fourteen ;

Polaroid, You







Myungsoo has no idea for how long had he has fallen asleep, but when he wakes up, he finds himself laying down on the benches at the still forlorn hospital’s hallway, with a blanket covering half of his body.


He rubs his eyes, as he groggily gets himself up. He glances around his surroundings and quickly notices how Lizzy isn’t there. He is almost certain that she was right beside him, just a few while ago.


When he pulls the blanket away, his left hand bumps into his Polaroid camera. Perplexed, he grabs his camera, but the strap causes a folded piece of white paper to fall onto the floor.


Swallowing his throat dry, he reaches the letter, and unfolds it.



To the ice prince Kim Myungsoo ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Are you awake now? You look so tired just now, so I didn’t want to wake you up. I guess, by the time, you read this; I’m already on my way back to home. Please don’t worry too much about me, I’ll be just fine ^^ I’m at goodbyes, but there are some things I need to say here, before I forgot ㅜㅜㅜ


1.       I’m glad it’s you that I met on the bus. The bags were heavy, weren’t it? Stop pretending to be strong! You’re not hehe

2.       Just so you know, I noticed that you took my pictures while we were at the coffee shop. Do I look pretty there? You should treasure it.

3.       Stop teasing Jaehwan’s blonde hair, will you? His hair is nice! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4.       Remember the fountain? Thanks for not letting me fell into the water, although you were most annoyed at me there, didn’t you?

5.        The guitar lesson was nice. I never knew you can play as good as you did ^^

6.       You shouldn’t be keeping feelings to yourself. It’s not healthy. Talk to people more, okay ice prince.

7.       10 years of friendship is something worth to be embraced, I hope the three of you will continue to be friends ^^

8.       I don’t know much about your father, but I'm sure that he loves you more than you could ever know. 

9.       And btw, falling asleep on a stranger’s shoulder is not a good habit, you know :p


p/s: I took this picture of you while you were asleep. You looked serene here and have I ever told you that you look the best when you smile? You do ^^ so smile more chingu-yah ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


The girl from Busan had a lot of fun today. I hope we can meet again someday. Thank you for bearing with me for the entire day and I'm sorry if I have been such a fuss to you. Myungsoo? Thank you for everything.



From miss forever happy,






Heartstrings are only tied to the things we care. If it tugs your heartstrings, it means you care. And Myungsoo cares.


He plucks the Polaroid photo of himself, which is clipped at the edge of the handwritten letter.


Thank you for everything too, Lizzy.






"May I have one ticket please?"


"Where to?"




"Your bus is leaving in another 10 minutes. Better be hurry."


The bus terminal is crowded, filled with loud sounds of non-stop announcements, people walking in their fast steps, wandering from one spot to another, some bid their goodbyes to their loved ones, others spread their arms to welcome their loved ones home.


Lizzy finds herself hanging, contemplating on her haste decision.


With one final announcement made, she is going to leave Seoul - with one heavy heart.


Goodbye, Myungsoo.







"Promise me, you'll be back to visit me?" Ara asks.


"I will."


"Pinky promise?"


"Pinky promise."


Kim Myungsoo is a man of his words - and he knows for sure that, past is no longer haunting him. 







It's almost half past ten at night, and Myungsoo finds himself walking alone passing through the empty sound of silence.


He had a tiring day and all he wants is to be welcomed home, the place of where his fragile heart belongs.


The night is lonesome as Myungsoo carries his steps on the pavement road. He halts at his tracks, admiring the somewhat beautiful night. The night skies are dark as usual, but the stars are gleaming, bestowing a picturesque view of the gyratory little world.  


He loves this neighbourhood, the familiar scents, and the way the neighbours greet each other during the morning or when they’re having a small potluck gathering at some weekends, and how each family would be preparing multiple side dishes to fill in the hungry stomachs of working parents and noisy children. 


Myungsoo doesn’t recall the last time he paid a visit to them – but he does recall how he made a scene by storming out of his parents’ house, shouting and cussing on how his father did not made any effort to understand him a little better.


He regrets it. Myungsoo regrets every single thing he had said.


Myungsoo ponders at his one last step. The old-looking, almost grey-coloured, of the “welcome” door carpet that he places his foot on; Myungsoo doesn’t remember how many times had he told his mother to change it to a new one. He looks at the wooden, rocking chair, his father’s favourite part of the little platform they have outside. It tugs his heartstrings.


With all his courage, he presses the doorbell button.


The door swings open, and Myungsoo sees his father, standing right in front of him, with a bewildered expression. Perhaps, it’s Myungsoo's first time seeing him this close – that he doesn’t notice the dreary lining of his face, the growing grey hair, and the dark shadows under his eyes which never goes away, despite time.


Myungsoo grows up so much, that he doesn't realized how his father is growing old too.


When the lump in his throat subsided, it doesn’t take long for him to finally break down to his tears.


"Appa, I am sorry...."


And like what fathers do the best, his dad pulls him into his comforting embrace and let him cry on his shoulders.


Sometimes we look for those thunderous things to happen in our life for our lives to change or go in the other direction. We seek the miracle. We seek the parting of the seas, the moving of the mountains. But no, it's a quiet thing. At least for me, it was.

~ Ben Vereen





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AHHHHHH, its so beautiful looking only the forward. kekeke im gonna marathoned this chapter!!
Chapter 15: eonnie that was nice story i loved every moment of it specially btw myungsoo and lizzy but the only thing that hurt me it the end i wished them more happiness i would love if you are gonna to write speicial chapter if you can
Sophiana #3
Chapter 15: Sequel please!!!!! ~~~~~~~~
Chapter 15: this is 3rd times im reading last chapter and hoping for sequal!!
Chapter 7: lol its ken buahahah totally agree talkactve person there
Chapter 6: a lot of 92' liner that befriend with these two, zico, kyung, minari and seunghyun well since they bcome friends
Chapter 2: omo i like chpter 2 so far so good
Chapter 15: awhh the best ending.. sory i read ending first.. i almost forgot that i actually subscribe to this story..
and u know what i love it when u include all 92' friends in here
do u mind a sequal?
Chapter 15: happy ending aw aw \0/
Chapter 15: Myungliz! Love these two together. Their friendship is somewhat cute to me. Haha! Thanks for writing this simple but cute fanfic :D