underground life | au aff roleplay | activitycheck&stillcanreserve;



seoul, let's face it.
everything seems to be conserative...
until you step into the the clublife that is.
gyrating bodies, drinking, dancing, skimpy clothes, it's like any other club.
well, unless you step into seoul's most secretive club, the underground.
a place where everything dissappears.

it's seoul's most popular club to be in.
but only a few can get into it.

this is an au roleplay.
we're normal people living in south korea in the morning.
by night, we're clubbing.
some of us of age, or underage.
we're here.


there is a password...
it's a short list of rules, but everything must be followed.
01/ firstly, this is an au rp. you guys aren't idols.
you can be like performers, underground, club, idk, whatever.

02/ in pm. seduce each other on walls, i don't care about that. lol.
don't add people outside of rp and add everybody especially admins.
04/ one account per person, bro.
and yuri allowed bro. eue
06/ BE ACTIVE. don't want a dead rp
no bashing, and stuff. ? haha no. 
08/ ooc? must be in brackets. 
have fun roleplaying!

insert random thing.
01/ whoever is free on that masterlist, go ask to be them,
04/ password is... dj heota is y. concieted.
03/ wait for approval and code.
04/ say you're here on the story, add everybody, and start rping.


it's the list of chapters lol.
01/ admin list
02/ masterlist boys&girls
03/ couplelist&wishlist
04/ deactivated&hiatus list
05+/ random admin notes
sorry for fake updates... -heota


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doodididoo #1
dj heota be duh y.
may i be shinee's taemin?
Can I be Myungsoo from Infinite? B)
mianhae i'll be leaving this rp~it was fun playing here
t-ae's hurr ~