How this RP works

Unknown Academy [3RD POV | Under Construction | AFF]



In here, I will tell you how this RP works. As you can see through the title, this RP takes place on aff and this is school RP and there isn’t any teachers here. All of you are just students and the admins will be council student. And, since I’m the only admin now, someone can ask to be one of the admins and you will automatically become a student council. BUT- Of course you will have some tests to do. ;D


The specialties:

-          Model

-          Killer

-          Singer

-          Dancer

-          Stripper


For now, there will be just  5 specialties. But, sometimes, of course I will add more later and since this RP was new, I think 5 are enough. :”>  Choose one of them and act like the character you choose.


Since I’m bad at explain things. /shot. x.x I will just give you guys an example.


[Bae Suzy | Killer] Suzy eyed the bloods in her hand with hateful eyes. This school was crazy but instead leaving this ‘unknown’ school, she stayed in there for long time. Her specialty as killer wasn’t great enough but that’s why this school created for; to make everyone become better. Bored with the situation around her, she went inside the dining hall. Every students already there, the models, the spies, the singers, everyone gathered around. But, there was something inside Suzy that burdened her. No teachers. There was no one in this school that could help her. In this school… everyone alone. All she could do just training herself in the forest near to the school or went out to the town when she got mission to kill someone.


… So, yeah. That’s how it works. XD If you are model, you can say someone pays you to photoshoot or if you are singers you can say someone rent you to sing a song in a party or something like that. x.x


Hope you guys understand~ c: 







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