“Kim Hyun joong”


Mission 2 succeeded but it doesn’t make any assurance since MY EXISTENCE is still NOT ACKNOWLEDGED


Though hearing HIS name makes me jump with happiness.


Ohh, should I call him HYUN JOONG now? How about JOONGIE? It’s sooo cute.ahahaha!


“I never knew that a guy’s name will make me you that HAPPY, if I have a known earlier I should have given you a lot of names” Shin hye commented while looking at me in the eye


“Yah, it’s not what you think” I turned around knowing that my cheek turns red.


Shame, Shin hye shouldn’t know this! She will tease me to death!


“Oh really? I still can’t imagine that you have this side”


“yah! PARK SHIN HYE! I told you already, it’s not what you think! But, but…” I looked back to him “THANK YOU”


She hugged me and jostles my hair.


“So what will happen next?”


“What do you mean?”


“I mean, is it enough to know HIS name? Knowing you, I know you want more than this”


I sigh deeply


She’s right. I want to know more. More and more until I get sick and bored of it


But I still don’t know what to do next… I wonder how can I get closer to HIM?


Any idea dear readers?


Their third and last set is on. But I was still on my seat doing nothing.


I just stare at him.


What spell did you put on me?


I went back to my usual self. Someone who can’t do anything…


I’m bitter. I know that I’m MISS-NO-GOOD but still my family and my friends always believe in me. They always support me, give me hope and strength BUT


The thing is…




And tonight, the biggest failure I need to face comes (I failed myself). I told myself that I should do everything to know him, but I cannot fulfill this task. I’m really hopeless.




I think I’m scared. Scared that even if I know HIM (if ever I does), He won’t even acknowledge me. (WORST, HE won’t even like me or be friends with me)




Because obviously, I AM NOT PRETTY!


Don’t look at me with those eyes. I’m just being honest here. I mean, who would like me? Miss-no-good? I can’t cook well, I am not intelligent, I am not a girly type, I am not y, and I am just me.


After the final song I stood up and went outside the reception. I breathe the fresh hair and hugged myself tightly.


This night is a special night for me. Even though I failed with my mission, I’m still happy. Being crazy like that, for once, is one of the greatest things I’ve done with my boring life.


It’s a bit regretful…


Maybe next time, I could do better…




Shin hye showed up again


“PARK SHIN HYE! Do you want me to have a heart attacked? You always pops up anywhere”


I told her angrily with my hands on my waist


“Sorry minmin” she said with her cute-puppy-face


I hate it when I she does that ‘cause I really can’t hate her.


“Fine” I ruffled her hair and smile a bit “you’re too cute to ignore”


“Thank you minmin” she hugged me tightly


I guess, I really love my cousin after all, even if I envy her…


“I’m going home Shin hye, see you next time”


“Wait, minmin, I got something for you”


She took a piece of paper on her pocket and hand it over to me. My eyes widened as soon as I see what’s written on it.


“It’s Kim Hyun joong number?”


“Absolutely right! You can contact him but if you don’t want it, I’m gonna keep it”


I’m the happiest person ever!


I took the piece of paper and tapped Shin hye’s shoulder.


“You’re the best!”


“Don’t forget next week!” Shin hye shouts


I waved my hand confirming our schedule next week.


Maybe, I could finish my mission…


I went to the car park and look for my car. It’s a very long and tiring night. But I must admit that it is a very crazy happy night.


I was searching for my key when I noticed that the piece of paper which has Joongie’s number was not there.


SHAME! Where did it go?


I went back and look around. After a minute, somebody approached me from behind


“Are you alright?”


“Not really, it may be absurd but have you seen a piece of paper?”


Oh crap!


When I saw the face of the person I’m talking, I wish that lightning come because right at this very moment, I am ready to die with shame


“Are you looking for this?”


He hand me the piece of paper. No words come from my mouth I just hesitantly accept it. After giving me the paper he walked away. Not even asking how or why I have that.


Weird. But I feel relieved. I think he’s a gentleman…


I went back at the car park and saw them. They are busy putting all there instrument in the small car.


They probably noticed me since they stopped and look at my direction


This is it!


I took the courage to raise my hand and waved them goodbye…


I hope my Joongie will notice me!


Finally, after many attempt, I saw him waved his hand back to me.











I really hope that you will like it.


@Khjloverdover @ghie29 @bsjlover @ZMazz_y @ghie29 @Shain44 @heeratnt @rominita and to all of my subscribers kamsahamnida J






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more moreeeeee :)
Chapter 5: Jijijijiji Hyunminnnnnnnnn pleasee ^^ i like
bsjlover #3
Chapter 5: Calll him somin!!!
liSSie #4
Chapter 5: You`re gonna make it a happy ending?! YEHEY! Will make us all happy and giddy! Next chapter please...
ZMazz_y #5
Chapter 5: ohhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Finalllllyyyy! Whoahahha he ACKNOWLEDGED YOUUUU AUTHOR! Oh! I mean SO MIN!! ;D :D :D :D

i wish my crazy man will acknowledge me too someday after 6yrs~~~~hmm... I will just wait...its about miracles... Right? Whoahh.. am i revealing what my heart's feel? Aigooo! Fullstop on my case. Hahahahhahahahaah

yah my Crazzy buddy!! I want more!! Wooohooo!!! :D :D
Chapter 4: If the real story does not have a happy ending..then please let us have a story with a happy ending,just the way you would have wanted it to end in your fantasy...please update and let us know more about your next Mission Impossible..
ZMazz_y #7
yahhhh, should i yell thousand time? Hahahah I want happy ending.. Oh! Correction: WE WANT HAPPY ENDING!! Whoahahhahaha

where are you HJ??? Or to be exact, where are you, Author's Victim??? Whoahahahahah :p peace author, hahahah we are crazaaaaay!!! Veryy crazaaay indeedd!! Hahahahhaha

*gulp* if i were somin/you i should glue his guitar on me until he appeared again! Hahahah

more more!

Anyway, what song is that? May i know? Woohooo!