One Step Closer

Strawberry Field

After that I intend go back to the hotel, but I see a street near the villa and I turned my bike to follow that path. The road heading to the woods but I still feel curious and keep following that path.

I see a temple there and I went into, I had a little look around and I noticed there was rather quiet templeThough the temple is close to a beautiful beach, I think the visitors did not know this place? I just see a woman take a pictures at the temple.

When I toured the temple I feel she keeps following me, because I feel a bit uncomfortable I decided to go back to the hotel. I don't know she's one of my fans or sasaeng, I just won't to make myself get in trouble.


"Where have you been?"
"Just touring around the beach and I met with Soojung." I said while change my clothes.

"Aigoo ~ L what happened to your nose?" Jungryul shook me.
"It's nothing" I tried to dodge.

"How about photoshoot??!!" Jungryul started to panic he spin me around to check my body. "Are you okay?"

"Aiisshh! Stop it! "and then I walked to the refrigerator." Jungryul did you know about the temple near here?"
"MWO? Temple? Where? "Jungryul's face looks confuse.

"near teh woods." I said and then I drink a bottle of mineral water. "The temple is beautiful but I did not see anyone there, only a few monks."

"Jinjjayo?" His face chnaged and he run to his room. I just look him like a freak.

In the evening. "The location has been set, we will be doing a photo shoot in the temple."

"What?!" I get shocked. "the contract said we'll have photo shoot at the beach, but it changed in a few hours. "

"Because of something we'll do photo shoot with different concept thought, It'll be good if we could make that place as tourist location." Producer said.

"Jungryul..." I glance at him."Excuse me.." I stood up and go out, Jungryul follow me.



"What will you do?" I clenched my hand.

"Why? It's a beautiful place, right?"

"You hide something from me?" I look at him sharply.

"I don't, since when you chenged like this? You always obeyed me before." He asked, I turn around and walk to the meeting room.


Foggy morning greeted us, headlights constantly switched on at the location, the atmosphere is very peaceful and cool when the summer. All the crew are busy preparing the equipment, after that we had breakfast together there. The chirping of birds and the sound of the waterfall in the temple sound clear because it was pretty quiet.

And tiring shooting begins, but it paid off with all the beauty of the scenery. We have a break in the afternoon, during breaks I picked my camera and take pictures near the statue of Buddha. I intend to give it to Ji Ae.

Then, when I toured the main temple I saw there was a wall with a painting that looks worn out. I approached and suddenly I was plunged into the floor. "AAAAAA!!" Maybe my voice is not loud enough to be heard until to the sttaff location.

"Aiisshh!" I tried to stand up with difficulty and I feel my leg sprained. I leaned on a big pole, while cleaning the dirt off my body. "Damn!! why I get this moment "I grumble while looking for my cell phone that dropped.


"Where is L?" Jungryul realized that I was not there. They are all started to panic and look for me. All people around the temple to look for me but nothing towards to the main temple.


I managed to find my phone. "Gotcha!" I took my phone and my phone has not turned out to be a cell phone, the screen and the battery broke apart some where. "Oh .. God .." I threw my phone that broken with a vengeance.


"Still have not found?" The crew shook his head. "Let's just call rescuers.

"Jungryul!!" a woman ran towards, she looking worried. "Where? where is Myung Soo? "he shook Jungryul's body.
"We're looking for ... ahjumma .." Jungryul looked down, she had tears in her eyes.

I tried to climb up but it's too high, and I decided to look for the exit. I felt every wall in front of me because I could not see anything so it was the last way.

Once in a while I hear a hissing sound near me, when I turned around there was not anything there. And finally I found an old door handle is made of iron, I tried to pull and push the door but it was very hard. I backed up and then running hard to break down the door.

"Where he was the last time?" Rescuer asked Jungryul.

"Jungryul!!! Jungryul!!!! I heard something from the main temple. "A crew ran to Jungryul." Maybe it L. " then rthey're ran towards the main temple.

"What is this place? 'I spoke in my heart, I see the village and there are many parents and children, there are people that use the monk outfit and there are people that use peasant clothes. Looks very far from the modern world, I do not want to get trouble with them so I decided to go away from that place. but I accidentally stepped on a twig that makes them turned to me.


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