Chapter One


chapter 1

the sound of the wind echoes, reciting ancient poems



She sighed. “I want to be free.” she mumbled to her maid who was drying her long black silky hair.


The maid gave a little laugh. “Well…you will be free someday Hatori-sama.”


She sighed once more, her head dropping into her cupped hands. “There’s no way. I’m stuck in this house, forever.” She looked out, the rain was pouring. Not heavily, but mildly. It was only the morning.


She was Amaya Hatori, royalty, of the Edo region. She came as the second daughter to the Emperor. But for all that, she didn’t enjoy being a princess. Thus she studied the art of swords, and was well trained in the martial arts, all much against her parent's will. Though she carried herself with elegance and grace, inside she was full of childish wonder.


Amaya’s parents, the rulers of the Edo region lived separately. No she wasn’t an only child. She had an elder brother, Chiho Hatori, a wild and aggressive young warrior who enjoyed picking fights.


It was the time when Japan and South Korea were at war. Enemies to the end, many Korean warriors had slipped into the Japanese soil without notice. Intent on killing each other, and taking over each other’s shores, a Japanese had to abide to his conscience; to kill any Korean in his sight. The same applied to the Korean. In order to protect each other’s countries, both had to be at war.


Chiho was out fighting. All the women in the region were locked up in their houses, should anyone be attacked.


Amaya was barely 20. However, with the help of her loyal and loving maid Sakura, she often slipped out of the house into the forest by the lake that she knew well. She wasn’t afraid, of coming face to face with an enemy. All she wanted was to be free. She didn’t want war.


“It is dry now, Hatori sama.” Sakura said, combing her finger’s through Amaya’s hair. “You have such beautiful hair… it’s a shame you don’t want it so long”


“You know it gets in the way of my adventures.” Amaya replied, laughing. Sakura laughed as well.


“Nobody would call you a princess if they saw you sitting on top of the tree.” Sakura laughed, making Amaya smile widely.


“When the rain stops… I will go out today.” Amaya voiced much to Sakura’s shock.


“No, Hatori-sama! It is cold outside even if it doesn’t rain. You will freeze to death. And should a…a Korean approach you? You will be dead!” she cried wringing her hands.


“Sakura, you say this every single time.” Amaya coolly said. She got up on her feet, rubbing her neck that was covered by her haori* which she wore over her yukata.


“But Hatori-sama, I only say it for your sake.” Sakura said, her brows furrowed in worry.


“Then don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. I’m hungry.” Amaya changed the subject making Sakura nod at once.


“I will prepare dinner at once Hatori-sama.” she bowed and left the room. Amaya sighed, letting her fingers unconsciously feel the material of her blue yukata*. The rain had changed into a mild drizzle. Still, she couldn’t go. Not just yet. What if Sakura came in suddenly to find an empty room? She had to make sure Sakura was thoroughly occupied.


She sank to her feet, her back leaning on the wall. She stared at the outside, the red leaves of the trees swaying with the weight of the rain.


“It is almost time for hanami.” she murmured to herself. Hanami, or the time of the year when the cherry blossoms bloomed and everyone in the region went to see them and celebrate. Dance, music… Hanami was an enjoyable time of the year. But this year… war.


She didn’t understand why they had to fight. Couldn’t both sides remain at peace? Why did each want to conquer each other’s land? One’s land was important, far more than another’s. Shouldn’t each side be happy with what they already have?


She wondered what she’d do if she met a Korean. What would she say? Would she be forced to tell Chiho, or simply cut his throat herself? Or would she do something else? After all, they all were the same: humans.

She sat in silence, save for the soft pattering of rain outside thinking about all of this. Suddenly, she heard a few cries and a scuffle. Hurriedly, she got up and stood behind the sliding door. She peeked outside.


A young man was running, wet, with his sword still in its sheath. He panted. Shouts could be heard a little off. For sure, he was being chased. She noticed the type of dress he was wearing.


He was a Korean.


She stared at him for a few minutes before she did something she thought she’d never do, in full consciousness.


She reached out, and pulled him by the arm into the house. He staggered and stared at the young girl and opened his mouth to say something when she slapped her hand over his lips and pulled him further into the house. Once inside, she pushed him into a cupboard and locked the door. Then she sat down hurriedly, and pretended to dry her hair.


As she thought, a few minutes later she saw her brother barge into the house.


“Chiho!” she cried, seeming mildly surprised.


“Amaya! Did you see anyone around here?!” he barked, his sword gleaming with the rain-water from outside.


She stared at her brother’s handsome face innocently. Why did he also want to fight? There was no reason for him to.


“You mean a Korean, brother? In that case, no. It has been silent.” She smiled softly and her brother’s face softened as well. He knelt down and patted the top of her head.


“I know our parents don’t see us very often… and I know you don’t want this war. But what’s started must be finished. I won’t let you get hurt.” he smiled and ran out of the house with his comrades.


She sighed and after ascertaining that he’d gone, she carefully went to the cupboard, and unlocked it. Taking a deep breath, she pulled the door open.


The young man quietly walked out. She saw his face clearly now. Apart from a few scars and scratches, he was the most handsome man she’d ever seen. He had flawless white skin, tall, lean, with dark brown, soft hair falling over his eyes. His eyes were beautiful and his lips had a beautiful shape. She noticed how his face differed from all the faces she’d seen in her life. But he was a Korean.


Then she saw. His left shoulder, bleeding.


“Oh! You’re hurt!” she gave a little cry and at once dragged him to the corner of the room. She pulled out some white cloth and a bandage. To his utter surprise, she pulled the black costume off his upper part of the body and proceeded to clean the wound.


He quietly watched as she carefully cleaned it up. Finally, he talked.


“Why are you doing this?”


She seemed startled to hear his voice. He knew the language. Her eyes darted about his face before she spoke.


“I… don’t know.”


She finished and they sat in awkward silence.


“… Thank you.” he said, staring at her intently. She looked up and saw his eyes fixated on her face. She blushed and bent her head to hide it. He cracked a small smile.


“What’s your name?” she asked, timidly. Her voice was small, yet sounded bold and unafraid.


“Taemin. Lee Taemin.” he replied, sitting closer to her. “Yours?”


“A-Amaya Hatori.” and then she looked at him. “You are Korean… yet you seem harmless. How… old are you?”


He chuckled. “I don’t want to fight. But I’m forced to. I’m 20.” he played with a string on her yukata. She saw what his fingers were occupied with and blushed again.


Silence again, until he broke it. “You have beautiful hair.”

He let his fingers comb through it gently. She blushed even more and her fingers intertwined nervously. She felt him sliding closer to her.

He raised a hand and caressed her cheek gently. His face leaned in and she closed her eyes.


“Hatori sama?! Hatori sama!!! Open the door!” the door to her room started banging and her maid Sakura’s voice could be heard, shrill on the other side.


Taemin hurriedly got up and pulled his black clothes on. He quietly slipped around the door, but before leaving out of her sight, he turned his head and smiled at her. Then he left her sight.


“Lee…Taemin…” she murmured.



  • Yukata - a robe resembling a kimono. It's a casual summer kimono, worn by both men and women.
  • Haori - A type of silk jacket worn over a yukata. It has several patterns and isn't as long as a yukata. Often ends at the waist.


Hope knowing the terms helped ^^

Sometimes I tend to overuse the amount of Japanese words in my stories... -_- I'm sorry ><

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Chapter 4: I have NEVER read something as beautiful as this! I enjoyed it so much I cried TT^TT
I never read any of my requester stories but this was really beautiful.
I enjoyed it very much.
hanagoun #3
Chapter 3: KAWAII~
that was the kawiiest story in the whole ASIANFANFICS!
That was really cute! Kawaii~ good job author-nim!
Chapter 1: I love forbidden love :p
KpopLoverSelina #6
Chapter 3: I love this! It is so amazing. It shows you how opposites can attract.
TheEpikBabo #7
I really like the idea of this fic! :) But I found the meeting a little too sudden XD (I was expecting she'd find him unconscious in the forest when she sneaks out later, and due to her pacifist nature, she sneaks him in to tend to his injuries or something of the like LOL) but I guess it'd be hard to hide him unless she keeps him in the closet XD Anyways, I wanna hear more of this so I hope you update soon! :)
I like this fic! update soon :)