Neat Freak

Life In Pale Colors

Written for kwondykebar's prompt: "jiyong vacuuming crumbs out of gtop’s bed"


The sound of the vacuum is what jars him out of his dreams. That in itself is far from unusual - plenty of vacuuming goes on in the dorm, especially when they get closer to a performance and Youngbae gets antsy. But there is something wrong about the sound of the vacuum, and it takes him a long moment of consideration - eyes shut tight, face still pressed into his pillow - to discover why, especially with the terrible ache settling behind his temples.

The sound is coming from above him.

He groans and rolls over, one arm slung across his face to shield him from the bright sunlight streaming through their open curtains.

“Ji, what the are you doing?” he asks groggily. The leader barely spares him a glance.

“I’m vacuuming, what the hell does it look like?”

Seunghyun contemplates this for a moment before shaking his head to clear it. The movement doesn’t help. “Yeah, but that’s our bed. Why am I on the floor?”

“You fell.”

“No way. I don’t flail around in my sleep like you-“

“Fine, I pushed you. Happy? I gave you your pillow after, you were fine.” He finally seems irritated with having to nearly yell over the sound of the vacuum and shuts it off, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring down at Seunghyun’s prone form.

“Why are you vacuuming the bed?” he asks slowly, because that still seems pretty important to him. And definitely weird.

Jiyong huffs out a breath and rolls his eyes. “Because you got cake crumbs in it—”

“Hey, you could have let me finish eating before dragging me in here—”

“-you could have just left the cake behind, okay, I had something important—”

“Something important in your pants, maybe.” Jiyong pauses at this and Seunghyun smirks, voice going up an octave. “Hyung~ come on, I want to give you your birthday present~”

“…shut up,” Jiyong says crossly, and he switches the vacuum back on with more force than is strictly necessary. Seunghyun just grins.

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Danees #1
Chapter 13: Short but simply amazing. Thank you so much (:
Forigneer #2
Can i request that you just combine everithing?
Like, erm, harem?
Trust me people will love that ;)
Chapter 10: G-dae rules!
xtavista #4
Chapter 10: can i request for more gdae...
Kfangirl4 #5
Chapter 13: Each of these remind me of one of my favorite authors, Anais Nin. She wrote a and mastered the art of the very short story. If you haven't read "Delta of Venus" I highly recommend it. Loved all of them.
Chapter 9: This. Chapter nine is absolutely a tale that begs to be expanded on. It makes me want to know more details about what he sees and how Ji reacts during an episode. Or even if he still sees things after they've found each other. It's gonna eat away at me now, this curiosity :O
dans711 #7
Chapter 13: omg gdyb... i love it so much :)
Chapter 13: So I was creeping through the GDAE tag and this collection popped up and I was like Oh heavens Sunshine GD is a bit of a , and then I was happy because I wanted something good to read and so I got to read this again :P