The planning and wedding: yoonhae

Friendship,Love and Happiness


-Yoonhae’s conversation-

“I already choose the date yoong”

“Jinja oppa??”

“ neh, I promised in 14th ocktober”

“Aigoo, you know me so well oppa!! I love number 14 oppa and it’s near your birthday right??”


“So, we can celebrate your birthday when we’re married oppa, that be great”

“Deh, first, location”

“How about the restaurant at pyeongyang oppa??”

“That would be great young next, decoration”

“Full of flowers and our favorite color oppa”

“Don’t worry, yoongie we can pick the gown and wedding ring”

“Oh, the church and law said oppa” Yoona said almost forgot that.

“We already know that at Seoul glory church and alredy finished”

“Invitation, hotel, catering oppa otokke??” Yoona said, began to panicking.

“Calm down darling, I already told CL to book it and catering, we can order it from Yulsung”

“I am relief oppa, saranghae”

“Nado saranghae”

-At 14th October-

Yoona looks pretty in her wedding dress.

”Three minutes yoong” yuri warn.

Donghae comes to Yoona with her ladies maid, Yoona looks beautiful.

“You look beautiful yoong” Donghae said.

“Yah Donghae oppa, you’re not suppose to be here” Taeyeon said.

-In the Altar-

“Will you Lee Donghae takes Im Yoona as your lawfully wedded wife to cherish and to conquer when worst and when happy till death separate??”

“I do”

“Will you Im Yoona accept Lee Donghae as your lawfully wedded husband to cherish and to conquer when worst and   when happy till death separate??”

“I do”

“By the power basted on me, I pronounce you as Husband and Wife you may kiss”

Donghae kiss Yoona and it end great then, they go to their honeymoon.

-The Reception-

-Yoona’s pov-

Everyone looks so happy.

Yuri unnie prepare the catering so well.

I see many couple spread in the reception room.

I see Hyoyeon unnie with Eunhyuk oppa grabbing Eunhyo hands.

Where’s my husband??

Oh, he’s talking to Eunhyuk oppa, his bestfriend.

I come to Donghae oppa.

“Yoong is something wrong??” he asked.

“Ainyo oppa, everything is perfect”

“like we ever dream” he continued.

-End of Pov-

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Chapter 1: it is a great story