a lot in common

Soo Young Soo -From a Her to a Him



“YOUUUUU what are you doing here?”  while pointing at YoungSoo

“You guys know each other?” Jessica asked

“Ah, it’s not like that Jess”

“I met her at Sooyoung’s place” YoungSOo said

“Ah, that’s right she’s a huge fan of Sooyoung” Jess said

“Really you are? Why?” he asked

“Why?? There’s no words that I can describe why I like her and you will not know that”

“Tiff don’t talked to him like that he’s Sooyoung’s cousin”

“What he’s Sooyoung’s cousin?? Where is Sooyoung?”

“Tiff calm down Sooyoung is out of the country because of some family matters and this guy is her cousin and he’s the guy I’m telling you about” Jess whispered to me

“What? That guy is the guy you’re talking about your destiny?”

“Yes Tiff so be quiet”

“Jessica and Tiffany come over here please” Ms. Eunice said

“So you all met Seo YoungSoo and he will modeling alongside with Tiffany on one of our biggest photo shoot this year.” ms. Eunice continued

“AHhhh.. why me? It should me Jessica”

“But the producer picked you and him”

“That’s alright Tiff I messed up the last event so you really deserve it and talked about me a lot when you were with him”


“Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhh who’s food is this?” YoungSoo yelled

“That’ mine why?” I said

“Can I have some? It’s my favorite food nato (Japanese fermented soy beans)”

“Really? Okay you can have some”

“Thank you Fany” then he smile

That’s weird not a lot of people likes that food I just tired it before cause Sooyoung likes it and come to think this guy have some Sooyoung’s mannerism…

What are you saying Tiffany… Sooyoung is one of a kind

“Okie, Tiffany and YoungSoo you two need to go to this address before they closed, their going to get you’re measure for the shoot” Ms. Eunice said

So we went to the address they gave us… We rode YoungSoo’s car cause I don’t have one it’s just the two of us.. It’s really awkward..

“Wow, it’s really a small world isn’t it?” I said to break the ice

“Yeah, kinda”

Silence again…

“What music do you like?” He asked


“Choose any album you like from these and we can play it” while he’s giving a lot of cd to choose with

Wow he had a lot of Sistar album is he a fan, wait Sooyoung is a fan of Sistar… This cousins are really had a lot in commons.

“You like Sistar?” I said

“I don’t like them, I love them, Do you like them too?”

“Yeah at first I listen to them because Sooyoung likes them but they grow on me and now I like them too”

“You really like Sooyoung that much? You even don’t know the real her”

“I might not know the real her but I can feel she’s a nice person”

“What if she’s not as great as you think?”

“What do you mean?”

“What if she’s not as perfect as she is, she’s just pretending to be perfect to gain praise from other”

“I don’t care I like her not only because she’s great, I like her cause she change my life”

“I did?? I mean Sooyoung did” he said

“Yes, when I first saw her modeling that time I told to myself that I want to be a model like her and that’s how I straighten my life”

“That’s cool”

“Really you think?”

“Do you know that Sooyoung became a model the same way you did”

“Really that’s awesome we have similarities”

“I think you two have a lot in common” he said

“Wow thank you YoungSoo” I looked at him and smile

Ow, yeah I need to tell a lot of thing about Jess to him…


YoungSoo POV

Wow this girl I really  see something to her… I can see myself in her, my real self… too bad I’m a guy right now I want to show her who is CHOI SOOYOUNG really is…

Then we arrive in the place we are told

“Fany let’s go in”

“You called me Fany?”

“Tiffany is just too long”

“Aissshhh you’re messing up my name”

“Fany is a nice name it suited you”

“Arraseo whatever you want”

We went inside and nobody is inside

“Are you sure this is the right place?” She asked

“Yes, I’m sure maybe they are just at the back”

We went at the back room but still nobody is there

“That’s weird maybe they went home already, let’s go back” I said

Then I’m trying to open the door…

“What’s wrong YoungSoo?”

“It won’t open”

“Are you serious?”

She tried to open it but same thing it won’t open

“There’s no window and other door in this room, we’re trapped” she said

“Calm down Fany we can just call somebody to let them know we’re trapped here”

“Okie, give me your phone so we can call them”

“My phone? use your own phone I left mine in the car”

“Same thing, I left mine in the car. so what are we going to do?”

“Calm down fany we will be okie someone will find us maybe tomorrow and open the door”

“So are you saying we’re going to stay here over night with you”



“Dont say like that, you’re sounded like I’m gonna you or something. I told you you’re not my type” he said

“I’m not you’re type?”

“Yeah you’re not my type so sit down and just calm down”

He sits at the corner the room is kinda small and I feel so cool so I sit next to him

“Why are you sitting next to me?”

“YoungSoo, I’m kinda cold”

“Here, use this jacket”

He gave his jacket to me

“Don’t worry about me here in Korea it’s really get so cold this is nothing compare to the winter here”

“Thank you I’m just gonna sit close to you so you will be warm too”

He’s really a nice guy and really good looking, that’s why Jessica really likes him… He really looks like a prince… Tiffany what are you thinking.. I need to tell him about Jessica

“So how was the modeling yesterday with Jess?” I asked

“Jess? You mean Sica? She’s really good at modeling and She’s pretty and y”

“You like her?”

“yeah, I like her!” then she smile to me. He has a pretty smile

It’s kinda like Sooyoung

“You and your cousin have a lot in common do you know that?”

“Really you think so?? Hahah”

“If you’re not a guy I might think you’re Sooyoung” I said and smile



If you just know I’m really Sooyoung but this girl really see Sooyoung as a different person she will be heart broken when she finds out that the real Sooyoung is not what she thinks she is…

But she’s the first person to notice, she can see thru me… even I have this masked of vanity she’s still can see thru it…

“Sooyoung will be happy to find out that she has a fan like you, maybe you can be her friend too” I said

“Wow really? I really want to be her friend”

“I’ll give you her Email you can talk to her there but don’t be so shocked when you find out the real her”

“I’m not gonna, I promise” then she smiles again

Wow Choi Sooyoung, are you really going to open up with her?? This is different and she might gonna be your first real friend after Yoona…

We tried to sleep

“Can’t sleep?” I asked

“Yeah, it’s really hard to sleep in this position”

I put her head on my shoulder

“Hey, what are you doing ?” She yelled

“Try sleeping in that position”

“Well thanks!”

I looked at her and she’s pretty and cute… she makes me smile… hahaha that eye smile of her

I remembered my last relationship; he did this to me too…

Wait, I remembered now … That girl YURI told me about LEE DONGHAE my ex boyfriend…

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Chapter 52: it is a nice chapter
and happy ending
soofany got together
hope you write more
i wanna read your next fanfic
please share more
Chapter 52: love the ending.everyone is happy.thx for this story author-ssi ^^
Chapter 52: Aww! Happy ending for all :D
Chapter 52: it's over..??!!
i want more.. :))
i want some soosica moments.. :))
but, still it's a happy ending... :)
soonyu #5
Chapter 52: noooo its over TT^TT i love faires , so now is everbody happy? i like
see ya ^_^
Chapter 52: wah~ HAPPY ENDING :)
Chapter 51: Fany got role :D
I'm so happy for her :')
But how bout Sooyoung?
Aww.. Poor my Sooyoungie ;___;
Thanks for updated author :)
Update soon :D
Chapter 51: update soon...
please, i want soosica... just once.. only. :))
can't wait for the next chap.
Chapter 51: ah,fany get the role.hehe..sooyoung won't die right??
Chapter 51: I LOLed when Tiffany thought she didn't got the part. XD Cute silly girl. Hahaha.
But I kinda feel bad for Sooyoung. I wonder what will happen to them.