The Piano.

The Piano.

Even after the song had finished, Minho could still hear the melody that flowed so beautifully from Taeyeon's fingers. He could still see the way her fingers gently each key, and how each note would capture him and completely and utterly immobilise him.

And the way that, when she finsihed, she would look at him for a look of approval she knew she was going to get.

'So, what do you think?'

What did he think? He couldn't think of anything when he was completely full up of emotion.

'It was... beautiful, for lack of a better word.' She beamed, and he couldn'ty help but smile with her.

Minho got up, making his way to the black piano in the middle of the room, and pulled up a stool next to her.

'How about... something a little more challenging?' He teased.

'Chopin? Dvorak?'

'Dvorak... how about one of his dances?'

'She pulled up a dusty book from out of her bag and turned the pages to find the piece she was looking for.

'Number 7? You're not making this easy, huh...'

'Nope, now see if you can keep up with me.' She giggled and counted them in.

Although they were both basically sight-reading, Minho's hands followed Taeyeon's, matching every note of his with a harmony of his own, fitting perfectly together.

The tempo picked up, each one daring the other to go faster, if they could. Minho looked at Taeyeon, her face in full concentration. Distracted by her beauty, Minho's concentration faltered and his finger missed the finishing not.

She smiled. 'I think I this means I won, right?'

'Right.' he murmured before kissing her lips, telling that the competition was indeed, over.

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untitledtae #1
Awww so cutee
agito_kanon9 #2
very cute and inoccent :)))))like it sempai can i call you that?
Sameaknaaa : Thanks ^_^ glad you liked <3