


Hiyya! :) I hope you all have been doing well

I know you all have been waiting months for me to update, I feel extremely sorry for you, I should have update more or at least I should have give you explanations so here I am :)

This year is hectic, like really, there is a huge amount of work to do, of lesson to study and things to do like search for a job, a university, have my exams, have my driving license but anyway, I've been away for awhile without any explanations but the main reason is that I'm focusing on school to graduate and then I'll be free from highschool, so yeah..

I also think I have a writer block, like I have the ideas, from the beginning to the end but I can't write them down, it's not coming or working, I don't know how to make them together, what words should I use etc so it's hard to begin the next chapter >____<

Hopefully, I may come back soon, I'm not sure but I wanted to let you know that this fanfiction has been in a hiatus but I may update soon, I hope. I have to update the other one because it's been also awhile since I've last posted a chapter (I began to write it by the way!! yay!! :D)

So, please wait for me? :s I have also began to write a 4minute oneshot or fanfiction, I don't know yet but please wait for me!! I will be free in July, hopefully and I will try to overcome my writer block :)

A lots of love ♥♥♥♥



edit: 29/07/13: i'm back tonight, just wait

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Kimmythom1 #1
Chapter 8: What a waste of my time. Too many writers do this. I get it but I am so dissapointed.
Chapter 8: it is so sad that you leave ㅠㅠ
im quite new to this site, not a year tho but ive grown fond to it already. to be honest at first i do not understand the importance of writing comment until i befriend with one of the author. I befriend with her start from when i finally try to brave my self to give comment and since then i realize that it means alot the her. Thus i finally know that every now and then i will give comments how i feel when i read it and not to being a silent reader. Because comment is the sign that their works are noticed and apreciated. If i was not put comment to your works, im really sorry. I really am. Maybe at that time i still stupid and oblivious to the importance to it. I see some authors leave and it makes me sad, but at the same time make me realize too that our reaction through comments are a kind of support to writers. I do enjoy your story but i can understand if you feel tired of it.
Once again i say thank you for support our boys and pour your imagination through writing their story. Take care author ssi, be happy ^^ ♥
Chapter 7: I can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 6: I hate Doojoon in this.
Please don't hurt Yoseob Doojoon!
BTW,new readers!
b2utyfool #5
Chapter 6: I'm new to your story but I really like it ^^. I have read the 5 chapters in a go, I can't wait for the next one! The storyline seems pretty interesting, and I love the way you write (I would just wish the chapters to be longer ㅎㅎㅎ). Please keep your hard work ^^.

And I'm glad Junhyung decided to give a chance to Hyunseung~
Chapter 6: I 've been waiting so long for this story.. XD
You don't know how much I love dooseob in this fics..
I want to see how dooseob grow their relationship.. i want to know more <3
Keep writing author shii!!!
Waiting for your next update..
Chapter 6: aaaa... you're back!!!
i miss this story and it's getting more interesting ^^