
I lead two lives

"SungJin! Hoya!"

Jihyun's bright voice greeted me, giving me a bone crushing hug. My mouth gaped open, staring at the scene in front of me.
No fights. No blood. But just five girls and six guys lazing around.
"Jihyun ah, what happened? I thought I heard glass breaking. And your text stated that its something important so what is it?" I pulled away from the hug, eyeing at what seems to be a glass cup shattered on the ground a few feet away from me. The other four girls came running towards me for a group hug.
"We miss you! That's the important thing!" they sang in unison. "Hoya was already joining the other six guys, he sandwiched himself between them on the small couch which made the boys complain about the space.
"Ya! Hoya this space beside me is saved for my girl." one of them started moving on the couch uncomfortably.
"Hello,  SungJin is here. I hope you boys noticed that instead of that ball running show you're watching. And you! Gikwang! At least save a space for SungJin!" HyunA yelled at the boys whose eyes where still glued onto the screen.
Gikwang ran towards the pissed-off HyunA and gave her a back hug," Babe don't be mad. I'm here now. Hello SungJin, long time no see!" he gave me an eye-smile. HyunA gave the rest of the boys at the couch the death-stare which made Gikwang tensed up.
"Ya! Get your asses here, my queen is angry." Gikwang switched off the television. The guys immediately diverted their attention towards me at the door. They stood in one line in front of me,"Hello SungJin! We are Beast!"
I chuckled at their dorkiness," Good Evening~"
"Guys Guys! Hurry back its the last round!" Hoya jumped on the couch with full of excitement. Instantly, the boys scrambled back to the couch squeezing each other.
"Be right back my queen, I can't miss this." Gikwang gave HyunA a quick peck on the lips before rushing back to the watch the soccer match. HyunA rolled her eyes,"Boys. Tsk tsk."
Ever since Gikwang and HyunA have been going out, Gikwang became really sweet and greasy which reminds me a lot about Woohyun. I giggled at the moment when he called me princess and when he would always send me greasy looks.
"What's so funny? Eh?" Gayoon nudged my arm. I snapped back into reality," Uh oh, nothing!" I could already feel my face burning. " Can I see my room?" I quickly changed the subject.
"Sure, we girls went shopping one dat and bought you new stuffs for your room! Go take a look!" Sohyun exclaimed as she pushed me to my room. The moment the doors opened, I was greeted with a sweet scent of strawberries. There's a simple yet comfortable bed beside a dressing table. The lights of the room were dim but it gave a soothing feel to the room. The colours of grey added to the finishing touches of the room which creates a sense of home. This type of room is not expected from an abandoned building far away from the bust streets.
"I love it! You guys are the best!" I hugged the girls with elation. "Glad you like it, though it was incomparable to the room in your house. You take a rest, we'll get something for the boys to eat. Do you need anything?" Jiyoon questioned. I shook my head lightly and waved at them. "Alright then, let's go girls!" Jiyoon patted my head as she left my room with the 4minute girls.
I let out a satisfactory sigh as I dropped myself on the bed that engulfed me with the scent of lavender.
4minute. Beast.
I'm glad to have known them.
Two years ago. In Japan,Tokyo.
"Where am I?" I mumbled to myself in Korean. That's only when I realised I'm lost in Tokyo, alone, late at night. I cursed mentally when I decided to escape from a company function my parents forced me to attend. Yet again, for once I felt free, but I didn't know that I'll be lost.
My feet has got sore due to all that running, I took off my blue heels and let me feet touch the rough surface. I was wearing a dress, not too long but just halfway through my thighs. This dress is a limited edition, my talented mother designed this specially for me to wear it on such occasions. The dress had a sky blue colour covered with patterns from the east and west. The dress wrapped around me showing my slender figure, a black silk belt tied on my waist to complete the look. My hair was long, wavy and nicely-styled
Where my feet took me, I'll go. I walked around aimlessly. I had nothing with me, no money, no cell phone, no bodyguards. My eyes scanned through my surroundings. Where did I end up at?
The road was dark, I felt kinda cold with my legs exposed. I heard nothing but silence, now how am I supposed to get myself home?
My eyes brighten up when I saw a bench just a few feet away. I sprang forward and settled myself down.
"Okay, maybe I could wait for a taxi to arrive? Wait no. Maybe I can backtrack my steps back to the function. But I free now, I shouldn't waste this once in a lifetime chance. Arghh!" I ruffled my hair in frustration as nothing seems to work.
"Hello there, are you lost? Where are you going?" a voice spoke out of nowhere. I jumped out of the bench only to come face to face with a young man.
"Y-you scared me! Hey, you're Korean?" I pointed at him, my mind still in a state of shock. That man took a step closer," Yes I'm Korean..."
"And girls like you shouldn't be out late at night wearing clothes like this. Did I mention that you look extremely hot." that man whispered in my ear, our faces were just inches apart. I felt really uncomfortable with his words and a chill went down my spine.
"U-uh I got to go n-now." I stuttered and was about to run away when he grabbed hold of my wrist so tightly that I couldn't feel my fingers.
"You are not going anywhere. And no one leaves DongJun." he smirked and yanked me closer to him. I used all of my efforts trying to squirm out of his grasp and managed to push him away.
Without looking back I just ran forward, as long as I run far away from that DongJun guy. All of a sudden, a strong pair of arms wrapped around my tiny waist and pulled me into a corner of a dark alley.
My eyes were met with DongJun's, I held my breathe moving backwards. My back hit onto the cold hard wall, there was no escape now. DongJun trapped me between his arms, he stared deep into my eyes,"I gotcha. There's no running away from DongJun." I gulped my saliva as I quickly planned out my escape.
DongJun his dry lips as he came closer to my trembling lips. "Tonight, you're all mine." he smirked.
"Yea right." I kicked him in the stomach and swiftly gave him my hardest punch on the face which sent his body knocking against the wall.
My mouth gaped open, did I just do that? I did a small celebratory dance before running past DongJun.
"Nuh uh not so fast babe. That's a wrong move, you're not going anywhere." DongJun pinned me onto the wall.
"Hands off bastard." a female voice cursed in korean as she send DongJun knocking his head on the wall, groaning in pain. "Hurry let's go." that girl who seems to be slightly older than me lightly grabbed my wrist before dashing somewhere. 
Before I knew it, I came face to face with a rundown house. My feet stood rooted to the ground as I stared hard at the building. That girl chuckled at me reaction," It's okay, I live here. C'mon let me treat you wounds. Your dress is all ruined now, it sure looks expensive." she gave me a warm smile assuring me that everything is fine.
"I'm Gayoon, I saw you punching DongJun. Wow you're good." Gayoon took her hand out for a friendly handshake. I hesitantly shook her hand,"S-SungJin. T-thanks."
Both of us walked into the building and into a room that's lighted up. Who else lives here?
"I'm home! And I brought a friend!" Gayoon cheerfully greated as she entered the room. Then, 10 pairs of eyes darted towards me. I stood beside Gayoon as she introduced me to whoever was present.
Firstly, they revealed to me that they're gangsters, the five girls as 4minute and the six boys as Beast. Secondly, they know DongJun is, he's also a korean gangster that came to Japan because they were here. He's fro some group called ZE:A. Lastly, Gayoon was so impressed by my punch that she wants me to join them.
"Whoa what too much for me to handle." I laughed awkwardly. "If Gayoon says that she wants you to join us means you've a hidden talent. An unpolished diamond. Of course, we wouldn't want to let go of this diamond." a girl named Jiyoon explained as she treated my bleeding arm.
I debated with myself for awhile, thinking of the pros and cons of joining them. To my surprise, there were more pros the cons. I can fight well? Thanks to the taekwondo lessons my parents send me to when I was young.
"Alright, I've made my mind. I'll join with you guys. One thing, could you tell me how do you guys know DongJun?" I spoked as I bandaged my arm.
Gayoon's face lighted up immediately,"With pleasure our new group mate!"
~End of Flashback~
Reason why I want to join 4minute and Beast was really simple, I wanted to be free, vent my anger and have at least someone to care for me.
Ever since that day, 4minute and Beast have trained me to be a better fighter. Daily, I'll sneak out of my house to that rundown building to join them. Until, they had to return back to Korea as there was trouble there. I felt really alone during that period of time. Therefore, I made a point to fly to Korea once in a while to visit them. That was also when I revealed to Hoya about my activities.
Knock knock.
 I broke from my train of thoughts, and opened the door to see Hoya pouting.
"Yes Hobaby?" I pinched his cheeks. "Let's go out for ice cream!" he sang as he draped his arm around my shoulder.
"But what about Beas- oh they're alseep I see." I giggled as I saw HyunSeung lying above Yoseob and rest of them just cuddling around. "Alright, but first let me send a text to Gayoon." I whipped out my phone and began typing furiously.
Hoya and I will be leaving now. Have a good rest unnie! Btw the boys are sleeping. See you soon! <3
"Let's go~" I hooked my arms around Hoya's and closed the door quietly not wanting to wake anyone up.
"Bye SungJin, hope to see you soon. I'll miss you." an incoherent voice whispered.
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Chapter 41: wooooah..i thought she was getting married with someone else..I REALLY ENJOYED + LOVE THIS STORY!!*spazzing* hee..oh yeah author-nim, you're a greeeeeeaaaaaat author!! ≧﹏≦thanks for making me enjoy this wonderful story, you didn't disappoint mee! thanks, annyeong~~ byee^O^
Chapter 41: Kyaa sweet ending <3 love it <3
yooamie #3
Chapter 41: this is such a great fanfic! I've waited for a long time for a fanfic that the OC falls in love with Hoya and ends up with him xD. although I still love Woohyun :p. great fanfic!
Chapter 41: I love it!!! :D buy the way who is the girl with woohyun ._.
KittensCanKill #5
Chapter 41: Myungsoo with Daeyoon?!
oh well, All's well that end's well :D
Loved your fic!!! Thank-you for creating it!
Chapter 41: Awww. Wait a minute........WHY IS MYUNGSOO WITH DAEYOON.
Anyways like it good fic
Chapter 41: Wait, who's the girl with Woohyun?
Inspirt_PurpleHoBaby #8
Chapter 41: SEQUEL PLSSS~^^
Chapter 41: GAAH LOVE EEEET!
khunhojjang #10
Chapter 41: sequel!!!!!! This was amazing<3