My Wife is a Gangster(sequel)

My Wife is a Gangster

Gill was now resting to her hotel room and Jae Joong was there.She's watching t.v. reporting about the gang war happened last night.

Reporter:"Last night our authorities discovered a big hide-out of illegal weapons and equipments sold here in our country and to more countries in Asia,this illegal business was managed by the two chinese nationals,Leo and Ken Lai,the two son of a business tycoon here in Korea and HongKong,Mr.Wen Lai,according to the reports their businesses was now confiscated by our law in cooperation with the HK authorities and because of a big gang war happened on that place,the elder son Leo Lai was killed together with some of their men,still there's no info about the group who attacked them,while the second son Ken Lai was still missing together with Mr.Wen Lai the head of their family.." *then Jae Joong turned off the t.v.*

Gill:"why did you turned it off?,i'm watching".

JJ:"b'coz i know you will start to hunt them again,Gillian please it's done,you already killed the two of them,can you just be satisfied".

Gill:"leave me now,and don't come again".

JJ:"huh?". *Gill gave a paper to him*

Gill:"look for that person,he's a good friend of our family,he can give you a new decent job".

JJ:"wait,you don't need to do this.."

Gill:"you don't understand,if you stick with me your life will be in danger too".

JJ:"so stop this things,you can live peacefully with me".

Gill:"no,even i stop,do you think they will never hunt me?,i know they are now searching everywhere...on what i done they will definitely kill're innocent,i don't want to risk your life and be involve here".

JJ:"but you need me,i can't just let you to die,Gillian "sarang heyo". *Gill stared to him,she actually feel and understand what he said,as she tried to avoid it*

Gill:"i'm sorry,i don't need you and i will never need you,so you should just leave me now". *Jae Joong was shocked,deeply hurt by what she said*

JJ:"Gillian..." *Gill can't looked at him,as Jae Joong tears falls down*

Gill:"leave me alone now!". *Jae Joong stood up,then leave sadly*

Gill cried,she's guilty,she hurt his feelings even she actually want him to stay on her side.

After a while there's someone knocking at her door,as she opened it,she thought it's still Jae Joong but not.




They talked privately.The guards are all outside.

Gill:"i will never stop".

Mr.Wong:"just back in HongKong and we will protect you".

Gill:"do you think i'll just hide like what you did to Mom". *Mr.Wong suddenly stopped*

Mr.Wong:"Gillian,i'm your father,it's only just the two of us,so please listen to me now".

Gill:"no Dad...i started this and i'll finish this,i don't want to die without doing anything,i will die like my brother,to fight until my last breathe". *as she go away and leave*

Shawn:"Master,you will not stop her?".

Mr.Wong:"i never can,she's like her brother and she's right,i'm just the coward here". *as he remember the past*

~Stephen:"until when Dad?,like what you did to Mom?".

He hid his wife for years in a far away province in China.His wife killed his bestfriend a well known Gang leader,it's just b'coz she wants to protect him.

Chu:"i know you still like me Sussie,but b'coz of your husband,you're avoiding me".

Sussie:"no,that's not true,we're already done".

Chu:"i just gone for a while but my traitor bestfriend stole you from me".

Sussie:"he's not a traitor,ever since he's the one that i loved not you".

Chu:"really?but you're still mine Sussie,i can kill him for you,and that will be very soon,all what he have will be mine!including you!". *Sussie slapped him on the face*

Sussie:"you're so evil!".

As Chu forcibly kissed her,want to make love with her,but Sussie defend herself,she got Chu's gun and shot him.

Chu died,and she's the prime suspect so Anthony Wong hide her on a far away place,just visiting her monthly by him with their two kids.He didn't know that his wife was hiding her disease,cancer with so much depression about her situation.

Until they discovered it,they tried to save her but it's her who's being so weak,not willing to live more.


Stephen and Gillian:"Mommy.." *they are both crying*

Sussie:"i love you both,but Mommy wants you to do me a favor...promise me that you guys will be kind to your Daddy,protect and help him for everything..."

Stephen and Gillian:"yes Mommy,we promised".

Sussie:"Anthony.." *he went near to her and her hand*

Anthony:"Sussie..." *and she died* ~

Mr.Wong:"i'm the reason why my wife died also with Stephen,now it's Gillian,tell me Shawn,what should i do?".

Shawn:"save her in every way,we worked for you,if we need to risk our lives,we will just to help and to serve for you Master". *Anthony smiled*


While Gill was walking on a street,someone was about to attack her in the back but she blocked it.They had a fight but that guy was no match for her,until she saw the shirt of that man,it's actually a letter for her.

"We are waiting for you at Jeju Island".

She's decided,she will go there but before that she liked to see Jae Joong for the last time.She went to their place,just waiting outside.Jae Joong went out and saw her too.They meet again...



to be continued...




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