Arashi Creation Myth

Arashi Creation Myth


At first there was nothing. The entire place was black and boring. It was just a big spot of nothingness.

But five gods decided that something needed to be done. So, together, the five powers were brought together and created the universe. They made all the planets and the sun (and even included a tiny planet after much protest from the Green God that he didn’t have a planet). Then, they did rock-paper-scissors to determine what planet would be their favorite. Thus, it was decided that Earth would be theirs.

The leader god, the Blue God Satoshi, decided that he would make the oceans, and he let the planet be absorbed with a brilliant liquid, blue like his own color. It looked quite beautiful indeed.

The next god, the Purple God Jun, decided to add to it, and so he created land. He included purple mountains and green fields covered with brilliant purple flowers he loved, and he scattered the land all over the earth so they could all grow to be unique. It was beautiful and mesmerizing indeed.

The next god, the Green God Masaki, decided that he wanted to do something different, so he created animals. He created dogs and cats and horses to run and fish to swim in the oceans. He even created kangaroos although he wasn’t fond of them, and his favorite was the beautiful lions and tigers. He was really excited about it, and even more excited when the green land was used to house some of the animals.

The next god was the Red God Sho, and he worked with Jun to create edible plants and fruits for the animals. Plus, he was hungry, and his favorite food was the bright red apple that grew on a tree nearby. He felt much happier.

The last god, the Yellow God Kazunari, looked at the world around him and made it so that the brilliant yellow sun could shine on the world and showcase a beautiful blue sky. Then he made it so that the yellow stars could come out at night and be even more beautiful.

But something was missing. “I know what we should do,” Sho said. “There’s one thing we forgot. People.”

So the five gods created people. They made man and woman, and it took a lot of work to finally get them right. As a finishing touch, they created seasons and weather.  To celebrate the creation of Earth, the gods created a storm, and when it was over they smiled creating a beautiful rainbow, and all the creatures looked in awe and wonder.

The gods were very happy indeed.

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Chapter 1: Pretty. :)
Chapter 1: it is cute
That was really great! ^^
This is definitely how the world was made! By my 5 favorite gods! XDD
Oh, that's so well written! I had to smile when I read about hungry Red God Sho. :D That myth made my day :)
short but wow...could imagine....5 Gods! ><

Loved it!