
No matter what...


I nuzzled deeper into his neck, smelling his scent. He still forever in his sweet strawberry scent which I could never get tired of. I smiled at his sleeping face. His expression would always be that calm. No more nightmare for you, darling. I caressed gently at his forever pale-looking face. Why are you still so pretty when you are sleeping? I chuckled slightly to myself, thinking why I am still here. It is time to leave. I think I am going to miss you. I give him last kiss on his thin lips. Everything will be fine, I promise. No matter where I am, I will pray for you. You are going to be the happiest man in this world without me. Tears flowed on its own. I still not prepared to leave him yet. I need to leave so he can move on. No matter if I am here a not, he would not know anywhere. Why would he know? He can’t sense if there are spirit around. Why I am so silly? I need to report to the heaven in fifteen minutes time.

“Junhyung ah…” I startled at the sudden voice, my head just automatically turned to where the voice is.

I know it sounds stupid, he can’t see me yet he can talk to me? I decided to stay silent even I talked he can’t hear it anyway.

“Junhyung ah, please talk…I need to listen to your voice…”

I clenched my fist tighter than usual, it is going to be hard and I know I would be able to go through.

“Hyunseung…I missed you…” I said while he closed his eyes telling me that he would be able to hear them.

“I miss you too…” okay…I hope no one would walk in at this curial timing. They might just think Hyunseung is crazy and sent him to mental hospital and I would never allow that.

“Junhyung ahh…you are leaving already right? You are going to leave me right?”

I hung my head as low as possible, I felt guilty. I did promise him I would stay with him forever and now I had to leave first.

“Junhyung ahh, face me. It is not your fault.” I slowly face him and this time round his eyes is wide open and he is smiling.

“I am sorry…” words just came out of my mouth, I can’t help it.

“Don’t ever apologise. I don’t need this.” Why had I done during my previous life to deserve such a wonderful boyfriend?

“Junhyung ahh, promise me you would take care of yourself at other side of the world…don’t ever worry about me…I would be fine…” he used back of his hand, wiped away his tears. “. I said before I am not going to cry anymore. Junhyung, I wouldn’t cry anymore. You can leave in peace.”

My heart cracked at this sight. He is such a bad liar. How can he tell me he is not crying anymore while his tears still flowing down like a river?

“Junhyung, if you let me find out you had a boyfriend at this other side of world, you would definitely get it from me. Your panther shall be always me. You have to wait me!”

Both of us laughed at his words.  

“Stay strong, Hyunseung ah!”

He smiled at me and held out his hand. I not sure if I am able to touch him but I still hold him. He tighten the hold…he know I am here.

“Bye Junhyung…I will love you forever…” with that he let go and fell back to his bed, closing his eyes.

“No matter where I am, I would only love you. Bye Hyunseung…I will wait for you….” 

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Awww ;( i like this ;333
Ooo it's unique and touching~ I like it!