
Competitiveness was never his strong point

'The stupid competitions' as Kibum had so eloquently described it had started way back when the three of them were still in elementary school. Back when Minho wasn't so tall, Jonghyun was still relatively innocent and Kibum, well Kibum was still fashionable even then. The trio's parents all knew eachother, so naturally they were forced to interact and eventually all grew close being so accustomed to each other's presence.

The competitions had started innocent enough. Jonghyun bragging about his small sand castle that he managed to build in the playground's sandpit and Minho, being the competitive person that he is, had to up Jonghyun one by building a bigger sand castle with doors and windows, even adding a bridge and a water stream. Kibum had watched from the sideline, snobbishly declaring that; "Kibummie's hands are far too delicate to touch the sand of peasants."

As they grew older, the competitions became more and more extreme. From who could get a girlfriend first, to who could get Yoona - the pinup girl of junior high - to kiss them, to even who could get the most valentine's gifts (Kibum had surprisingly been the one who got the most but since he wasn't a participant, he was voided). Somewhere along the line, Jonghyun became the resident playboy, Minho the sports jock and somehow Kibum had managed to lure the majority of the student body into worshipping him.

Minho, as usual started with drawing up a plan. If years of being captain of every sports club he ever joined taught him anything, it was that a good plan goes a long way. He knew that blindly attacking would get him nowhere. Especially since Lee Jinki was no average person, far from it actually. This was made very clear when Minho witnessed Jonghyun's flirtatious attacks failing miserably.

It happened the day after the competition officially started. Minho and Jonghyun were on their way out of school to grab some lunch, (Kibum was off somewhere with his posse), when they spotted a Lee Jinki alone by his lockers. The vertically challenged male, being his usual cocky self, had marched right up to Jinki and pinned the unsuspecting boy up against his lockers.

Minho cringed when Jonghyun breathed out some cheesy line about sharing body heat in the winter so that such a delicate soul like Jinki wouldn't be cold. The tall boy was about ready to puke as Jonghyun finished it off with hooded eyes and a sleazy grin.

He was definitely not surprised to see Jinki backing up against the locker away from his douchebag of a friend. But Kim, middle name oblivious, Jonghyun was obnoxious as ever and took it as a cue to step even closer to the clearly uncomfortable older boy.

Minho had to give it to Jinki for still managing to offer a polite smile, albeit awkward, when most people would have pepper-sprayed the creep already.

"Erm, not meaning to sound rude but I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that the laws of social etiquette requires one to respect the personal space of others by standing at least 30cm's apart and right now, the distance between us is definitely not 30cm.." Jinki stated very formally.

Jonghyun too stunned had squeaked out an, "Excuse me?"

Jinki immediately brightened up at that, "Ah! No need to apologize! I'm sure you weren't aware that you were within my 30cm space, I mean, it's not like we carry a ruler around to know what the exact distance is." He chuckled lightly, "anyway, you must be very busy sir and I also have to get back to the lab. The particles are not going to count themselves afterall, keke, so if you'll excuse me."

With a final bow, Jinki departed down the halls leaving Jonghyun to gape after him. By then, Minho was already on the floor clutching his stomach from laughing too hard.

This confirmed Minho's suspicions that a plan was definitely needed.

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Chapter 3: This is so interesting! I'm really curious about what happens next..
Author-him, I hope you can update soon...
Chapter 3: I was hoping you will update this story ^^
Chapter 3: exciting! but we need Onew's p.o.v lol
and poor dumbhyun getting pushed away and away
Chapter 3: This is exciting to read, lol I enjoy onho and jongyu so this is very nice~ I can't wait for your next update!
MaryOneeSama #5
Chapter 3: Really love this ^o^ Please update soon :D
Chapter 3: love this !! update soon XD
Bluecassy7 #7
Chapter 3: Wohoooo....cute story....
Anticipating your next update ^^
oconje #8
This is do cute and I lol at quite a few parts, especially Jinki's 30cm speech! Look forward to reading more!
keziayansen #9
Go Minho, beat Jonghyun and get Jinki, kekekeke.....
thank u for the update ^__^
I'll wait XD
Fighting <3
Good luck on your "observing", Minho! 8D I like your Kibum by the way. Thanks for the update!