Guardian Angel ?


You've decided to call Gdragon about this. Maybe he could help you remember who did this to you. Maybe he was just drunk yesterday and couldnt control himself you think. "Im gonna call him". You dialed his number but you heard his voicemail. You dialed his number and called again, you heard the same voicemail from 10 seconds ago. You've called every member and just nobody picked up the damn phone.

"What am I gonna do now" "Should I just go to the YG building or to his apartment" But just when you were drown in your own thoughts. You heard a knock on the door. And you were getting this flashback about what happened yesterday.


You heard a knock on the door "_______- ah" you heard some similiar voice calling your name. You heard a big sigh "Its me jagi, Jiyong" You swung the door open and hugged him. Not knowing if it really was him. You took his scent in and cried more than before. Just when you wanted to kiss him. You saw his face. It wasnt Jiyong... It was him.

"OMG No please dont...." "oh I see you remember me " he said while dragging you into your apartment "Please I will pay you back but I..." "Stop it, you dirty , I want my money know, or I will pay you back just like I did last night" he screamed at you "what did you do to me last night" you said with a shaky voice "hahaha, are you serious right know," You gave him a blank look "I really dont know what youre..." 


Finally you knew who did this to your body but who was at the door knocking like a crazy person. You walked to your front door "Who is it ?" "Its me jagi, Jiyong" "GO AWAY YOU FREAK" you screamed, thinking about yesterday night "Whats wrong Im here to talk to you about the night before yesterday, remember ?" "Why did you sent me that horrible text message yesterday" "Do you really think I can live without you" You said with tears in your eyes " sorry" "Please just tell me that you were drunk or have any excuse to say that to me " "I dont have any excuse" he said "Please let me in, I cant bear it to hear you cry" "No you cant see me like this" you said thinking about the bruises

"Why not, like I havent seen you...." he could finish his sentence when he saw you there standing in the doorframe covered in bruises, your eyes with tears. He stood there with wide opened eyes. "WHO THE DID THIS TO YOU JAGI" he pulled you in a tight embrace, as you slowly cried on his shoulder. This time he took your chin to face him "Who did this, tell me, who touched my baby girl huh" You couldnt tell him about the guy and all the money you will have to pay him as soon as possible or else....

He took you to your couch and it was just the two of you in silence, still in a tight embrace, not letting each other go. "Thank you, oppa" you managed to say to him."Dont thank me" he said with a smile "I just wanna know who did this to you" he said now more seriously "I dont know, I didnt saw him" you lied "Well... Then well have to go to the police station to know who did this to you, right ?" "NO, Please" you said "Do you know what I think right now, that you are aware of this guy" he said looking straight in your eyes "I really dont know who did this to me" you lied again

Suddenly your phone rang in front of you on the table. Just when you were about to grab your phone. Jiyong grabbed it right in front of you. "Who is this" he said with a confusing look, keeping his gaze on the unknown number "Give it to me" you said trying to get your phone out of his hands "Ill give it to you, only if you tell me who this is" he said. You remained still "Well then.."

At that moment you avoided his eyes he pushed the green button "Who is this" he said angrily at the unknown person. You quickly looked at Gdragon who is talking to the guy from yesterday "Look, Im gonna say this for the last time, If you dont give me my money back in 3 days and I will give you only 3 days, bad things are going to happen to you, arrasso just like yesterday" The man said with a serious and angry tone "What money" Gdragon said "AISHH WHO IS THIS" "Who is this" Jiyong said "Dont play around with me ________- ah" "Jiyong looked straight in your eyes. Looking for an answer. But you looked afraid at him "Ill give you the money" he suddenly told him "How much is it" He said with a tired face "400 000 000 " "Okay Ill pay you" he said while facing you "Where are we gonna meet" "Your girlfriend knows" he suddenly said. The man hang the phone on Gdragon


You both stayed in silence for the next 5 minutes


"Oppa...?" You said "Hmp" "Dont do it...please" you said "How do you wanna get 400 000 000 in only 3 days then huh" He said angrily irritated "Ill have to deal with MY consequences alright" "Why wont you just let me help you jagi" he said with a worried face "Because were not dating anymore, remember ? "You sent me that horrible message remember ? you almost screamed at him. After youve calmed down you got out of his embrace trying to get up. He pulled you back on the couch and crushed his lips onto yours. You closed your eyes

"Please, ___" he said between the kiss "Let me just help you". You moved away from the kiss and just looked at him "What did I just said to you MY consequences MY problems" "But you always talked about your problems and everything with me "Dont you remember the long nights we spent talking on the phone" "Yes I do but..." "I dont wanna know, why you have to pay this guy back" "And I wll pay him, cause I dont wanna see my baby girl in pain anymore" "Look what he has done to you"  He was always so caring and thoughtful with you, he just desevered to know the truth about that money pay back guy.

"Look" you said with a big sigh, facing him "You know that I had a lot of things to deal with in the past right" he nodded his head "Until suddenly this "kind" guy came to me 'and said he would help me" Gdragon listened to your whole story. The whole beginning to the sad end. This was his weekly routine. But he didnt care at all to listen to your problems or nightmares. He really REALLY loved and cared about you. He always felt he needed to protect you in every situation you got yourself into. He always helped you to found a way out. He was your guardian angel


Well you guys ill hope you liked this chapter better then the previous one i made, I thought this suit the whole story and characters more, well let me know what you all think about it kekeke LOVE YOU ALL HFIGHTING !!!



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Chapter 6: OMG... He still broke up with her?!? Lol!!! Ahhh... That playboy! Of course he breaks up with her... Because he just LOVES being in love... And falling in love... Over and over again. Even breaking up feels good after awhile. Makes for good music too, lol! I bet this year we get good BigBang music since Ji has been so emo lately. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ahhh... I'm so evil! >.<
ratanakluckystar #2
Chapter 6: I don't understand :(
hazellife #3
Chapter 6: Wait...Is the 'weaknesses' real?
lovis89 #4
so jiyong will pay the money...and then what?
ilovekpopthatxx #5
I guess I like to much drama lol
lovis89 #6
she coughed blood and faints because of the bruises?
ilovekpopthatxx #7
Everything will be clear in the next chapters :D
lovis89 #8
uhhhhh...confused at the moment. what actually happened??
vipshawolelfyouknow #9
updaaate!! I wanna know what happens haha
Omo. It keeps me in suspense now. Update soon!