Co-Author Center | open | Fanfics; Roleplay; Graphic&Layout; shops; Advertising


Tired of looking for a Co-author to write a story together? Or maybe to help you with your roleplay? Or are you hiring people for your graphic/layout shop? Here is what you need!

Do you want to be part of a graphic shop? Do you want to help with layouts? Here you can find shops which are looking for you!

Are you looking for some fanfics, roleplays or whatever? Or do you want me to advertise something for you?


Helping with:

A Co-Author for your fanfic

A Co-Founder / Admins for your roleplay

An artist for your graphic shop

A designer for your layout shop



Just look thru the chapters and contact the people you need.


(lol yeah weird name prarina Oô)


-probably forever under co.-




Hello and welcome to "PRARINA"


where you finally get what you want easily




Chapter 1 | Providing co-author (fanfiction)

Chapter 2 | Providing co-author (fanfiction)

Chapter 3 | Providing co-author (fanfiction)

Chapter 4 | Providing co-author (fanfiction)

Chapter 5 | nonsense (bored admin)

Chapter 6 | Providing co-author (fanfiction)

Chapter 7 | Providng co-author (fanfiction)

Chapter 8 | Providing co-author (fanfiction)

Chapter 9 | Looking for artist (graphic)

Chapter 10 | Looking for co-author (fanfic)

Chapter 11 | Looking for admin (roleplay)

Chapter 12 | Wants to be an admin (roleplay)

Chapter 13 | Wants to be an admin (roleplay)

Chapter 14 | ADVERTISEMENT (roleplay)

Chapter 15 | ADVERTISEMENT (fanfic)

Chapter 16 | Providing as an Artist

Chapter 17 | Looking for a Co-Author (fanfic)

Chapter 18 | ADVERTISEMENT (roleplay)




please credit me in your foreword if i could help you


Ever had the problem that you wanted to write a story with a total stranger but just couldn't find the right person? Well I had it and so I decided to help everyone .

Here you will be able to find people looking for a co-author so you can contact them easily but also you can provide yourself as a co-author and people will be able to contact you whenever they feel like doing so.

(i just added some new things to the applications and so the most chapters won't have everything in it... Will update it soon!)




Write me a PM with this application (please include which application it is):


(your) Gender:

(your) Age:

(your) Country:

Do you want :

Please show us a small part of one of your stories: (insert a text here so people can see your writing style)

Which kind of story do you want:

What do you expect of the co-author: 

Anything else:

It's okay if you need more than 1 message.



Write me a PM with this application (please include which application it is):


(your) Gender:

(your) Age:

(your) Country:

Do you write :

Please show us a small part of one of your stories: (insert a text here so people can see your writing style)

Please show us a small part of one of your stories: (insert a text here so people can see your writing style)

Preferences: (which kinds do you like best?)

Your fanbases:

*Other bands / soloists you know well: (by that I mean you know the members &a bit of the personalities or positions, history etc; please add '(well) / '(not so well)')

Anything else:

It's okay if you need more than 1 message.


*This is because it can be difficult to write a story about a band if you don't know them (if the fic is about their real personalities etc.). Also if someone knows what kind of story (s)he wants then (s)he can easier find a suitable partner.



For every person who sends me an application I will add an own chapter with the link to the persons profile. So if you want to contact that person you simply can write on his/her wall or send a PM.

If you found your co-author please comment below so I can delete your chapter.

Persons who offer themselves as co-authors will have an own chapter until they comment below that they don't to be there anymore. If you're on a hiatus or just want a break from being a co-author but want to stay part of this center then write a comment or PM me so I can hide your chapter and publish it again once you ask me to.


If you want to change some of your information (for example the part of your story) then just PM me and I will update






please credit me in your foreword if i could help you


You want to create a new roleplay but need a Co-Founder? Or do you already have your roleplay but need more Admins? Do you want to become an Admin or a Co-Founder?

Here you can find people looking for your help to improve their roleplay or offering themselves as a help.





Write me a PM with this application (please include which application it is):


(your) Country:

Do you want a Rated RP:

Do you want a fantasy RP:

Do you want a 3rd pov RP:

Do you want an AU-RP:

What do you expect of the Co-Founder:

Anything else:

It's okay if you need more than 1 message.





Write me a PM with this application (please include which application it is):


Name of the RP:

Link to the RP:

What would the admin have to do:

Anything else:

It's okay if you need more than 1 message.





Write me a PM with this application (please include which application it is):


(your) Country:

Do you want a Rated RP:

Do you want a fantasy RP:

Do you want a 3rd pov RP:

Do you want an AU-RP:

How active are you:

Anything else:

It's okay if you need more than 1 message.




For every person who sends me an application I will add an own chapter with the link to the persons profile. So if you want to contact that person you simply can write on his/her wall or send a PM.

If you found enough Admins then comment below so I can delete your chapter.

If you're on a hiatus but want to stay part of this center then write a comment or PM me so I can hide your chapter and publish it again once you ask me to.


If you want to change some of your information then just PM me and I will update






graphic artists

please credit me in your foreword if i could help you



You just opened your new graphic studio and still need helpers to provide the service? Just tell me and I will add you to this Center so people will get to know about your shop!

You like it to create posters, banners, backgrounds etc for people but don't want to open your own shop? You can provide as an artist here in the Co-Author Center and so can shops contact you!






Write me a PM with this application (please include which application it is):



Name of the Graphic Shop:

Link to the Shop:

Anything else:

It's okay if you need more than 1 message.


Write me a PM with this application (please include which application it is):


Since when are you editing photos:

How active are you:

Please show us 3 example pictures: (send me links to the pictures)

Anything else:

It's okay if you need more than 1 message.





please credit me in your foreword if i could help you



You opened a new Layout Shop and still need helpers? Tell us and people will be able to find your shop here!




Write me a PM with this application (please include which application it is):



Name of the Layout Shop:

Link to the Shop:

Anything else:

It's okay if you need more than 1 message.


If you don't need any helpers anymore then just tell me and I will delete your chapter!





I will add a chapter just for you!~


So I decided to also do simple advertising... If it's a fanfic, a roleplay, a shop or whatever, I will add a chapter if you want.

Simply PM me this:




Name of the Fanfic/Roleplay/Shop:

Link to the story:

Text: [Some advertising text [for example summary of your ff] since I won't think for you]

Picture links: [additional , not needed]

It's okay if you need more than 1 message.


Chapter 1 | Providing co-author (fanfiction)

Chapter 2 | Providing co-author (fanfiction)

Chapter 3 | Providing co-author (fanfiction)

Chapter 4 | Providing co-author (fanfiction)

Chapter 5 | nonsense (bored admin)

Chapter 6 | Providing co-author (fanfiction)

Chapter 7 | Providng co-author (fanfiction)

Chapter 8 | Providing co-author (fanfiction)

Chapter 9 | Looking for artist (graphic)

Chapter 10 | Looking for co-author (fanfic)

Chapter 11 | Looking for admin (roleplay)

Chapter 12 | Wants to be an admin (roleplay)

Chapter 13 | Wants to be an admin (roleplay)

Chapter 14 | ADVERTISEMENT (roleplay)

Chapter 15 | ADVERTISEMENT (fanfic)

Chapter 16 | Providing as an Artist

Chapter 17 | Looking for a Co-Author (fanfic)

Chapter 18 | ADVERTISEMENT (roleplay)


Every start is hard, right? So I would ask you to tell a lot of people of this and tell me if you have any ideas to improve this!

this is growing :'))


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snaekeu #1
Chapter 17: Is it too late to ask if I can be her co-author?
mright #2
Chapter 18: are you still advertising? ^
fragility #3
Chapter 8: Isn't it too late to ask if XiaoZhen could be my cowriter?
I requested. c:
toowhiteforkpop #5
Chapter 3: Hi lovely, i know I haven't checked back here for a while, but you've helped a lot ^-^ I was just wondering if maybe I could make some changes to my 'profile' :) my work has changed a bit since i've been here for a while.
I request ^^