Depressed Boy and Cheerful Girl

The Blossom Tree



A blossom tree is beautiful and unique. It only grows in certain places in the world. It takes about 15 to 25 years to bloom; when it does, it is the most beautiful sight.

But sadly, after a few days after the tree blooms, the flowers drop of the floor. However, when it dies, it stills a big help to the planet. The nutrients from the fallen flowers give food to passing insects and other bugs.

The blossom tree shows a meaning of life. Life is short, but makes the best of it.


However, there are some people would stay in the pass; sorrow and depression slowly eating them up.

Unfortunately, Choi Minho is part of it. His case: depression from love.


"YURI! Why?! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?! I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING, BUT YOU STILL LEFT ME FOR HIM!" Minho yelled out to the sea, gripping his hands on the metal bars in front of him.


It has been five months since his ex-girlfriend, Yuri, left him, but this poor man cannot move on. Ever since then, his throbbing heart had never gotten any rest. It keeps on beating, but each beat comes with a sharp pain of sorrow, depression and betrayal. It kills him every time he thinks back to the time when he still have her, the time when he had the world, the time when he has the  person he truly love in his arms.

Now? All he have is cans and cans of alcohol intoxicating his body.


Why can't this man forget about that woman and just move on? It's because of love. Love can be the most beautiful thing in the world. However, it can also be the most hateful and dreaded emotion.

Minho has been in love with Kwon Yuri for five years. They started dating in high school until now. How could he just forget about the five years of love for her? It's almost impossible to forget about the love he had felt for her.


After gulping down the last drop of alcohol, Minho slowly walked back to his house in a wobbly manner. He fished out his keys from his pants pocket, while leaning his head on the wooden door to keep his balance. He pushed his key in the keyhole, missing a couple of times before succeeding. He twisted the key and unlocked the door. He rotated the doorknob and stumbled in his house. He pulled the key out and kicked the door close. The door automatically locked itself and switched the burgled alarm on. Minho took his shoes off and swayed his way to his room – falling a few time before he got there. Once he got to his room, he fell onto the fluffy mattress and instantly fell asleep after mumbling the name, Yuri.


The next morning the sun rays went through the window of Minho's room, making him groan in annoyance. He winced from the sudden light hitting on his face and the throbbing pain of his head. Minho groaned again and lazily got off his bed. He walked in the bathroom and he sees the reflection of him on the mirror – a metre away from him. In the mirror shown a man with messy black hair, red-shot eyes and pale skin, which made him look zombie; a total mess.


Minho looked at his pitiful self in the mirror. He has realised the break up had turned him into this, this plop of gloop. He is not as active he use to be – heck, he's not even active at all. He knows his sorrow is eating him up. He tried to move on, but every time he tried, there is always some way making him give up.


He sighed and started stripping. He the shower and stepped in. The water was colder then warm, but he couldn't feel it. His depression had numbed his nerves from feeling anything. However, his heart still throbs every time it beats every breath he takes and every time her face is visible in his mind, it kills him every time. 


The water dripped down Minho's toned skin, tickling down on the tilled floor and swirls down the drain. He leaned his head on the cold tiles, not caring of the world. Flashbacks replayed in his head, killing his broken heart again. Why can't he just let go? Minho, himself, is even looking for this answer.


After a few minutes, he finally turned the water off and walked out the shower, feeling the cold air hitting his wet skin. He shivered from the sudden cold contact, but shrugged it off. Minho grabbed his bath towel and wiped the droplets of water off him. He walked over to his closet to grab a clean pair of boxers, a fitted V-neck and a pair of simple jeans. He checked his schedule if he had any classes today. He sighed, seeing 'mathematics' and 'literature' appeared on the screen of his phone. He grabbed his bag with all the essentials he need for his class and walked out the door after wearing his shoes.


Minho walked about a good ten minutes until he got to his university. He felt the cool breeze hit his toned skin. The wind riffled his curly locks, making a lot of students look at him, more specifically, the females.

However, Minho did not care; in fact he did not even pay attention to anything. He was too depressed and gloomy about anything.




On the other side of the country, there is a bubbly girl jumping about because she is moving to Seoul. What is her name? Lee Taeyeon. This girl is a ball of sunshine. She can make anybody smile and as innocent as a baby.

This normal girl is going to change a person's life. How can she do that? Well you have to wait.


"Taeyeonie~" a feminine, yet deep voice cooed.

Taeyeon looked up to see who called her and her sweet smile grew bigger and brighter.

"KEY OPPA!" she yelled and ran to the boy. She jumped onto him and Key caught her swifter and spun around with the giggling girl tightly wrapping her limbs around his body.


Key is Taeyeon's cousin and he loves her dearly. He moved to Seoul when he graduated from high school. Even though the two basically lived across the country, they're still very close.


"Are you ready to leave to Seoul?" Key asked.

Taeyeon vigorously nodded and hopped off Key. He smiled at his cute innocent cousin, but deep inside he's worried. This world is a cruel place and Seoul is one worst in South Korea. He knows from all the experience he got from living there. He knows he can't protect her from everything, but he'll try his best.


Key grabbed Taeyeon's suitcase and wheeled it out Taeyeon's house to his car. He carefully placed her suitcase in to boot with her other suitcases and slammed the boot shut. He walked over to the driver's seat and slid in, with Taeyeon already buckled up. He smiled at the girl before he started the engine and speed off.


Five long hours later, the two cousins finally arrived in Seoul and are parking the car in the apartment car park. Key carefully backed the vehicle in the empty space and pulled the key away from the key hole, shutting down the car engine. The two cousins their seat belts and hopped out the car. Key went behind the vehicle and took out Taeyeon’s suitcase, while the girl stretched her cramped muscles and rubbed her saw bottom.


"Come on," Key said and slung his arm around Taeyeon's shoulders while walking.


They walked in the elevator and Key pressed the floor number where his apartment was. They waited until the 'ding' from the elevator and the doors slid open. The two cousins stepped out the cramped room. Key led his cousin to the door of his home. He placed her luggage on the red carpet floor and fished out his key from his pocket of his tight pants. He pushed the silver key in the key hole and twisted the key and the lock clicked open. He grabbed the door knob and twisted it open.


"Welcome to my home," Key said, spreading his arms out.

Taeyeon giggled at her cousin's silliness and walked in the apartment, while dragging her suitcase with her. The apartment was fashionable, yet cosy. The lounge room and kitchen was connected together, but there was plenty of space to walk around. The kitchen was pretty modern. It had a tall, large, white marble table, with a large glass piece over it. The table was matched with four lime green stools and four same coloured lamps, hanging over the marble and glass table. Behind the counter was a silver oven and refrigerator standing neatly, ready to be used, an over and a microwave.

The lounge room on the other hand is more classy and doesn't have bright colours yelling at you. It has two dark brown love set couches with matching creamy white and brown cushions, there's a chocolate brown wooden table in the center of the lounge room, matching the couches. There is a big plasma TV hanging over a gas lit fire place and dark brown mirrors and draws on each side of the television.


"Come over Taeyeonie, I'll take you to your room," Key said while grabbing her luggage.

Taeyeon nodded eagerly and followed her older cousin to her room, which was already prepared for her.


Key opened the door and placed her bags on the floor. Taeyeon peeked in her new room and the first sight of it she was awe . The four walls were painted in a lime-yellow colour, while the ceiling was left white. Black butterflies were painted on bits of the wall and on the wooden closet. The floor was covered with a cream-brown soft carpet with a dark brown rug - close to the queen size bed - matching the carpet.


"Like it Taeyeonie?" Key asked with a sweet smile.

"Like it? I love it!" Taeyeon squealed and jumped on Key.


The two giggled, while Taeyeon's limbs where wrapped around Key's body; and the feminine boy was holding his cousin up.


"Ok Taeyeonie, go unpack while I cook you a delicious lunch," Key said, while Taeyeon slid down his body.

"OK!" Taeyeon beamed and skipped to the wooden closet.

Key chuckled and shook his head at his cousin’s cuteness. He went out her room and closed the door.


Half an hour later, after Taeyeon had moved all her clothes to the wooden closet and arranged all her stuffed toys on her bed. She let out a satisfy sigh and happily took a deep breath.


"Teayeon, lunch is redy!" Key yelled from the kitchen.

"I'm coming!" she yelled back and rushed to the kitchen. She happily plopped herself on a stool and waited for her food to come before her.

"Key oppa~" Taeyeon cooed sweetly, fluttering her eyelashes.

"Hm?" Key hummed and turned to look at Teayeon. When he saw her doing her specialty, agyeo, he gasped and containing his squeal.

"Oppa~ can I have banana milk?" Taeyeon asked cutely, pushing her cuteness a level higher. "Puhleeeaaaase~" she blinked twice and pushed out her bottom lip to a pout.


If any sane human see this little cutie, they would instantly squeal with giddiness, pinching her cheeks, squeal some more and give her whatever she desires - and that's what Key did. What a cute little creation, yet so evil.


"KYAAAAAA! You are so cute!" Key squealed and pinched Taeyeon cheeks again.

"Thank you~" Taeyeon beamed and jabbed the small straw in the thin foil lid. She grabbed the small carton of milk and happily sipped on the straw. She let out a happy sigh and placed the carton back on the marble table. Grabbing the silver chopsticks next to her bowl and scooped up a bit of kimchi fried rice and plopped it in .

"Mm! Oppa! Yummy!" Taeyeon beamed and gobbled more of the fried rice.

Key chuckled and ruffles her hair. "I'm glad you like it," he said and smiled sweetly.


He walked to the leather couch, where his brief case placed. I flipped over the flap and took out a folder. He walked back to the kitchen counter and sat on a lime-green stool.

"Taeyeonie~" he cooed.

Taeyeon turned to her cousin with her silver chopsticks still in "Hm," she hummed.

"I have enrolled you in to Seoul University and you're starting tomorrow," he declared.

Taeyeon's eyes widen, gapped and the grip of her chopsticks loosen, letting the silver utensils fall on the marble table, making a 'cling' sound.

"I'm going to Seoul U? The best university in Seoul?" she squeaked.

"Mhm," he hummed while nodding.

"OH MY TEDDYBEARS! KEY OPPA, I LOVE YOU!" Taeyeon squealed in happiness.




 Minho finished all his classes for the day.

"University is such a drag," he mumbled to himself.

He heaved a sigh and lowered his head down. He then flung my head back and let out a loud sigh. He shoved his hands in his jeans pockets and strolled his way to the gate of the school with his bag hanging on one of his shoulders. A soft breeze hit his face, lacing through his long, curly locks.


Suddenly, a small body crashed into Minho's strong, well built body. The smaller body fell on the hard, concrete floor, letting out a small yelp. He looked down and saw a petite girl with a very innocent face.  She have shoulder length, honey-brown hair and wearing a mid-thigh length, white singlet dress with a bow on the bottom right of her dress, a creamy pink singlet top with a big flower in the middle of her top. She was also wearing different coloured bangles on her left arm and a thick, black on bracelet of her right. She pulled her outfit together with a long, pink bow necklace and wore a pair of white ankle converse.




"Taeyeonie, I'm going to uni now! Do you want to come with me and look around?" Key asked while grabbing his school supplies.


"Oh my gosh, really?" Taeyeon squealed as she ran out of her room.

"Yeah, just hurry up and change," Key said while walking to the door to slip his shoes on.

"Okay! I’ll back in a second!" Teayeon squealed again and quickly ran in her room again.

She opened her closet and trook out a mid-thigh length, white singlet dress with a bow on the bottom right of her dress, a creamy pink singlet top with a big flower in the middle of her top.


Taeyeon quickly stripped out her current clothes and put on the ones she chose. She then grabbed her jewellery box and picked out different coloured bangles, a thick, black bracelet and a long necklace with a baby pink coloured bow dangling between the silver chains. She quickly put her accessories on and grabbed a pair of white ankle socks from her sock cabinet. She sat on her bed and quickly put them on her two feet and dashed out her room to see Key waiting impatiently by the door. He looked up and looked up and down at Taeyeon’s outfit. He nodded in approval and grabbed a pair of white ankle converse. He handed them to her and she grabbed the off the, quickly putting them on.

 [A/N This is Taeyeon outfit. Pleasee ignore the hat, shoes and socks. Oh and of cause Sunny]


"Let's go!" Key declared and opened the door. They walked out of the apartment and Key locked the door before they walked to the car park.


After 10 minutes of driving, Key and Teayeon arrived at Seoul University's car park. They went hopped out the car and Key grabbed his bag pack from the car boot. He slammed the boot close and locked his car.


"Ok Taeyeon, you can look around the campus, but don't disrupt and classes and most importantly, don't walked out the campus without me. If you are hungry or thirsty, there are food and drinking booths around the campus," Key told Teayeon.

Taeyeon nodded obediently while looking at Key straight into the eye.

"Good," Key said and smiled.


"Okay I need to go to class now," Key declared and jogged off leaving Teayeon behind.

Taeyeon smiled to herself and started her journey of exploring Seoul University's compose. She walked happily with her hands behind her back, humming a cheerful tune. She closed her eyes and inhaled the fresh air, but before she could open her eyes again, she crashed into something hard, yet soft. Her body fell on the floor and she let out a soft yelp.


"Uh, are you okay?" a tall, well built man asked in an awkwardly manner.

He bent down on one knee and held out a hand.

"Oh, thank you," Teayeon said softly and took the offer of helping her.

"It's okay. Well, bye," he replied and walked off.

Taeyeon slowly turned around and saw the back of the man's tall figure getting smaller and smaller as he walked further away from her. Teayeon placed her palm over her chest and felt her heart rapidly beating.

"Woh, when did my heart started to beat so fast?" she mumbled softly to herself.




Minho strode out of the university gates. His mind somehow wondered to the girl who bumped into him.

"Hm, I wonder what's her name." Minho mumbled to himself unknowingly.


"Wait," he paused walking, "why am I thinking about her?" he questioned himself.

Minho shook his head and took a deep breath. Once he exhaled he started walking again.

He wondered around Seoul, not knowing where he was going. His mind trailed back to Yuri and his depression sunk in again.


He heavily walked on the streets of Seoul, not caring a damn where he ends up. Soon he ended up somewhere seemingly like a forest. Big, healthy trees stood tall; blocking the view of the sky. There was a dusty, dirt road, leading to a small light blinking in the distance.


"Where is this place?" Minho mumbled to himself and turned his body to leave.

However, he had this urge to walk to the blinking light – an invisible force pulling him to it. He took a couple of hollow breathes and turned back facing the road where the blinking light is flashing. He hesitantly took a step forward and gulped.


"Why am I getting scared? AISH!" Minho groaned in irritation and ruffled his hair.

"Ahhh whatever!" he huffed out a loud a groan and stomped his way down the dusty dirt road.


Further down the road he walked, the blinking of the light became dimmer and he started to see a velvet purple cloth fluttering in the same spot. The closer he went; a small tent with a large velvet purple cloth for the tent roof and sides was in sight.


"Why would there be a tent in the middle of a forest?" Minho mumbled to himself.

He thought about walking back to the busy roads of Seoul, but there was the pull, pulling him in. He took a deep breath and sighed.

"Might as well check it out," he mumbled to himself and walked to the tent.


He stopped in front of the tent; it was not that much taller than him - he has to duck down a bit to get inside. The door was closed with the velvet purple cloth. He swiped the cloth away a bit and peeked inside.


"Come in," a woman's voice ordered. She was smooth and calming, yet very mysterious.


Minho blinked twice and took a quick breath. He swiped the fabric out of his way and went inside. When he lifted his head, he saw a lady sitting behind a round table, her palms on a crystal ball. She has white fair skin, a tall nose, high cheek bones and blood red, cherry, lips. However, the trait that the lady has that gave shivers down Minho's spine was her dark, sharp, fox-like eyes. They gave out a very mysterious, yet scary and serious aura and her dark eye make-up and long, jet black, silky hair did not help either. She's wearing a light purple dress with a hood and gold embroidery all over the dress. She also wore bangles on both of her wrists and upper arm and a heard piece sitting on top of her eyebrows.

Her hood casted dark shadows over her face, making it harder to see her face. 


"I've been expecting you… Minho-ssi,"

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Next Chapter tomorrow!


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Chapter 1: Updatee pleaaaseee.. jebaaal~~~
read the 1st chappie!!
its awesome!!
she was expecting hoho~ wow~
thumbs up!!
fighting vivi!! :3

PS: dude.. ur description..
The cherry blossoms definition is written 3 times...
did u purposely did that? :/