Only Look At Me


I had this Teen Top dream recently. And it was mostly a Niel dream. 

And it was so....idk how to describe I've decided to write it out into a story for you. 


When you try and get Niel's attention every was you could think of, and after constantly being ignored you become frustrated and eventually give up and move on. Unfortunately, Niel doesn't take lightly to the fact that you have ceased to try and get his attention and even have begun to ignore him. He also finds it infuriating that your attention has shifted to one of his group mates. Will Niel ignore the fact that he may be jealous? Or will the tables turn with him being the one trying to grab your attention? 




Name: Choi Mi Young

Age: 22 (21 international)

You are a college student, but at the moment you're taking time off from school and are helping your mother run a vacation house on Jeju Island. You're a little introverted at times, but when you don't have those 'go away' moments, you're very outgoing.You are a fan of Teen Top and have been since they first debuted and you were instantly attracted to the emotional voice of the group. You are a year older than Minsoo and you used to know eachother when you were younger.



Birth Name: Ahn Daniel

Age: 19 (18 international)

Niel is the emotional voice of the swiftly rising Teen Top.  He is very sweet and outgoing all the time, but he can have a temper and you will discover that soon enough. Niel has a slight phobia towards girls he doesn't know and can never find the right words to say when speaking to them, so rather than say something that would embarrass himself, he keeps his mouth shut and ignores theml. But what happens after he begins to like a girl he's been ignoring for so long?



Birth Name: Lee Byunghun

Age: 20 (19 international) [a/n i know i'm making him older than he currently is, but i have my reasons ^^]

L.Joe, the mischievous rapper of the rapidly rising in popularity group Teen Top. He is extremely quiet when it comes to being around strangers, but when he's around s...he's still mostly quiet. He likes to pick on Niel and Ricky. According to the members, L.Joe is good to look at, but is actually very boring. Although s usually have negative, yet playful, comments about him, You slowly begin to grow closer to him and he becomes someone you want to be around constantly.


Teen Top



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