My Journey


We can say that people always see South Korea as Seoul. It is undeniable since Seoul is the capital city of South Korea and it is also the biggest city. Seoul is very well known for its modern city, beautiful scenery, attractive places, etc. that makes many people want to visit Seoul. However, not every city in South Korea is well-developed like Seoul. Cheonju, a small city with only about 600,000 people lives there (source: Wikipedia), is a city located quite far away from Seoul. In here, lives our little Seo Joo Hyun.


Seo Joo Hyun or also known as Joo Hyun in her neighborhood, was the only child of her parents. Aside from being the only child, Joo Hyun was not type of child who was spoiled by their parents. Instead, her parents told her many lessons and value of life that made Joo Hyun grown up into a really nice and polite girl. In her school, Joo Hyun was well known due to her cheerful attitude and being smart. Her friends would sometimes envy her since she did play a lot but her test score would also be good. Aside from this, she was also very beautiful that many of her guy friends would confess their love to her. However, little Joo Hyun knew nothing about love. She only knew how to play with her friends, how to study, and how to be a good girl.


Joo Hyun wasn’t come from a rich family, or a poor family. Her parents were doing quite well for their family’s income; her father was a teacher in the nearby senior high school while her mother was a piano teacher. That might be explaining the brain and art talent that Joo Hyun had. Oh! I forgot to tell you that Joo Hyun was one of the best pianists in her school. Her teacher would always praise her by saying that she had the natural talent of being a pianist.


When Joo Hyun had turned 15 (in Korean age), she got the opportunity to visit Seoul with her parents. Being a small town girl, Joo Hyun was so excited when she knew that she would visit Seoul. She already imagined the experience that she would have when she visited Seoul. Little did she know that this journey to Seoul was a life changing one.


“Joo Hyun-ah! Are you ready or not?” “Yes Umma! I’m coming!” Joo Hyun then hurriedly down the stairs while brought her luggage behind and her Keroro doll in her hand. Though she was still 15, her parents always taught her to be independent and thus, she could pack her own stuff without her parents’ help. Today is the big day for Joo Hyun since she was going to Seoul.


At Seoul,

Joo Hyun: (looked outside the window) “Whoa! Umma! Appa! There are so many tall buildings here!”

Joo Hyun’s mother: (smiled softly) “Ne, Joo Hyun-ah. Do you like it?”

Joo Hyun just nodded cheerfully while her eyes still looked outside the window. “This is so great!”


At her first day in Seoul, Joo Hyun visited almost all the famous museums in Seoul. Although Cheonju was famous of being a historical place, but the feeling of entering museums made Joo Hyun thrilled. When she entered those museums and saw the historical and art things in there, you could see the excitement in her eyes.


The next day, Joo Hyun and her parents went to Yong Dong Po’s T shopping mall, one of the largest shopping mall in Seoul. Joo Hyun has never liked to go to the mall since she was more interested into the science and art thing. However, since her mother wanted to go to the mall, then Joo Hyun decided to accompany her.


When her mother and father entered the shop, Joo Hyun just waited outside since she has no interest in buying things. Instead, she just admired the structure and architecture of the mall. It was so huge and modern. “Seoul was really great,” she said with a smile in her face.


Joo Hyun was just strolling around the mall all by herself when suddenly, a well-suited man in his mid 40s approached Joo Hyun. Joo Hyun was so shocked of the sudden approach and so, she ran as quickly as she could to get back to her parents. When she and her parents were out from the shop, Joo Hyun was surprised to see the man was still standing outside the shop and waited for her. Joo Hyun then hid behind her mother’s back when the man approached them.


Lee Gwang Joo: (bowed) “Annyeonghaseyo.”

Joo Hyun’s mother: (bowed) “Annyeonghaseyo.”

Joo Hyun’s father: (bowed) “Annyeonghaseyo. Is there anything that we can help?”

Lee Gwang Joo: (peeked behind Joo Hyun’s mother to see Joo Hyun) “I’m sorry but is she your daughter?”

Joo Hyun’s mother: “Yes, is she do something wrong?”

Lee Gwang Joo: (smiled) “No, not at all. I’m just interested with her facial beauty.”

Joo Hyun’s father: (confused) “Excuse me?”

Lee Gwang Joo: “Oh! I’m sorry to be so impolite. My name is Lee Gwang Joo, I’m a talent agent from SM entertainment. Do you know about it?”

Joo Hyun’s mother: (shook her head and smiled) “I’m sorry but we’re not.”

Lee Gwang Joo: (smiled) “It’s okay. SM entertainment is a company that is now searching for new talents. It can be anything; singing, dancing, acting, etc. The global audition is being held right now but I’m also search for any more talent. And so, here I am, very attracted to your daughter. How old is she?”

Joo Hyun’s father: “This year, she is 15.”

Lee Gwang Joo: “Great!” (looked to Seohyun) “Do you like to sing?”

Joo Hyun: (nodded) “…”

Lee Gwang Joo: “Do you interested in auditioning?”

Joo Hyun: “Audition to be what?”

Lee Gwang Joo: (smiled) “To be a singer. Do you ever dream to become a singer?”

Joo Hyun: (shook her head) “No.”

Lee Gwang Joo: “What do you want to be?”

Joo Hyun: “A doctor and a pianist.”

Lee Gwang Joo: “Do you want to be a singer?”

Joo Hyun: (shook her head) “Never think about it.”

Lee Gwang Joo: (smiled) “How about you try it first?” (backed to Joo Hyun’s mother and gave her a card) “This is my name card. You can take your daughter to SM building in that address by tomorrow.” (backed to Joo Hyun again) “What’s your name?”

Joo Hyun: “Joo Hyun. I’m Seo Joo Hyun.”


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