
Teddy Bear

Hi. I am Bang Yongguk. Boyfriend of Choi Junhong. He is also known as Zelo. Zelo has been suffering from cancer for over a year, and it seemed it got worse and worse by day. No matter how many treatments he got. Everyday I was in his room, always making sure he was smiling.

He is strong. He never gives up. But one night, everything changed. The doctor told me he wouldn't make it through the night. I couldn't tell Zelo that. The words wouldn't slip my mouth. But after calming myself I walked back into the room.

There he was smiling, happy to see me. 'Hyung!' he shouted. I smiled slightly.

Then, a thought came. If he wouldn't make it I would get him anything tonight, that he ever wanted.

'Zelo-yah... If you can have anything in the world right now, what would you want?'

He thought for a moment, sticking his tongue out cutely. 'Hyung.. A teddy bear! I am tired.' I cringed slightly as he said he was tired, but I ignored my aching heart.

'I'll be back, okay? Don't sleep until I am back.' I left without his reply.

I ran down the road to find any toy shops, anything, and with my luck I found a Toys R Us. I ran in, finding a white teddy bear, with blues eyes. Right away I ran to the cash register, only to realize I left my wallet back at the hospital. I began to panick, tearing stinging my eyes. I couldn't let him go without his last wish. I walked up to costumer service, telling my story. With no charge they gave me the bear. My world was stopping.

As I ran back to the hospital, everything was in slow motion. I knew he would be asleep, when I walked in. I stared at him for a few minutes before slowly walking over, tucking the bear under his arm.

'Goodnight Zelo, I love you' I pecked his lips gently, knowing it would be the last. 'I love you too Hyung' he mumbled sleepily. I chuckled, choking on my tears. I watched him cuddle the teddy bear, going back to sleep. Goodnight Zelo.


A/N: Okay so the facebook story the mans kid didn't die, god bless, but plot twist. Sorry this , but hope you enjoyed. All of it was exact except the end. -taylor

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Chapter 1: me pain my heart
Chapter 1: This is so sad...! :( but it was nice of them to sell the bear to him FOC :')
Tis story made me cry. It was so sad but beautiful
wonwoojpeg #4