice-cream. When his heart palpitated wildly as she smiled widely to the funny gossips he told her. When he stole secret, loving glances at her during the scandal. When he resisted the urge to hold her hand and let her lie her head on his shoulder during lesson time when she was dozing off. 
Summer. When she kept quiet when he bought her the ice-cream even though she was aware of his feelings. When her breathing turned rapid when he sat opposite her in the cafeteria. When she bit her lip and shot glances at him during the scandal, hoping he would bravely admit his feelings. When she stopped herself from getting lost in his eyes just in time during lessons. 
Summer. When love started, and ended. 
In university, both of them found new loves. But what they didn't say was--
She never knew that his girlfriend was as petite and as cute as her. 
He didn't now that her boyfriend had the same stunning smile as him. 
When all settled to dust, all they could do was to clutch their heart, reminiscing summer. 
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Chapter 1: How sad. :(

But I like the way you formatted it. :)

Great job on the story.
Thanks for the beautiful and angsty one shot. Brb, crying for a while.